Gambling adverts everywhere

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st3v3n wrote:

I agree with most or all of the points above. The simplistic way to put this is there is too much advertising and there are too many bookmakers. Smoking is bad for you for obvious reasons. Until fairly recently smoking was advertised everywhere via T.V. adds, sports sponsorship and billboarding. This has now gone to the other extreme, UK ban on advertising, no sponsorship etc. Even the shops have to cover up the shelfing where the cigarettes are kept and health warnings have been added to the packets. The same financial arguments were made about smoking, there is too much involved, T.V. companies and the government profit too much, and I do believe this was true. I think now the same cycle is happening with gambling. The difference is that gambling affects a silent minority (I do not know how big this minority is) while smoking could potentially affect the majority. I would love to see the same thing happen with gambling advertising. Certain regulations have been put in place like reminders of time you've gambled and maximum stake per bet and the appearance in small print of a helpline etc, meanwhile the volume and level of advertising has gone through the roof. When I first put a football coupon on I used to do 1 or 2 pounds and would look at my friends putting on 5 or 10 pounds thinking that's too much to put on. I have since gambled thousands. I would argue that advertising £100, £200 bonuses and even £50 worth in free bets to match your 1st stake are extreme amounds of money and this should definetly be regulated as these amounts signal serious levels of gambling straight away. You would never be allowed to advertise half of some peoples weekly wage on smoking etc. Thanks for all the knowledge and discussion folk. Steven

I totally agree I think the session limits ect are just not good enough....what I think is that when you join a new online casino you should only be able to place a first deposit of say maximum £5 then you should have to verify your account untill you can deposit anymore funds. Cos as a CG I self excluded from sites but then set others up in partners name with my bank card details, set another up in my best friends names and address my bank card details (disgusting I know) but they would let me deposit £££'s and £££'s of pounds but had I wanted to withdraw then requested my to verify my card and address details ect before they would pay out. Then refuse as details didn't match ect. And not give you deposited funds back as they won't be held liable for your fraudulent actions but they will still take the money in the first place before even checking that the details are genuine. I think it would save a whole lot of ppl setting up multiple accounts and spending funds straight away. Surly there should be some regulations there.

Posted : 19th April 2017 9:50 pm
Posts: 0

Katiecoo wrote: 2017 has seen a rise in bingo/casino ads on tv no? They are everywhere.

They are absolutely everywhere, even on the shirts of players and advertising panels on the field. WOW

Posted : 25th April 2017 6:24 am
Posts: 1037

Here's a question: If it was 30/40 years ago and you were committed to stopping and stay stopped from smoking would smoking advertising on TV, F1 cars, watching snooker players smoke etc. entice you back to smoking? I'm only making the comparison non-antagonistically as someone mentioned smoking above. Best wishes, Phil.

Posted : 25th April 2017 8:48 am
Posts: 1831

When I started my journey for a gamble free life the adverts played me up terribly. ..made me want to run to those sites that when chained to my addiction I foolishly thought we're my safe world..!
Now.....they really don't personally bother me...and I don't actually notice them that much...if I'm glued to the tv and I watch the advert it just makes me sad/mad that it's all portrayed as harmless fun....I think at the very least the slogan should be changed to "can become addictive "
"When the fun stops" far to the time you realise it's not fun anymore you're actually already addicted !

Posted : 25th April 2017 9:19 am
Posts: 0

Phil72 wrote:

Here's a question: If it was 30/40 years ago and you were committed to stopping and stay stopped from smoking would smoking advertising on TV, F1 cars, watching snooker players smoke etc. entice you back to smoking? I'm only making the comparison non-antagonistically as someone mentioned smoking above. Best wishes, Phil.


Hi Phil sorry, Yes how can it not....if your trying to abstain from any addiction having it advertised in front of you from almost every direction telling you how much fun it is ect ect...go to newsagents buy one pack get 100 free go to off-licence but 4 cans get 10 free of course it's going to make it more difficult to stay away. The amount it's advertised over breakfast tv shows, afternoon tv programmes,football matches, radio advertisements is just absolutely staggering. And I don't think anyone really understands yet the amount of damage a gambling addiction can cause.

There's got to be a wake up call from somewhere surly.

Posted : 25th April 2017 10:05 pm
Posts: 0

Was passing the physical location of a well known bingo hall, the advert read, "Win Play Eat". I find this ironic, because the first two are stated in the correct order. The winning does come first, followed by excess playing. After which the appitite is lost, as is the food money.


Posted : 26th April 2017 9:16 am
Posts: 1037

Hi CW, thank you for responding to my post. I think recovering gamblers and their partners, friends and family DO know the damage it can cause (Or am I missing your point?). My point is gambling is in my face all the time - walking past several bookies near my house just to go to the library, machines in my local, ads on TV, ads on Facebook, Youtube etc. so why haven't I been enticed after 14ish months bet-free or other forum users? Best wishes, Phil.

Posted : 26th April 2017 10:22 am
Posts: 0

Even on facebook the ads are becoming annoying.

Posted : 27th April 2017 11:09 am
Posts: 1037

I agree they are annoying but unavoidable. I've just been watching some music videos on Youtube and almost everyone had a betting ad before it started. What can we do? Nothing...just continue not to gamble and hopefully see the adverts as an irritation not an enticement to gamble.

Posted : 27th April 2017 11:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi, Phil,

Adverts are there to promote the product, the advertiser can't be sued because the promise in the advert is exaggerated. I just think it's really ironic that a member of the industry puts "Win" before "Play" in their advert. That part of the advert, read literally, is completely accurate, it's what does happen. I very much doubt that such painful accuracy was ever intended and of course the suggestion of what happens after the play has taken place is far less accurate.

Best wishes,


Posted : 27th April 2017 1:31 pm
Posts: 1037

CW my posts are being moderated which I accept 95 per cent (!)so I just wanted to let you know that our responses to each other are probably overlapping but I do agree with what you are saying. Best wishes, Phil.

Posted : 27th April 2017 8:10 pm
Posts: 2148

Surely play lose starve would be a more accurate representation in an advert.

Does the winning come first on the basis of a random number generator? I accept that "winning" will reinforce compulsive behaviour but I nearly always remember losing first and chasing chasing chasing. I remember a crazy thought that i will just win a little bit like I had it on tap...thats the addiction and illness talking. I couldnt have walked away anyway and it is a complex addiction

Most people will statistically lose on any gambling activity. As I said before its almost a perfect money making scheme for the "industry". who are not risking their food money

Its been massively deregulated which isnt acceptable. The adverts wont be going away anytime soon but they just wash over me now. They make me a bit annoyed but I have to try and remain calm

However I am deeply saddened in that it will introduce new people to gambling or tempt others

Posted : 28th April 2017 11:33 am
Posts: 0

Eventually I found something positive in all that adverts.

I started opening an advert, then another and another from page to page and suddenly have reached a place where I learnt something I didn't know . In this particular case it was about binngo networks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I have seen all the games in all bingo and casino sites, but I've never realised it before.

So, my point is that sometimes there is positives in that adverts.

Posted : 2nd May 2017 7:28 am
Posts: 832

Ignore that link folks. Either a stupid or a malicious post as it links to gambling websites.

A remarkable feat. On a thread bemoaning gambling advertising, we now have direct links to gambling sites

Posted : 2nd May 2017 8:01 am
Posts: 1037

Cardhue the post before yours I don't understand at all!!

Posted : 2nd May 2017 9:46 am
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