biggest wage in britain

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so i read a story not long ago about the biggest annual wage ever in britain which was nearly half a billion and guess who it was the owner of b****5 what does this tell you about britain ? britain needs help gambling needs to be more controlled somebody needs to do something and fast , and if not anything else guys make this help you defeat this disease when you think of all your nights despair and this women is living it up in the bahamas with are hard earned cash whilst we cried ourself to sleep keep this in mind guys dont give them a penny more !!!!!

Posted : 19th April 2021 5:41 pm
Posts: 71
Topic starter

the advert for l*******s is disgusting it comes on loads diff ppl sayin how did u know ? n all tht jazz in my opinion it makes it look asif its problem gamblers realising when they had a problem and then it comes up "however you found your horse we have got a bet for you" sickos , did any one else think the same when they saw it ? 

This post was modified 4 years ago by stace123
Posted : 19th April 2021 6:59 pm
Posts: 14

Couldn't agree with you more, well said Stace, they prey on the vulnerable, I'm currently 105 days gf and don't have urges too often only when I see the adds on TV making it look life gambling is the cool thing to do when really it can destroy lives.

Posted : 19th April 2021 8:18 pm
Posts: 370

I agree I hardly think of gambling now only when these advertisements come on and show gambling as fun t*****a and g*** b**** are the worst for me as they are during tv shows i like ... makes me so angry ! 

Posted : 19th April 2021 8:50 pm
Posts: 2148

Yes I would advise anybody to get real about what these bosses of the gambling dens are earning. Get miffed because the reality is staring you in the face. It will help focus your recovery. In time you will all be crystal clear about gambling and will have a cool head in seeking change

If they are earning that you can imagine what the government are raking in on a billions of pounds gambling sector. The government love it because its a huge tax earner.

I will not use words like industry. Its a monumental scam in my considered opinion. I will give you a fact. If the government were not raking in a huge tax percentage it would all be illegal tomorrow. You are not protected from gambling temptation because its not in their interests to protect you.

I have been an acceptable casualty and the problems we see on this forum are the tip of the iceberg

Every advert is beyond a joke. I dont know how they get the words and images past the ASA.....well I do know because regulation is practically non existant and they all eat from the same trough.

I long for the day when we calmly reject what they are peddling and these dens go out of business....I live in hope and do what I can to help people.

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

This post was modified 4 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 20th April 2021 3:31 am
Posts: 607

Good post but she's been raking it in for a while now and she has given charities like this one  Guess?? 0.  The local pottery in the village she lives in is getting more.

I think people's attitudes are slowly changing. Because all that money is coming from the... people. But are we not naive to think that these super-rich will want to fix us in any way? Where are they going to get their super salaries from if they do? Now put this into context with the economical collapse in the nineties where banks went crazy over who was going to make the most? The gambling STUNTS they pulled to make more people to "gamble more".

You may see a bigger swing n what these super-rich are going to allow themselves to do because "Yes you guessed it" They are just addicted to your money as you are to the machines you gamble on. This, therefore, becomes a bad circle and you are noticing it in forex the football row you are seeing right now.

This is just the beginning........


Posted : 20th April 2021 5:05 am
Posts: 144

it has been common knowledge for years , the papers often do an article on it each year 

you see the online tables these bookmakers have run 24 hours a day 7 days a week you could log in at 4am on a any given morning and there will be loads of people playing 

it can't and won't be stopped gambling is deep routed in British society you get a very small idea of the problems on this forum but the truth is the vast majority of gambling addicts never even make it here let alone the casuals who will blow a few hundred each weekend but don't class themselves as having issues 

its a god forsaken world and one that is very difficult to escape but dont expect any help from this corrupt British government

the industry is entirely self regulated ...... take a look at the football index scandal to see what happens when an industry is self regulated 






Posted : 20th April 2021 8:33 am
Posts: 2148

I will add that you have to see the deep twist they are playing us all off on

The truth is that we are giving to them. The lottery owners and all their staff win the lottery every week in terms of their profits bonuses and wages. Sure some money goes to good causes by law but in essence its a money maker for them. The good causes angle is the only way they could get the whole sharabang legal because it was frowned upon before that with good reason

When you see the television prize draws the truth is we are buying them all those prizes and much more. If you spin it around properly its a prize draw to benefit the main owner and runner of that event . The odds are well with them to tempt people and almost impossibly against you. You can cross your fingers but the owner will be getting the big bonus

The tendency is to think how generous and it could be me is a strong draw. A strong hook and it keeps the punters coming.

