Having being a member on here for a little under two months ,and the same into my recovery . i have been struck at the levels of sound advice ,[ after all we are underneath smart people ,who have being gripped by an illness ] Every so often reading posts ,i read a phrase or some advice , that makes me take a step back and think .... wow that is so true .
My suggestion , is if we are allowed to, is could when we see a pearl of wisdom . have a page [ or use this one ] to post these , pieces of advice , etc . It would be like a post it note page members could go to . for information and , to remind them why they are here .
There have been two pieces of advice you see , and I've no idea where they are now ....... it would be great if we could do this . any suggestions welcome .
Are there any pearls of wisdom ?. Although i'm not sure we've enjoyed direct conversations have you ever read Joydividers posts ?. What a fantastic understanding of addiction, but despite that i strongly believe all of our journeys are unique & different.
What really scares me is are you suggesting a group of intellectuals who take the view that only the chosen few should benefit from their insight ?. Addiction infects rich & poor, privileged & deprived the in crowd & what some may describe as social outcasts. Who knows maybe one day their maybe a BUPA members special section on here. I'm delighted you've been clean for 2 months but please steer away from elitism & special sections for the chosen few. Track your own journey first & lets hope we achieve a common goal for everyone.
Best Wishes
Are there any pearls of wisdom ?. Although i'm not sure we've enjoyed direct conversations have you ever read Joydividers posts ?. What a fantastic understanding of addiction, but despite that i strongly believe all of our journeys are unique & different.
What really scares me is are you suggesting a group of intellectuals who take the view that only the chosen few should benefit from their insight ?. Addiction infects rich & poor, privileged & deprived the in crowd & what some may describe as social outcasts. Who knows maybe one day their maybe a BUPA members special section on here. I'm delighted you've been clean for 2 months but please steer away from elitism & special sections for the chosen few. Track your own journey first & lets hope we achieve a common goal for everyone.
Best Wishes
Slow learner , Nothing could be further from the truth , i am in no way wanting to start an elite group . exactly the opposite . I was purely giving everybody encouragement , by stating we are ALL underneath smart people , Btw i left school with No qualifications . I Just wanted a place where all the quotes are stored , so if you are down , about to give up they are all there . that is all .
Are there any pearls of wisdom ?. Although i'm not sure we've enjoyed direct conversations have you ever read Joydividers posts ?. What a fantastic understanding of addiction, but despite that i strongly believe all of our journeys are unique & different.
What really scares me is are you suggesting a group of intellectuals who take the view that only the chosen few should benefit from their insight ?. Addiction infects rich & poor, privileged & deprived the in crowd & what some may describe as social outcasts. Who knows maybe one day their maybe a BUPA members special section on here. I'm delighted you've been clean for 2 months but please steer away from elitism & special sections for the chosen few. Track your own journey first & lets hope we achieve a common goal for everyone.
Best Wishes
Slow learner , Nothing could be further from the truth , i am in no way wanting to start an elite group . exactly the opposite . I was purely giving everybody encouragement , by stating we are ALL underneath smart people , Btw i left school with No qualifications . I Just wanted a place where all the quotes are stored , so if you are down , about to give up they are all there . that is all .
I understood what you meant Allatsea. Sadly this website seems to have a lot of longer-term users portraying as though they are always in the “right. Which is why I seldom post and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
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