I really don’t know how much more of this I can take.

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I have managed only 3 weeks gamble fee and just before Christmas I tried one of the Christmas slots and I won ...from a ... bet. I really couldn’t believe it. I was over the moon, very happy but last week I have lost it all. I don’t understand why I just couldn’t stop. I haven’t even bought anything for myself from this win. It sat in my bank account for 3 weeks with all the holiday plans in mind yet over the course of 5 days it was just gone. I haven’t lost any of my money I’m down til my last £... which is really just back to where I started. I have this to last me til payday which should be fine but I cannot help but think how stupid I have become but I couldn’t stop. I know all the feelings but somehow really it’s just not possible to stop. I’m now again in the state of despair and feeling stupid and really anxious. I am shaking, sad and really lost the will to live. I shout and talk to myself of what an idiot am. I’m really mentally unwell.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by RouletteGotMe
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 10th January 2023 4:59 pm
Posts: 1


I know how you feel. I have been in a similar position. I had such a win before that I could t withdraw it all out and while waiting for it to be withdrawable I just gambled it away and then more.

You are not alone in this many of us have been in that position. You have made a step talking about it here and take solace there are others in this with you. If your feeling back call the Samaritans or the crisis line. There is help waiting to work with us in these times.

Posted : 10th January 2023 5:29 pm
Posts: 328

Hi, firstly well done on the 3 weeks. You are a compulsive gambler like the rest of us and winning big only makes us think we can win more so we chase the win until we have lost it all and more. We all know we shouldn't carry on and quit but it doesn't work like that. You need to get all the blockers in place and contact your bank to put a stop on gambling transactions. Willpower alone will not stop you so you need things to prevent you gambling when the urges arise. You say you haven't lost any of your own money but I can almost guarantee that losing this big win will nag at you and you will try and win it back so STOP now before it gets worse. Sign up with gamstop and put a blocker on your phone or whatever you use to gamble.

All the best

Posted : 10th January 2023 5:59 pm
Posts: 455

Its sooo hard, I was once addicted to alcohol and shopping and I can say hand on heart, gambling has been the hardest addiction..I've had relapse after relapse. In debt..its so hard. I can feel your pain as I've felt it many times, that last penny gone, that sinking feeling, of utter despair.. not going to say it gets easier   cos we all know it doesn't always. All you can try and do is forget about that win. Easier said than done but otherwise it will drive you crazy. If your mental health is bad please see a doctor. If its not gambling related mental health, as when that improves, stopping will be easier. All the best


Posted : 10th January 2023 7:41 pm
Posts: 404

Think of it has jinxed money you was never suppose to spend it i have been gamble free fir over a month and someone told me a friend of their won the grand jacpot at the local casino which was just over 8k from just with £10 this played with my head as it was a popular slots machine and alot of people were playing it as jackpot was due few people had lost alot far more then me chasing it and i wonder how they must have felt, this lady husband and won 14k before off two machine and were already up and i was thinking to myself how fortunate they were and i wish i had that type of luck but i have come to my senses am actually fortunate i never won it as most of that money would have actually gone back and i would have lost time in the process i would have lost more in the long run and i hope this lady does something useful with it which is most likely she would do as they are going on a holiday ive come to a conclusion cut your losses and keep away from this hell, yes money is nice as the world revolves around it forget thr losses and take each day as it comes think of it like you never won it in the first place and your enemy won that money with a £1 dony give gambling a chance to destroy you again the more you abstain from it tbe better it will be for you

Posted : 10th January 2023 8:27 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6152

Dear RouletteGotMe,

We were concerned to read in your recent post that you feel you have “Lost the will to live” and that you are “Mentally unwell”.

If you are in Britain, please do feel welcome to call us anytime you would like to speak with a GamCare adviser.  Our Live Chat and our freephone 0808 8020 133 are both staffed 24 hours a day.   We can offer emotional support for your recovery from gambling addiction.  We can also you offer free 1-2-1 appointments if you are based in Britain.  If you aren’t currently in Britain, please talk with your doctor about how you have been feeling.

Additional resources in Britain: NHS website page listing various resources for getting help for suicidal thoughts:


Kind regards,


Posted : 10th January 2023 9:38 pm

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.

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