Another sad story

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My 45 yr old son has been gambling for 25 yrs.  For first 15 yrs he asked to live back home 5 times and for me to pay his gambling debts approx. £25,000.  I was a working divorced mum, he is my only child.  My parents never supported me.  I had a mortgage, health problems, working as and when I could.  My health problems are unusual and life threatening.  My son was so very challenging, aged 14 he went to live with his dad, who never had very much interest but our son idolised his father.  Sadly, aged 17 his dad died.  My son came back to live with me aged 19.  My life's been a living nightmare ever since.

My son drank heavily and gambled, he defied me, lied and took every penny I had regardless of my circumstances being unemployed and unwell.  He is ruthless, mercenary and without any sense or feelings, a 45 yr juvenile delinquent.  In 15 yrs, he came back and forth to live with me.  When he lived alone he would have luxury holidays, gamble, over spend, then come back so I could pay his debts and then go again.  Whenever, he wasn't living with me he would stonewall me and still does.  I bought his clothes, maintained his car, fed him and was his personal bank and taxi service.  I'm left alone at Xmas, he rarely visits and he doesn't interact.  He financed a car and used it to manipulate and control our relationship.

I became seriously ill, unable to pay off my mortgage, I'd used all my credit for his gambling debts. I had to sell our family home.  I've been here seven years now.  My son has a top paid city of London job, a partner and late in life the only good thing he's ever done is give me a beautiful 4 yr old granddaughter.  Bad news, he won't let us have any time together after I told him I won't pay anymore of his gambling debts.  He's lied to his partner and turned her against me.  I'm a disabled pensioner, with life threatening health problems, live alone without any other family.  The year after I moved, my disabled brother was brutally murdered by his long term partner.  My son has already told me what he's going to do with my inheritance....!!  I am in total disbelief. 

My son has no morals, principles, sense or feelings for anyone other than himself.  I've loved my son, but I'm exhausted by his awful conduct towards me.  He continues to stonewall and antagonise me, which makes me angry and very frustrated.  I lash out verbally because it's so difficult for me to cope with.  He says, I'm a nasty vindictive person.  My granddaughter and I have a very close and special bond, but he doesn't want us to have a good relationship.  

I've even offered to pay for hypnotherapy to stop his gambling.  I've supported him for all these years only it means nothing to him.  My son can be a good person but there's always an ulterior motive for his good deeds.  He thinks gambling is fun because he hasn't been responsible for any of his gambling debts as yet, so I'm patiently waiting while I'm being hurt so very badly.  

This topic was modified 3 days ago by Ava's grandma
This topic was modified 3 days ago by ChatModerator
Posted : 13th October 2024 1:58 pm
Posts: 74

Hi there, 

We are really sorry to hear you're going through so much, it sounds like you are dealing with a lot on your own. We would encourage you to contact our Helpline via phone 0808 8020 133 or via live chat so that we can help you to access further support. Our 1-1 emotional support referral is available for family members affected by gambling and you would be very welcome to access this, please contact us to discuss further. We would then also be able to help you to access other support and signposting that may be helpful to you. 

We are here for you 24/7 so please do reach out to us anytime.

All the best,


Posted : 13th October 2024 10:47 pm
Posts: 44

sadly it's an all too common trait for gambling addicts they will do anything to get their fix and love to blame everyone and anything that pops into their mind to lie and cheat. you have did the right thing by refusing to help anymore never trust a gambler look after yourself first and foremost and hopefully one day your son realises what he did and fully regrets putting you through this bless you and always remember you have done nothing wrong whatsoever 

Posted : 14th October 2024 1:57 pm
Posts: 66

I'm so sorry to hear this. Your son does not deserve you xx

Posted : 14th October 2024 5:17 pm

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.

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