What did you's do with money if you won

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I'm curious to know what anyone did with money they won ,me personally I couldn't wait to give it back to them aswell as my own money I originally started with .so basically I never gain from gambling I only crave the buzz of the win ,does anyone understand this

Posted : 6th January 2017 3:27 pm
Posts: 0


When I was playing online slots on sites that processed winnings within a few hours I would treat my kids to new clothes when the payment cleared but then usually wasted the rest back on the site I might 'win' again but after a while I was only ever 'winning' a small percentage of what I had deposited Earlier last year I self excluded from all of the major sites but then when I relapsed I was lead to less reputable sites In those sites any 'wins' were left pending for days so I would enevitably reverse the withdrawals and lose them I came clean to family yesterday and I'm hoping for a fresh start It will take many many months if not years to repay debts but hoping this sense of hopelessness and foreboding and guilt and shame will start to lift sooner

Posted : 6th January 2017 3:41 pm
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I feel your pain ,the guilt and shame , I'm exactly the same will take years to clear my debts but always remember one thing anyone can fall in bad times .it takes a big person to ask for help and life will get better for us with help from family

Posted : 6th January 2017 3:47 pm
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Adult webcam sessions with ladies and fast food.

Posted : 6th January 2017 7:03 pm
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Well ive supported my shortfall in my min wage job wage at 1036 take home to pay and clear 1500 a month for bills take the family out to day trips brought cars gone to fancy restraunts given 1000's to the mrs to go have fun with, payed for lavish holidays abroad to 5 star all incl hotels, payed for lads weekends away payed to go surfing got a surf board take aways ummm more stuff if I think abit harder.

Thing is im not here because ive lost alot im here because im an addict and its going to spiral out of control! Some of my friends have seen my bank statements and cant believe im quitting they think I can "make it as a pro" yeah a pro f**k up.i don't want to get so bad that I cant come back from it! I want to quit and live within my means and be happy again not this person ive become.

Posted : 6th January 2017 7:59 pm
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Hi markie ,fair play for admitting your addicted .you must be the first person who always wins but has a problem.i found it hard to admit and I was loosing thousands

Posted : 6th January 2017 8:27 pm
Posts: 0

Threw it straight back at the bookies, with a generous amount of interest. I'm a nice guy like that

Posted : 6th January 2017 10:27 pm
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Hey Brandon it doesn't make sense when you think about it we never win we just give it back with more of own money ,

Posted : 6th January 2017 10:31 pm
Posts: 84


First of all can I say I really like this post.......a pretty much honest question and it made me really think about wins, losses and the time in between.

I gave it all back, and then some. But when I was "up" those two times I paid off debt and bought things I otherwise wouldn't have budgeted for. I had an alarming false state of reality, spend probably thousands on things that I still have today because my debt was 7k less than I thought. Then I lost 5k, went a little bit mad. I still pretty much have my "false" purchases as could recoup some of the loss by selling them. But then this is the problem of gambling, it creates this artificial bubble. It doesn't matter that I won money then spent the winnings. I thought I was £8k in debt so splashed out. By the end I was £15k plus in debt, but I had nice items I don't mind being in debt through crazy purchases, could kinda cut out the middle man and still be less in debt. Gone for the honest hard work, tightening my belt routine. Now only £4K in debt after nearly a year of being gamble free. That should tell you gambling doesn't pay but merely leads us into a false sense of reality.

Great question though......another angle to reflect upon!

Stay strong all, Abet

Posted : 6th January 2017 10:43 pm
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Hi abet ,thanks for your input on it .what I'm seeing is very few actually do anything other than give it back as quick as we got it ,I always thought I was greedy I want more but I craved the win the buzz of getting a winner which made me keep betting till I ran out of money and do it over and over again

Posted : 6th January 2017 11:03 pm
Posts: 0

markie_b wrote:

Well ive supported my shortfall in my min wage job wage at 1036 take home to pay and clear 1500 a month for bills take the family out to day trips brought cars gone to fancy restraunts given 1000's to the mrs to go have fun with, payed for lavish holidays abroad to 5 star all incl hotels, payed for lads weekends away payed to go surfing got a surf board take aways ummm more stuff if I think abit harder.

Thing is im not here because ive lost alot im here because im an addict and its going to spiral out of control! Some of my friends have seen my bank statements and cant believe im quitting they think I can "make it as a pro" yeah a pro f**k up.i don't want to get so bad that I cant come back from it! I want to quit and live within my means and be happy again not this person ive become.

Sorry, but I am calling it a BS.

Posted : 7th January 2017 12:27 am
Posts: 2148

Interesting question. If I did have any once in a blue moon I would spend sometime moving it round my wallet and slipping it beside my knife block and the wall on my kitchen windowsill. 🙂 There would be a lot of holding, counting, and moving it around shelves 🙂 for a very short time I would keep up a pretence that would be nice and safe as a backup for the month

I cant deny that the money played a part but it becomes secondary for an escape gambler. Even the top amount they were tempting me with wouldnt have been enough to make much of a difference to my life. I lost count of the number of times I fed in more than the top amount chasing and zoning out.

I did feel slighty smug but again its a delusional feeling compared to my total losses over the years. I cant really descibe the feeling but it was a sense of relief rather than real happiness. A sense of relief I didnt gamble to extinction that time. Counting it was like pinching myself this had really happened

It was never enough and the thoughts soon started forming how I would be back within a couple of days to have another go...it was usually by the next day with some crazy trigger that I was on a roll (with a random number generator stacked against me) I couldnt leave it as the urges were telling me there is more where that came from

It was a very rare event though and I usually gambled to extinction. In 10 months of chasing I never really sat down with anything to show for it.

Cant remember buying anything. It would end up back in a machine with further losses 🙁

Posted : 7th January 2017 12:33 am
Posts: 0

Marky B...."takeaways" on the end of his high roller list hahaha

Posted : 7th January 2017 12:37 am
Posts: 0

I kept 'mine' very safe until the bingo/machine shop/bookies opened again then duly returned it, also with interest! I use the word 'mine' purposely loosely as clearly it was only ever a short term loan from the gambling establishment to which I had previously deposited it in any case!

Funnily enough, but not remotely funny ha ha, I'm racking my brain & yet cannot seem to remember more than a handful of times when I walked out with money, my stake or otherwise! I recall sprinting between 'shop' to the bank to pay money in on occasion but I'm fairly confident that I sprinted twice as fast to withdraw it back out again & as for 'cashing in' those pieces of paper...I don't know why I ever bothered waiting for the flipping safe to open, I religiously poked it all back in, also with interest, before I ever managed to drag myself away!

I cannot win because I cannot stop (irrelevant that most people who can stop don't win either)!

Posted : 7th January 2017 7:35 am
Posts: 960

Mr L did nothing with it apart from chuck it back at the bookies as hard as he could along with as much money from lenders as he could get his hands on.

Posted : 8th January 2017 12:02 pm
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