All welcome to join - 1 month challenge

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Posts: 31

Hi all, sorry been a bit quiet on here but still going! Day 88 without gambling for me ? I did have a bit of a random urge the other day which took me by surprise as it hasn't happened that much recently. I'm learning now though not to act too impulsively when I get an urge to gamble and to basically just sit with it. I tend to find for myself that the urge never lasts as long as I expect so if I can accept it but also sit and let it pass I'll be okay. Good to hear that everyone is staying positive and keeping on with the challenge! 

Posted : 5th September 2022 1:30 pm
Posts: 12



Hi Cerry well done on day 88, day 36 for myself, I had the urge the day whilst travelling, which i quite often did in the past, this time though instead of pulling over at a service station I rang my partner and just talked c**P until the feeling went away. 



Posted : 5th September 2022 2:52 pm
Posts: 1172
Topic starter

Day 15. 2 weeks in the books, pretty much halfway through. Hope all those that haven't checked in are doing ok and hope to hear from all soon.

I actually wrote a post out last night, must've not hit "add reply" because its not on here, so here we go again! 

@nyaba @bettyfretty @kima it's truly great to see such strength and determination from each of you to come back so strong after a slip and determined to let it be just that, a slip, to be learned from, grow and build from there. Also the honesty, it takes a lot to be open and honest on here, as you could lie and we wouldn't know but what good does that do anyone. So fair play to you all, keep strong and those days will turn in to weeks, months and beyond. This is a start of a new life after all. 

@mikeh79 day 229 today. Over 7 months gamble free. That's amazing. Be proud Mike. 

@cerrry93 day 89. 3 months mark coming up fast, a really awesome milestone. Then a climb towards the triple figure club!!

@terrypowell day 37 today, over a month gamble free, must be feeling good about that. Nice one Terry. Love that you've learnt from the past to, your triggers and what you would have done in the past but learning new ways to deal with those urges - talking c**P to ya Mrs lol

Everyone on this challenge is listed below regardless if checked in or not, regardless of how many gamble free days, everyone below has acknowledged that gambling is not good for them and they want out. That's a great and very big decision and I'm proud of myself and proud of everyone making that decision.

Congratulations all.
















Posted : 6th September 2022 9:02 am
Posts: 31

@d122010 . Thank you so much. For the encouraging words. Even the longest journey starts with one step.  One step at time.  

We can do this. 

Posted : 6th September 2022 9:54 am
Posts: 51

How’s everyone doing? Hopefully good ?

Posted : 11th September 2022 10:32 am
Posts: 58

Hi everyone, hope you're all doing ok and staying strong!

Thankfully since my slip up I'm doing very well, no urges since, Im catching up on bills I've let slide, honestly my marriage is stronger than ever, I thought I'd blown it when I told him what I'd done and how long it would take to recover the finances, as he said- we could most definitely have done without it, but we have the roof over head and food in our bellies, we may have to sacrifice a few things but we'll get over it, one day at a time!



Posted : 11th September 2022 11:36 pm
Posts: 1172
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That's awesome @bettyfretty. Glad he has been understanding and you have some good support.

So it's Day 22. We are coming up to the home stretch. I hope that the challenge has added a little extra motivation for all. It certainly has for me. I had an urge the other day and thankfully I shook it off quite simply by thinking of all of you and not wanting to have to post the message that I'd given in to the urge. Thankfully it quickly past. But thanks to you all and to gamcare for keeping me on the right path. 

I hope everyone is doing well. I must admit I was hoping to be a little more active on the website but life is getting in the way, work and personal life has really been busy in both good and bad ways. 

We still have just over a week to go but would anyone like me to do another similar challenge, I was thinking I could do a christmas/new year challenge. It could be a month/6 weeks long covering December and the start of Jan? It could be 2 months covering December and Jan or even 3 months covering Nov, Dec and Jan. Or any other time period that you feel would be beneficial. If there's no interest that's fine but if anyone would find another challenge helpful then I'm more than willing to set one up and manage it. Also if anyone wanted it to be run slightly differently or any other suggestions etc just post away and I'll incorporate any ideas that anyone would benefit from.

Have a great gamble free week everyone. 


Everyone on this challenge is listed below regardless if checked in or not, regardless of how many gamble free days, everyone below has acknowledged that gambling is not good for them and they want out. That's a great and very big decision and I'm proud of myself and proud of everyone making that decision.

Congratulations all.
















Posted : 13th September 2022 3:52 pm
Posts: 31

@d122010 . Thank you. Although I  relapsed . Am glad I continued on my journey of being gamble free. 

I will join any other challenge you start. 

