26 days nearing a full month

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Posts: 119
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Today marks my 26th day GF. After 9 years of out of control gambling, loans, credit cards, remortgages & lost redundancy money this has to be the time. Many failed attempts in the past where I have managed to stop for a few months only to start up again. 
The sad thing is I always knew I had a problem but it was never enough to stop. I have probably had over 50 memberships to online casinos & sport betting. Where I self exclude only then to find another to open. Even subscribing to gamblock yet finding ones that aren’t active members of it. Opening endless amounts of overseas accounts where it costs you to make a deposit & even making a withdrawal they take a percentage. 
What complete stupidity!!! 

This is it, I have to beat this devil of an addiction before I lose everything in my life. I have reached the point where I cannot borrow anything else, I have been declined anymore borrowing & maxed out everything. This is the last chance saloon for me. 

I have set my goal mentally and have my countdown app for being debt free in 3 years time. I know I will never be cured but that’s the goal. 

Keep up the fight 

Posted : 17th June 2024 8:01 am
Posts: 253

Well done King. 👏👏👏👏👏

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 17th June 2024 11:56 am
Posts: 332

Well done mate 26 days is a great achievement i'm in a similar position as u i was aware i had a problem back in 2011 attended Ga had frequent relapses and only stop when i had no money and would repeat the process following pay day, i tried doing different thing to combat this illness however i always fell back into the gambling trap although i started improving i managed to many 3-6 months gamble then relapse this went on for years until 2019 i managed to to remain gamble free for 3 years until i relapsed the funny thing was i had no urgues at the time i made a silly decision to have fish n chips and watch boxing i had a major relapses and lost all my saving from then on i kept having relapses however i was never in debt this went on unti 2023 when took a loan out to gamble that was a major turning point, i am almost a year clean and things again are looking bright however i know this addiction two well this is the first time i have made changes and am aware a relapse could happen at any point i have had to make few sacrifices and changes since and i actually feel am more aware now then i ever was 

Posted : 17th June 2024 12:07 pm
Posts: 119
Topic starter

@tazman thank you for the reply and thank you for replying again to me. Let’s keep the fight going. Well done on a year GF. That’s a massive achievement, I hope I get there

Posted : 17th June 2024 3:01 pm
Posts: 146

Great effort. One day at a time and they add up quickly. I’m glad you can see how stupid gambling is. We’ve all fallen for it, and it’s only when it’s ruined us we realise how dumb it is. Good you have a plan too.My debt free plan is my next big target, but that will be a while yet, but at least it’s a goal to aim for. 

Good luck in the rest of your journey. I hope you stay as strong as you have been so far 💪

Posted : 17th June 2024 10:20 pm

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