So, gamcare stopped posting my posts. This was my outlet, I could get it all out on here until I was denied my gamcare. I was told by a doctor to come here for help and if I send him again I'll make sure he knows how my posts and comments were stopped from being seen. Thanks for nothing gamcare.
How was stopping me from posting helpful ? My name is under the title of my posts, if anyone had a problem they just had to not read. I come here to let it all out and to vent, my relationship has fallen apart, I have no job or income, I have 2 debts I haven't paid so my credit score is taking a dive, I can't pay for my Cineworld card and cinema is the only thing I do, I can't buy credit.. getting a new job won't help because I'm in more debt after starting work, my health is going down the drain because all I do is lie in bed all day.. so to have this taken away from me was not helpful and if I wasn't eager to see avengers infinity war 2 and game of thrones next year I'd probably of committed a crime but I don't want to be in prison and miss cool things.
I just think it's irresponsible on their part, this is helpful to me and they took it away, they act worried then take away what helps.
I can relate, I'm an emotional eater and I've eaten everything in the house, I've brushed my teeth once in the last week and had one bath, I literally just lie in bed smelling like s**t because nothing I do helps so I'm hoping doing nothing will stop me making things worse.
I hope you get better too, and you weren't harsh, I'm just in a bad place and I'm angry and unsure how I'm going to get out of this.
Jamoo, ALN, this is just to let you know that we're going to contact Jamoo directly.
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