Posted : 13th September 2022 7:31 pm
Posts: 31

@d122010 Thanks for always checking in! I'm still going and almost at 100 days - this has definitely helped me as even though I haven't been posting on here that frequently it's been helpful to just have another milestone that other people are also working towards ? Will definitely get involved in any other challenge.. I think the Christmas ones sound good! Personally I quite like the idea of the longer ones but I also recognise for some people who are very early on in trying to quit then 3 months might seem a bit daunting but I'd be happy with whatever people think works best! I think how it is works well, future ideas could be posing a different question each day (or every week if everyday is a bit much) for people to also discuss on the forum... might not work but it could be a way to encourage people to post more rather than just giving more general updates. 

Posted : 14th September 2022 5:51 pm
Posts: 1172
Topic starter

Hi @nyaba glad your feeling good, you definitely made the right decision and you should be proud of that. It would be great to have you on any future challenge, thanks for the support.

2 days to go!! @cerrry93 I'll see if any other feedback comes in but id be happy for a 3 month challenge and I think the Nov-Jan covers the stresses of Christmas before and after which I know can be a challenge for some, it certainly has been for me in the past even though I absolutely love Christmas - I'm a big kid! - the financial pressures definitely create an urge or 2.

Maybe can somehow have a 3 month challenge with monthly goals to break it down or some checkpoints/milestones to reach that sort of thing. 

I like the idea of a question, think that's a great idea. Will have to have a think of different things we can discuss.

Thanks for the ideas and the support, obviously back to business with this challenge let's all get to the finish line. But then yes be happy to start another.

Any other ideas or questions/topics anyone would like to be discussed for the next one, post away.

Take care all. 

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by David
Posted : 15th September 2022 7:07 pm
Posts: 58

Hi everyone! 

How are you all doing?

@d122010 I'd gladly participate in another challenge, thanks for setting this one up too ?

Posted : 15th September 2022 9:52 pm
Posts: 12

Hi All


Hope you are all doing good, today Marks day 47 for me of being addiction free from slots. 

This challenge along with everyone's updates has helped me out. I like to read everyone updates and other forum messages, I find it helps me out by seeing what others are going through or doing to make it through each day.



Posted : 16th September 2022 7:54 am
Posts: 22

Hi David sorry I've not checked in but I've been on holiday but I'm still gamble free and so pleased that you set up this challenge hope to do another one with everyone hope everyone else is well take care 

Posted : 17th September 2022 1:08 pm
Posts: 1172
Topic starter

Hi all, 

Day 50 for @terrypowell, its a bullseye! If you don't read that as Jim Bowen then I know I'm just getting old lol

@lakelands good to hear from you, glad your still gamble free, nice going. 

Day 28 today. Can't believe how quick it's gone!

Thanks to all those who have shown interest in a new challenge, I'll get my thinking cap on and I'll put one up in October ready to start for November, December and January if that sounds good? 

Maybe in the gap everyone could have there own challenge to make sure they start our new challenge as strong as possible - DO NOT think oh I can gamble during the break and stop again for the challenge. Its the type of thing I stupidly used to think and do and is what I do now with food. I'll eat a load of sugar today and start the diet on Monday, next month etc. It's important to stay strong keep the momentum going and just imagine you get to the next challenge at over a month gamble free, you then complete a 3 month challenge and all of a sudden your gamble free stretch has sky rocketed. I can't wait! 

Well done to all. I'll post again on day 31, can't believe that's just a few days away!!

Take care all, stay strong and have a great gamble free week. 


Everyone on this challenge is listed below regardless if checked in or not, regardless of how many gamble free days, everyone below has acknowledged that gambling is not good for them and they want out. That's a great and very big decision and I'm proud of myself and proud of everyone making that decision.

Congratulations all.
















Posted : 19th September 2022 10:39 am
Posts: 1172
Topic starter


I can't believe a month has gone by so fast. 

Well done to everyone who is gamble free and continuing their gamble free journey and for anyone who is reading this that has gone back to gambling, don't be afraid to come back to the site, I'd say be honest as we've all been there! Ask for some advice and support, whatever you need. There is so much support to be found on here from the users or by contacting gamcare directly. 

I will be running another challenge. I will most likely put details up mid October for a 3 month challenge (Nov-Dec-Jan). 

Until then I wish everyone the best. Stay strong, keep on the right path, never forget that you are not giving up or quitting anything, you are choosing a better life. 

Best wishes to all, speak soon. 


Everyone on this challenge is listed below regardless if checked in or not, regardless of how many gamble free days, everyone below has acknowledged that gambling is not good for them and they want out. That's a great and very big decision and I'm proud of myself and proud of everyone making that decision.

Congratulations all.
















Posted : 23rd September 2022 11:13 am
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