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Posts: 90
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Hi everyone,

Welcome to the weekly topic! This week’s topic is “progress”.


We often talk about wanting to make progress, so it is important for us to think about what that would look like in our day to day. 

So here are some things to consider….

What would “progress” look like for you?

What would be different in your day-to-day life?

What “progress” have you made so far?


*Want to chat more? We run chatrooms every week! Check the chatroom times here: https://community.gamcare.org.uk/chatrooms/*


All the best,


Online Peer Support Team 

Posted : 28th May 2024 11:22 am
Posts: 453

Something my little 9 year old great niece said to me a few months ago…….. “practice makes progress”. Wow! - “out of the mouths of babes” as the saying goes. 😇. People often say - “practice makes perfect”.  Nothing and no one however is perfect. 

Progress for me is aiming to achieve something, in a way that doesn’t need to be rushed.

Progress for me is about being patient and being kind to yourself.

Progress for me is about setting mini goals that are realistic and achievable.

My progress so far - 57 days g.f. This has entailed all of the above, which has helped to keep me focused and is making me feel happy. 👍.

Never will I forget the wise words of a little 9 year old girl - “PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS”! 🩷

Take care all.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 28th May 2024 11:47 pm
Posts: 90
Topic starter

@j5a6meyr4z Thank you so much for your reflections! I will definitely be using that saying in the future, so much wisdom for 9 years old! 

Huge congratulations on being gamble free and you have shared some really useful tips about how you have made that possible. 

Wishing you all the best on your continued journey, 


Online Peer Support Team

Posted : 3rd June 2024 8:18 am

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