Gamstop failed me, what to do?

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Last week I had a relapse, I have been signed up to GamStop since 2019. Earlier this year I changed my surname via deed poll. 

Last week I relapsed and signed up to a gambling site with my new surname which was different to GamStop details and deposited and lost £1000. After feeling devastated about what I did, I rang GamStop and gave them my new surname, sent I my deedpoll and updated my email and phone number, this was on 28th September. It’s meant to update in 24 hours.

On 1st October I fell into the gambling trap again and deposited on another site and was able to open up and deposit, to which over the course of 7 days I spent a further £11k. 

I wondered why I was able to do this I checked my GamStop and realised my new details wasn’t even on there, I called GamStop to find out why and they finally added it yesterday but it shows date added 8Th October, even though I added it 28th September before I spent the additional 11k.

I asked them to update it to reflect the date it was added, GamStop said it isn’t possible for them to do this and that the person who took my new details cancelled my request in error and has now received further retraining to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Gamstop has failed me, the gambling companies refuse to refund me because it shows on my GamStop the details were added after I deposited even though that’s not the case, what can I do? 
If GamStop hadn’t failed me I wouldn’t of been able to spend that additional 11k.

Posted : 9th October 2020 10:50 am
Posts: 179

Hello. I'm sorry for what has happened to you. It sounds horrible. 

Unfortunately, the money has gone. It's not really the fault of Gamstop. You have to look at it in the way of if you won that money instead. Say if you won that money, and they took it off you because you're signed up to Gamstop? It'd be sickening. It's harsh but blaming Gamstop isn't the way. It's there to help you as much as possible but you still have to do your bit too. 

Moving forward, just make sure you have banned yourself. Don't sign up to anything at all under different names etc. 

Posted : 9th October 2020 11:03 am
Posts: 1013

Hey lola, I do understand your frustration and upset. But please be honest with yourself it's nobody else's fault. I really don't want to sound harsh but part of recovery is taking responsibility. A part of me still believes that my husband drove me to lose myself in gambling, however his behaviour sometimes is worse now after finding me out and I choose not to gamble now, I have all the blocks in place but I don't test them. As often said here most people fail if left to willpower alone, but obviously you do need willpower and I use mind on not testing the system. My husband didn't make me press the deposit button repeatedly, I did that under the pretence that winning would make me feel happy. Really ! One day I won 5k over the course I lost it all again and some. That day I knew I had a really serious problem but I still couldn't stop but thankfully it was only about another month before I was found out. I understand that you are angry with gamstop they did let you down and they should be sorry, but you cannot blame them they didn't make you keep depositing. Get mad in a good way channel it into getting into full recovery go to GA have counselling whatever it takes. I'm 4months gamble free....I'm not ashamed to admit I still couldn't test the system....why would I want to put temptation in my way. I don't want to go back there it was hell and hell to stop. C'mon lola get into recovery leave it in the past get a better happier life

Posted : 9th October 2020 11:25 am
Posts: 882

@lola0612 it sounds an unfortunate situation that you found yourself in.

When you felt the urge to gamble did you tell anyone or ask anyone else for help?

Did you have any blocks on your bank to stop gambling transactions?

Gamstop is a fantastic service but it is only a service, one block amongst many that has helped many people. It isn't fool proof, as unfortunately you have found out.

I have always taken responsibility for my actions because of my addiction and I hope once your anger clears that you can see that you are responsible for yours.

But, based on what you say, if you write to the company rather than call them, they have to follow a process to check that they haven't missed obvious signs of problem gambling. This will include calls or messages to you as well as looking at the stakes, deposits and frequency of your bets. Once they give you a final decision then you can go to an arbitrator who will look at the facts and they can order a refund, as long as they are a U.K based business.


Posted : 9th October 2020 11:27 am
Posts: 63

Sorry to hear about your loss, but after reading it I feel your not being truthful to yourself.  You say you changed your name via deed poll earlier in the year, but you only alerted GamCare about that in September, that’s not Gamcare fault that’s down to you unfortunately 

I am not surprised the gambling companies aren’t refunding the money and tbh they shouldn’t. 
Us Gamblers need to take responsibility for our actions instead of always blaming other people. 

Posted : 9th October 2020 12:20 pm

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