Do you think they would run them at any risk to themselves. On those odds you can pretty safely say that you are just handing them a couple of quid on a chance and a prayer

They used to hawk those cars round the shopping centres for years until they had enough tickets to more than cover costs. Probably all sorts of insurance cover for failure and small print but they have worked out that its easy to tempt punters with its "only the cost of a ticket" sales pitch.

If you could tempt the population of Britain to send you a quid you would be a multi multi millionaire ...get what Im saying....its essentially begging with thin promises and calculated schemes

All gambling schemes work on this principle. We are gambling against multi million hedge funds owning casinos and other outlets. People dont really understand the odds in the spur of the moment. You are not sticking it to the man...if anything does come your way its other punters misery stained money.

Again there is a tendency to think that the gambling den owner is reaching into his pocket for you...far from the case...they dont care about you. Its about overall spreadsheets and carefully calculated percentages.

The only way they would lose is by building a casino and nobody came but the history of gambling has taught them that punters are like moths to the light bulb.

So everybody has to be absolutely clear about gambling. Its not aimed at paying your bills nor is it easy money. Its aimed at deluding you and taking your money as steadily or as fast as possible. Its a highly addictive drug which turns into a full on addiction and progressive illness. 

A major part of recovery is getting real about it with all the help you can get

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

Posted : 31st May 2021 1:26 pm
Posts: 9

I think that gambling is not suitable for everyone. In reality, there are many people who cannot control themselves and simply sell everything to continue playing. I think that the government should be more serious about this.

Posted : 25th November 2021 11:14 am
Posts: 14
Posted by: @terrysmith

I think that gambling is not suitable for everyone. In reality, there are many people who cannot control themselves and simply sell everything to continue playing. I think that the government should be more serious about this.

And in my case and many many others cases it really is not even about winning loads of cash for me hitting that Bonus feature on £10 a spin is where it is all at . Just to see what happens when the slots go into these special bonus mode features yes it's great watching the pop up messages saying "MEGA WIN" and your balance goes into the thousands of pounds credits but that's all I see them as now credits , Its ammunition to keep the slot alive with me playing it . This is the trick of it all were o blinded by the flashing lights and exiting noises were not looking at that little balance box as real cash to me its just a number and how long it might last me . I know inside it's made me detached from reality and most the time after a big win then losing it all I shrug my shoulders and say well it wasn't mine who cares the world has far more serious problems which it has so for me it's beating the addiction to the pull the machines have on me its not about winning massive amounts I already know and have done it so many times the cash means zero apart from Ill get to play again once it's in my bank. Talk about madness that's the irony of it all for me ?  

Posted : 19th May 2022 2:28 pm
Posts: 2148

Where I disagree with the total focus on responsibility is that the gambling dens are pushers. I feel there is time  during a healthy recovery to discuss the pushers.

To a large extent they put carefully calculated temptation in your way. I don't accept that gambling is in any way wholesome or that we are acceptable casualties with something that can easily be controlled.

If you take my form of gambling, they spend a great deal making and marketing these machines..They don't just appear out of thin air.....the advertising is on the machine flashing away.....of course people are going to give them a go......we are human and I understand more about the psychology now

I am someone who deeply frets over losing a glove.....who feels down about being short changed so why in essence was I ever gambling? I now face reality and understand more about the reasons why

Money to lose??.... what money did I ever have to lose on the wages I was on! I started on pocket money and the truth is within a couple of days I was sneaking to a chip shop to "play" a machine which became my dirty little secret.

The hit was strong.....immense and I would argue that it altered my mind at the young age of twelve.....nobody stopped me which has been a running theme for the next forty years. Forty years during which I chucked hundreds of thousands away

You see for many of those years I would chuck half my salary away and delude myself that it was not a problem.What I would do is borrow buy some stuff and think I'm doing OK even though I've lost a bit. A world of pretence to feed a drug habit

I would never calculate the money lost but it adds up and adds up fast. A progressive illness and a major reason I hit the dole with debts and couldn't lift myself quickly......the reality is that I gambled away my dole when every pound was crucial. I needed my hit working or not. Of course the delusion continued that I could win a reprieve just in the moment......a bacon butty or something if I could win it

That is the story of many gamblers now who are far away from accepting a problem.

All my fault.....absolutely not! However I Realise that a healthy recovery starts by accepting responsibility and controlling any anger or regrets. That simply must be done as the money isn't coming back and it's time to break the illness that it's a get it back later scheme

Reach out for help to make it history

Best wishes for a gamble free life

Posted : 23rd May 2022 11:11 am

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