2017 Challenge

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Id love to join this group I like the group thang lol

Im 37 and gambled since I was 4

A little insight to my gambling history okay ive been gambling since I was about 4! I always used my own money I began working at 4 for my dad I would go door knocking around the village selling fish and shellfish we had caught on a saturday and sunday and split the sales.my dad was an alcoholic and spend his spare time boat fishing or drinking so I was always in the pubs with him and his freinds and putting my earnt change into the fruit machines whilst standing on a chair with him.

I worked in pubs and entertainment venues as I grew older worked as pot boy clearing tables ect wages went into fruit machines.moved onto proper jobs put my wages into village pub £120 chasing the £25 jackpot lol such a sucker.

Started this job im in now never going to the bookies before hey all began going at morning break then afternoon break then after work and I just followed suit joined the easy money started off no more then 10 then 20 and just progressed.last year I found online live casinos and wow the bets were higher and winnings even more so.my first online bet was 20 and was given 20 and won 4500 but had to spin it all 200 times lol what a con never accpted a special offer again so winnings were just that!

My main vice is roulette doing systems to using prediction bots and own systems.its worked pretty well but enough is enough I cant keep this up its not sustainable to keep living the way we are!

Im here im 6 days clear and wanna kick my b**t into gear 🙂

Posted : 30th December 2016 8:23 pm
Posts: 0

am going to try real hard in the new year to stop this spiral. day 1

Posted : 30th December 2016 11:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi All

I'm westsider i'm a compulsive gambler.

I haven't used the forum for a while and have been lucky enough to have a couple of years gamble free. A couple of months ago got my car locked in a multistory car park and there was a casino near by. I decided to gamble again to win a taxi fare home. I won and since then I've been dancing with the devil, things have escalated dramatically and if it wasn't for some crazy luck I'd be in an even worse situation than I am now. Yesterday I lost big, it's been coming for a while and I'm hurting. I can't believe how easily I forgot all the dark days of the past. On this lastest run I was happy because I was up but, I forgot the 1000s of pounds I just threw away when I was younger.

I can never be a winner when i'm gambling, because I can't stop.

I'm determinded to have a gamble free 2017 and a gamble free future.

All the best to everyone


Posted : 31st December 2016 10:51 am
Posts: 1828

Hi Oldham, I'm pushing for as many people to join the excellent 2017 challenge from the We CAN and We WILL thread; having these challenges run in parallel helps improve all our chances and here's to a GF year ahead 🙂 All the best, Mixer

Posted : 31st December 2016 11:35 am
Posts: 77

Count me in. Currently on day 46 and feeling much better for it. My fix was betting on the football, problem was I would bet on any game going, some games I never even knew the leagues. It started with little bets, little accumulators and went on from there. Over a number of years debts grew and i didn't know what to do, I hid it all from my wife and hit the lowest point of my life. At the time I reached out to my uncle for help, and help he did. He paid off some of my debts and I stopped gambling. A few months back I hit a low point of my life with money and turned to gambling as a fix, obviously this never worked and I found myself deeper in trouble. The strains of the gambling and debts caused trouble at home and me and my wife were on the verge of splitting, it got so bad that I had to tell her. I opened up to her and the rest is history, my diary explains it better but basically here I am, 46 days without a bet and still with my wife. My relationship with my wife and children is slowly repairing and this in turn has given me a big drive to remain gamble free and I will. My debt amounts are embarrassing but hopefully soon I can begin a long process of paying them off, I only wish I'd reached out to my wife a long time ago. i'm hoping 2017 with be my/our year, as long as I can remain in work then this time next year I will be in a much better position.

Happy new year to you all, here's to a happy GF 2017. 🙂

Posted : 31st December 2016 12:54 pm
Posts: 49

I wanted to join last year's challenge but I never go round to it...please count me in. This is day one for me and I am looking to see this number increase as well as my quality of life...My background is in found gambling on 2012 and stopped and started many times...my weakness is online sports betting and sport anytime and it cost me many sleepless days and nights and being anti social is one thing I really hate about thid addiction....Bring on 2017 the year of hope

Posted : 31st December 2016 2:29 pm
Posts: 0

I would like to join please, new year, new start.

Posted : 31st December 2016 2:44 pm
Posts: 0

Its my first day on here and its now day 7 without a bet (probably because I'm skint). However after 20 years of self harm in a bookies and online I just have to wake up and get my life back on track. After so much damage and countless failed attempts things won't be easy. I usually blow a weeks or a months wages in a day and then vow never to gamble again, at the time I mean it, however payday comes again and the urges come back and I can't help myself. Pretty much for 20 years I have blown every penny I've earnt on payday in a bookies on the horses or online on horses, football, virtual racing etc..... I will go into a bookies at lunchtime and stay till I've lost every penny or untill 9.30 when they close, if I last that long I will be back the next day and finish the job. 20 years of being skint, 20 years of pain, lies, cheating, hurting those close to me and driving people away from me. My life is empty, I'm skint and I need to stop doing this to myself.

All I have left is my family and they are great, I need to do this for myself and more importantly for them. After 20 years of failiure its hard to believe I could go a month without a bet, let along a year. However this is something new and maybe it can help me. So I'm in I want to complete this challenge, and my word if I did it would turn my life around.

Please let me join the challenge!

Posted : 31st December 2016 6:17 pm
Posts: 0

I'd like to join. I'm on day 8 and need 2017 to be a better year.

Posted : 31st December 2016 6:18 pm
Posts: 534

May I join too please....day 26 almost done...looking forward to 2017.

Posted : 31st December 2016 8:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi, I would like to join the 2017 challenge. I am back to Day one after a bad 2016. Suzy

Posted : 31st December 2016 10:49 pm
Posts: 237

Checking in day 71. Happy gamble free new year people.

Posted : 1st January 2017 12:03 am
Posts: 0

The challenge begins.
Happy new year to all on the challenge.
Welcome to returning members
And new members.
Before Monday's update.
We have a group collective of almost 18 years 8 months bet free. Impressive
All the best to everyone for the forth coming 365 days

Posted : 1st January 2017 12:35 am
Posts: 1098

Hi, I'd like to join your challenge too.

I've been gambling now for 12 years or so and now is the time for me to say enough is enough!

I need the challenge!

2016 was an awful year for me.

2017 will be my year!

Posted : 1st January 2017 12:57 am
Posts: 0

Day 19 and not looking back

Has gambling made my life better in any way, shape or form................ simply No

Posted : 1st January 2017 1:43 am
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