Why Do I Bother?

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I ask myself, why do I bother keep saying to myself that I am going to quit betting? The times when after a loss I say..'that's it, not bothering again'..but then after the 'loss clouds' have lifted the next day or day after, it is like before. I do have some good wins (football bets), but the obsession with betting is not always about the money to be won, it's the buzz of waiting for the score to change, the constant need to have your phone on score apps to see live games even when doing something else or watching TV. And when the bet is over, won or lost, the sense of panic and the need to get another bet on to get the buzz back. It's an obsession that is so hard to not want to have in life, so it makes it so difficult to stop. I have banned online betting so have to physically go into a betting shop, but I go in every day. My problem is not monetary, as I never bet money needed for bills or essentials, but it is the mind control it has over me. Always needing to have a bet...picking out next days bet can be time consuming too. Half of me wants to quit, the other half loves the thrill. Until I can convince the other half to quit it is going to be almost impossible. I have bought Allen Carr's 'The Best Way To Quit Gambling' to see what effect that has. Just wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks for reading.


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Ganadores007
Posted : 19th December 2022 10:14 pm
Posts: 2

Everything you’ve wrote is exactly what I’m going through. Always checking my scores etc. soon as my bet goes down I go to the bookies and place another bet. I’ve also self excluded from online but still go in the bookies a hell of a lot. I use the slots in the bookies too which bugs me just wish I could control it and get enjoyment instead of ups and downs. I see people who can just be happy having a small accumulater once a week but not me it’s all greed and chasing losses and of course getting that buzz every time 

This post was modified 2 years ago by Dansaxo123
This post was modified 2 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 20th December 2022 12:41 am
Posts: 2156

Hello Ganadores and Welcome.

You need to tell someone close and sit down with non gamblers to start getting the reality checks

It is a drug addiction and you must start learning about it that way

Your mind gets altered to consider it as normal behaviour and part of your life. The reality is an illness which controls you

They sell it as entertainment but are you really getting any fun out of it other than a craving which compels you?

You say its not a monetary issue but really it is unless you like chucking money away. You are chucking it down a roadside drain on those odds and they are selling you nothing but a drug

Do you think they have been selling you a regular earner or loads of fun?? It's a highly addictive activity and you are vulnerable to it

I say there things to make you think.....your addiction won't like what I'm saying there so it's the first test of many how you react and handle information from non and recovering gamblers

The trusted advice is to tell someone like your father for example.....a trusted non gambler that can help you

You have a recovery journey to do to challenge one of the most dangerous addictions into submission

Best wishes to properly start a gamble free life

Posted : 20th December 2022 2:27 am
Posts: 45

I do not know what type of lifestyle you have , but for me spending entire weekends and at one stage weekday evenings checking scores and watching football games quickly became very tiring 

It got to the point for me where i wasn't even really enjoying winning bets anymore 

I can remember spending an entire Sunday tracking an 8 fold acca across Europe 7/8 were in final game was an away team double chance win or draw

Sure enough the home team won 1-0 ........entire day gone for nothing

 I am now at the stage where i can't mentally sit and watch more than 90 mins of football in a week , even the world up final was starting to get on my nerves by extra time as we were going around in circles .

I use twitter quite a lot and see a lot of "tipsters" who's entire lives seem to revolve around football betting

It isn't a healthy or normal way to live your life 


This post was modified 2 years ago by Suckedin
Posted : 20th December 2022 10:22 am
Posts: 1863


The recovery prgoram is about healing our pains.

The recovery prgoram is about slow baby steps in our progress.

The recovery prgoram is about just for today I will not gamble.

Carrying as little money as possible was going to help me in my recovery.

I am a non religious person.

I use to think that being able to abstain from my addictions and obsessions was living my life to the full.

Being able to abstain from my addictions and obsessions was the start of healthier actions and healthy thinking about full time fulfilling my needs my wants and my goals.

Abstaining was the start of new productive life. 

Some might think that money is an emotional trigger, not for me money was just the fuel I used to escape in my fears.

I could not trust my self with money.

So in time once I trusted my self with money I got comfortable carrying small amounts of money.

Money was the reward I recieved for doing work.

When I worked hard my money and then gave it away to gambling establishments I was in effect working for nothing.

Wasting money and time was very nhealthy for me.

I use to think that gambling was the most exciting thing in my life.

I went to gambling to escape my feelings and emotions.

Being a healthy person is about not reacting in such unhealthy ways to people life and situations.

Being a healthy person is about interacting in healthy ways to people life and situations.

I use to say often people stressed me out.

I was reacting in such unhealthy ways hurting my self and hurting others.

Money was never going to heal the hurt inner child in me.

Money was never going to make me a happy person.

Money just gives me more choices in my life.

The simple fact I could never run away from myself.

I could never be successful with out trying new challenges and not give up on myself.

Fears faced made me open to new posibilities in my life.

Healthy choices have healthy consequences.

Love and peace to every one

Dave L

AKA Dave of Beckenham

Posted : 22nd December 2022 6:02 pm

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