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I was wondering if anyone here had tried hypnosis and whether it had helped. I had a friend who was a heavy smoker, tried many times but could not give up. He sought out hypnosis 5 years ago and has not had a cigarette since.

Posted : 24th December 2016 11:13 am
Posts: 0

I suppose it all depends on how open you are to it.
Myself I always thought it was mumbo jumbo.
Until one year I went to a party and my uncle who was quite a shy person. Was coaxed on stage
And ended up with his trousers round his ankles running round like a chicken.
Maybe hypnosis only works on a certain type of person?
A thing you have to watch out for is the industry is full of scamsters
Similar to how the medium industry is. To me it seems an easy buck on the weak minded or people who are desperate
There's quite a lot of self help video's on YouTube that have some good calming effects and there free. So try them out on yourself

Posted : 24th December 2016 11:53 am
Posts: 0

Ive been listening to frequency music on youtube to help me relax and keep calm and in control, everything is frequency and has its own frequency, I listen to frequency 523 or 528hz for brain healing its helped a fair bit head phones in blast the volume up so my eyes tremble lol also inner peace as I find gambling really doesnt bring y8u to peace but makes you at war with your self! Dont get me wrong im not a dread hippy type I dont yogurt weave and dont sit chanting or hug trees these frequencies are doing something positive and I feel a deepened calming in myself.

I really do know how crazy this hippy stuff sounds but it does hold a fair bit of merit now in my books it seems to help me sleep help me find inner peace keep me calm im trying to heal my brain too umm yeah but somethings happening I f33l refreshed and relieved and strangely happy.maybe it could help some of you guys out too head phones in and search for frequency healing on youtube turn it up close your eyes and drift.

Posted : 27th December 2016 12:46 pm
Posts: 0

If you're going to try this, try it on the basis that it's one of many tools. Try it in conjunction with counselling and GA, blocks and barriers, financial openness and transparency. On that basis, it might help and all help is welcome.

But hypnosis is not a quick fix, (long term problems need long term solutions ODAAT). It's not an external force to save you from yourself (you and you alone have to do that bit). And it's not a substitute for the personal growth inherent in recovery.


Posted : 27th December 2016 1:28 pm
Posts: 372

I just came on here to start a a debate about this and am pleased to see this, someone I know who works in a betting shop said he had been talking to a former customer who hadn't been in the shop for a while, when he asked him why the man replied he had been gambling too much and had been for to be hypnotised and now when he walks past a betting shop he just sees it as another shop and has no desire to go in. Anything that helps surely has to be a good thing. I'm going to try and get more info on where this gent went to in my area for my own son - wcid

Posted : 27th December 2016 5:31 pm
Posts: 56

I would be interested in trying this out too..... I started a thread a while back but it didn't attract much of a positive response. I like the idea of it working though!!

Posted : 27th December 2016 6:17 pm
Posts: 0

Its great you asked this question, because I thought about this alot and am curious as well if it has worked for others.

I Smoked Cigarettes for 10 years and attended one Hypnosis event and quit. I had only 1 craving the first week, and I refused to smoke. There were virtually no withdrawl symptoms, It was amazing. 18 Years later and I have never had even the slightest urge to do it.

(oh how I wish it worked the same for my Gambling Addiction)

I purchased a recorded session from the same hypnotist to try to quit Gambling, and It did not work. Perhaps it was the difference of the script? Or the need to be at a live session? From what I can recall the stop smoking session was much greater in length and went into many more detailed examples of when a cigarette would not be needed. (triggers) This may be the reason the audio for gambling was not as effective.

It may be however, that I did not use Cigarettes to avoid deep emotional problems. Cigarettes were more of a social thing to do. Gambling is something different for me...totally opposite not social at all. I wanted complete Isolation. It carried with it so many emotional weights. Guilt, anxiety, sleeplessness. The constant scheeming to find money. The lies, broken relationships... I don't believe I ever sold posessions or scheemed of ways to buy a pack of cigs. CG is a much more involved sinister addiction.

I am no expert on the subject, but perhaps it is more effective if the hypnotherapist had a customized session based on what your individual issues were that drive you to compulsively gamble. I did look into this, but cost was a hinderance at the time and perhaps once I get finances in better shape I will do it. So far I am 82 Days GF so I pray I wont need it anyway. Good Luck, and If anyone has had success with it I would love to hear more.

Posted : 3rd February 2017 2:09 pm
Posts: 1828

Hi Babapapa, and thank you for your kind message on the 100-day Challenge thread. It is always bittersweet to come back after failing of course, but I will come back stronger. And delighted you're doing so well too. It was thoughtful of you to post and I continue to wish you the very best in everything you do. Mixer

Posted : 16th August 2017 10:11 pm
Posts: 0

I havn't tried it myself.

Heard of several cases were it worked. But be sceptic it might not work for everyone.

Posted : 6th September 2017 11:46 am

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