Interested in people's opinion

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Wasn't trying to antagonise, merely asking a question on your definition of odaat as it sounds as if you've confused it with JFT. My point being, was that you have done well, so maybe expand on what you've done rather than trotting out vacuous bumper car stickers.

I did read the diary properly, enjoyed the irony of you writing about addicts being over sensitive.

Now the fan club thing. Do you think i should maybe get some badges made up? Or perhaps some posters? I think it's an idea worth considering.

Posted : 3rd January 2017 3:03 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6160

Dear Forum members,

The forum aims to welcome people who may be at different stages of recovery and who may hold different views about recovery. Please feel free to express your views, with respect for the right of others to hold different views. Please aim to share with sensitvity and respect.


Forum Admin.

Posted : 3rd January 2017 3:04 pm
Posts: 1037
Topic starter

Everything I have posted has been meant benignly and obviously I am human and have said things that were reactive. I genuinely believe everyone's journey is different and all I wish for is that I stay GF in my own way and have ultimate respect for other people's way. Phil

Posted : 3rd January 2017 7:03 pm
Posts: 832

Dan - as your no 1 fan I'd be first in line for a Dan Calendar 2017 - each month revealing a new photo of you and, of course, the next 'Step'

Posted : 3rd January 2017 8:52 pm
Posts: 1037
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Superb. Get a tattoo!

Posted : 3rd January 2017 9:19 pm
Posts: 1037
Topic starter

Amazing how unhelpful and unisightful people can be with years and year under their belt bet-free.....AA, GA, CA, NA - work the program .......go to your GA meetings and let other people get on with REAL recovery day by day ODABAT or FBT.

Posted : 3rd January 2017 9:29 pm
Posts: 1345

Quite a temper you have there Phil. Would expect a journalist of such standing to have a better command of the english language & be able to communicate his point without name calling.
Don't really see why you're so incensed about a simple question asking you to expand on what you were saying.
Perhaps if you don't like folk disagreeing with you & it upsets you when you don't get the response you want, don't invite debate.
I havn't implied you're doing it wrong or anybody has to go to GA if they want REAL recovery. But perhaps you shouldn't try & talk about a program you have no knowledge of.
As i pointed out in my post previously you're doing well so talk about what works for you rather than bland statements that have no emotion or depth.

Ps. Prefer the word Yogi to Guru for future reference.

Posted : 3rd January 2017 10:51 pm
Posts: 1037
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No emotion or depth? A temper? I'm merely responding to what I find quite offensive posts. I have no problem with people disagreeing with me as long as I don't think they are having a dig at me which seems to be the case with you and very few other forum users. I expanded on my diary page and can't see how anything I wrote lacked emotion or depth. I know a lot about the 12 steps which are used in slightly modified form by other "recovery" groups and the "program" for reasons I don't need to go into. Here's a deal: don't write or respond to anyone of my posts and I'll do the same for you because quite frankly I'm not interested in your opinion on ANY subject whatsoever.

Posted : 4th January 2017 12:21 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6160

Hi there,

Thank you for all your comments here. We are closing this discussion thread now as the talk has become personal and, at times, hurtful. Maybe it would be useful to take a deep breath, before continuing to engage with each other.

Kind wishes


Posted : 4th January 2017 8:53 pm
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