I have been with my husband for 15 years and around 4 years ago he started using online sports betting websites.
I am sat here on the sofa too scared to go to bed in case I wake him and I realise this is not a normal or healthy way to live
His gambling is not as excessive as some stories I have read but the thing that troubles me the most is his anger when he loses. He has never hurt me and I hope that he never will, but he becomes this horrible person who hates the world and stomps about and sometimes hits inanimate objects and it makes me so frightened! I have told him before how much this upsets me but when he is like this he is so unapproachable and when he isnt like this he is a completely different person.
He works shifts and just stomped downstairs ranting about how s**t it is that he has to get up early tomorrow and go to a job he hates and how the next two months are going to be awful because he has no money and how the weekends will be s**t not being able to gamble. I know he hates his job but just two days ago when "winning" he was saying his job was more bearable and how he was looking forward to getting back to the gym this week. Now everything is awful and his life is s**t. I get really hurt when he says things like this.
Im not sure if the problem is he really does hate his life and gambling makes him feel good and more able to cope with this or whether it is an addiction that is making him angry and look at everything from a very black point of view.
most of the stories I have read on here say that there partners are apologetic etc but he is just always angry! It may be because he hasnt done anything awful because of the gambling (except be mean) but I feel quite alone with this.
the problem is that I am so desperate to get "my xxx" back that I will probably end up lending him money tomorrow so that I can stop feeling anxious and have a little bit of love back. I know this is stupid and ridiculous 🙁
I thought things were getting better as over the last few months he has had a couple of periods of up to a week without gambling and being his normal, happy self. But tonight feels worse than ever and im not sure I can cope anymore. I have considered leaving but we brought a new house this year and I dont want my children to lose their lovely home because of this.
Im also angry at him for being angry about his life! Its not perfect hut its not bad. He says he is angry that he has no money but thats because he always owes me money for gambling partly but also for other things e.g. we had a very expensive trip away and he brought two xbox games and therefore when he got paid last week he only had 40 left after paying me back, which he finally lost the last of this evening. I try and be understanding but it hurts me so much when he says "my life is so boring without gambling" and I just want to slap him and ask what he thinks other people do at weekends and to stop being selfish! But I know that wont help.
sorry that was longer than expected (avoiding going to bed and possibly waking him and dealing with his anger at 1am when I have work in the morning myself!). But any advice would be appreciated, especially re dealing with the anger
We'll done for posting on here, your story is very similar to many others, one thing you must do now is stop lending your husband money. It will defo only get worse. I have gambled for 25 years and gor myself in alot of debt, as a CG you become the world's best liar and I ended up being so deluded it was scary when I look back. It's took me all this time to come completey clean to my wife and family. I have already hurt them so much, it's an illness I must keep under control. I wish you both all the best in your situation but your partner needs to want to stop otherwise there will be no hope...
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has he thought about having counselling? Gamcare offer counselling
you could give them a call on the details above?
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