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Sorry to jump on this thread but volcano was it you that posted 2 gambling films up? I Carnt find the thread or remember names of film?

Posted : 28th May 2017 11:43 am
Posts: 363

volcano wrote:

Alainepo, we have two feet for a reason and that's usually to walk or run, so why do you feel the need to jump in with both of them with misinformed views.

And as you started your rant of debate with a NO, I'll finish it with a YES.

Definition of a perfect debate and now I see why you debate ketchup and mayo with your niece !

It's not my fault your angry

w*f? Angry am i? Glad you can tell my mood from text. You asked a question and i said no, if you don't like the answer don't ask the question. You don't have to agree with me and i don't care if you do or don't but i am not angry. Do you really think i would get angry with a ill defined question about the west? Can you define my misinformed views please? If anything is misinformed it is your defintion of the west and lack of clarification. Attack me if you want but you asked a question and i said no. Be here for what you want i said if it helps you stop gambling fine but i am perfectly capable of telling you when i am angry i do not need you to tell me how i feel. So how are you going to define the west and how misinformed are my views? I take it you know everything about everything to say my views are misinformed so perhaps you could clear up addictions on a global scale for us.

Posted : 28th May 2017 2:16 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Wow, another angry text...Fact

Read the original post.... I offered my views, and asked for others. You gave a big fat No, with no basis... Fact

You tend to jump two footed into this forum as and when you dont agree with something..... Fact

The paper tigers chased you a way from the forum as you deleted your diary... Fact

Your not unique... Fact.

You've ran me off this particular debate with your anger... Fact.

Gamcare please close this debate... Request

And have a good day

Posted : 28th May 2017 2:37 pm
Posts: 363

volcano wrote:

Wow, another angry text...Fact

Read the original post.... I offered my views, and asked for others. You gave a big fat No, with no basis... Fact

You tend to jump two footed into this forum as and when you dont agree with something..... Fact

The paper tigers chased you a way from the forum as you deleted your diary... Fact

Your not unique... Fact.

You've ran me off this particular debate with your anger... Fact.

Gamcare please close this debate... Request

And have a good day


Asking for views then can't handle a different view or even define what they mean by western values, what a waste of a debate question. (Edited) I am quite happy to share emails if you would like to ever define what exactly western values are.

Posted : 28th May 2017 2:43 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Are you for real ? I guess its fisti cuffs behind the bike shed next. I gave that up 35 years ago

You cant argue with facts, which i presented


Bye, bye despite knowing there will be a follow up

Posted : 28th May 2017 2:57 pm
Posts: 363

You didn't present any facts you said western values and that was it, who mentioned fisticuffs how can you do fisticuffs by email? I meant debate if you are tired of doing it on here and asking for the thread to be closed, course there will be a follow up, if you start attacking me i will attack back. What are these western values that cause all gambling then?

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:01 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


The rewind button pressed.

My first post on this section, i expressed my views on something that pops up in my mind every now and then and came up during the week with a friend.

My second post was agreeing with a poster and i told him where some of my views stemmed from after 17 years being around Maori's and having a Pakeha ex, and witnessing and hearing both sides of the coin with an impartial view.

My 3rd post, was agreeing in principle with another poster but queorying whether rich/ materialistic people were less prone to addictions. I think not and i gather neither do you.

My 4th post was possibly not necessary and yet agreeing that addictions are in every crevice of this world, but seeing it from the other side of the coin as you, this also implie's too how i see the ' war on drugs ' as BS, to go with the other mushroom feeder's that we are fed.

My 5th post was trying to defer this topic getting to deep, but then stood corrected when the poster replied with a well worded reply. I like being corrected when i'm wrong as not a trait when i'm in the zone.

My 6th post, possibly also unnecessary. Still addict traits running through these veins of mine. Acceptance.

My 7th post, was how i read one of your texts and how i view things. It wasn't an attack per se, but yes, designed to peeve you off as you just peeved me off. An adult perogative.

Ditto on my 8th post, a mischevious side to me, which in truth i like.

Now, as iv'e just bathed and ready to head out again as i listen to some music, i really/ genuinely do wish you a good day and have somewhat enjoyed our duel.

I would like to finish this particular post, that i use to enjoy reading your deleted diary and views on things, even if sometimes i disagreed on some views...


Posted : 28th May 2017 3:41 pm
Posts: 0

Volcano, you started this debate... I don't understand your nastiness??

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:42 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Appologies Amom, if you see this as nastiness... I dont as not really a nasty bone in my body. Agreed debates can get heated.

And despite not liking to upset people but how about not reading any off my stuff Amom.

Out now, and have a good day Amom

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:46 pm
Posts: 363

Urgh, your first post started with a question, (Edited) asking if addiction was a western disease, i suggest you re-read it to check that is what you asked. I answered no, you got the hump. I pointed out addiction is all over the world and gave a few examples. You said i was angry and misinformed without giving any definition of western values and how you defined them which is quite relevant to the discussion. You then claimed a few days holiday in Asia qulaified you as an expert on how those countries operate, (Edited). You also mention i deleted my diary twice. I didn't, i deleted some posts on mine and others diaries. Diaries cannot now be deleted on gamcare i believe although you probably know better. If you have a mischevious side then take me up on my offer to talk via email and see where it leads, not in fisticuffs though as that is impossible via email (Edited).

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:49 pm
Posts: 0

Well this thread went south fast it's a bit like the House of Commons, it's probably why they don't let us play with the big toys, all that being said it's a debates section yet they ask us to be mindful of others views , so is it a debates section or a place we can't disagree?

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:57 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6177

Dear forum members,

Please remember that the purpose of the forum is to facilitate recovery from problem gambling by sharing peer support. The debate section was created so that forum members could have a place to discuss, debate, agree and disagree, with good will and with respect. The forum etiquette guides you to share feedback sensitively and constructively, and we caution you against attacking the personality of another user.

If you feel very strongly about the issues in a debate thread, perhaps you could use your diary as a space to reflect on your feelings, in case that helps you to become more aware or to practise better self-care for your recovery. If you notice you are feeling more reactive or distressed, you could call an adviser on our helpline for emotional support, or for information on additional types of support for recovery from problem gambling. Please do take care of yourselves and find a level of engagement with the forum that is a good balance for you personally, at any given time. If you believe that a forum post breaks the forum rules you could flag it for the attention of the forum admin or email"> In response to user request this thread has now been closed to further comments.

Kind regards,

Forum admin.

Posted : 28th May 2017 4:02 pm
Posts: 363

Who knows, but i guess we are all here to stop gambling or to ask for help with a problem gambler so we pretty much all have that in common. Maybe we could start a debate about what the merits of the debate section are?

Posted : 28th May 2017 4:03 pm
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