Help and advice needed

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Hi everyone 

I am new here and just want to explain my situation and any help or advice would be appreciated. 

I know in myself that I have a gambling addiction, I just can’t help myself in stopping. 
I know that it relates to my mental state as I currently sufffering from depression too. I can’t seem to find any positives in life and my mood is constantly low so I turn to gambling to try pick me up. My financial situation is bad and I am constantly trying to win to get out of it. I know that it is wrong and I shouldn’t be doing that but I can’t help myself and get lost in the world and before I know it I’ve lost hundreds. 
I know I need help but I don’t know where to start or what to do. 
I am have zero self confidence and esteem so contacting some sort of counselling is mentally exhausting and I find that incredibly difficult. 

I just want to know what people did for their first steps how did they overcome their problem or just the beginning to a better life. 

it’s one of my many current issues but something I know I need to sort out because it has already got way out of hand. 

any form of advice or help would be greatly appreciated. 

thank you. 

Posted : 18th March 2024 9:10 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6177

Hi @kjf12,

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling right now but you've done the right thing joining our forum and reaching out for support. You're not on your own with any of this, there is always someone out there to listen to how you're feeling. 

In terms of further support for your mental health we'd recommend speaking with your GP or listening services such as Samaritans (Call 116 123) or SHOUT (Text 85258). Please note if you feel you are at a crisis point it is essential you access more immediate support.

To discuss further support options for managing your financial situation and changing your relationship with gambling, please contact our HelpLine on 0808 8020 133 and our 1:1 Livechat are both open 24 hours every day.

Take Care,

Forum Admin

Posted : 18th March 2024 9:40 pm
Posts: 328

Hi, my advice would be to speak to a Gamcare advisor. Gambling chasing losses causes depression and depression causes more gambling, it's a vicious circle. I secretly gambled for about 5 years spiralling down chasing losses. My wife eventually found out and it was like a release from the pressure cooker of gambling. On the very same day I contacted Gamcare and they were amazing, they understand without any judgement. They organised some free counselling sessions for me which were a great help talking about everything. I contacted Stepchange to get my debts on a repayment plan which also took away the pressure of trying to repay the debts, still paying monthly nearly 4 years later. The main thing is you have took the first big step in openly admitting you have a problem so well done. It's very difficult at first but with the right support life can get better. I am now nearly 4 years gamble free so best of luck. Hope this helps

Posted : 19th March 2024 6:43 pm
Posts: 70

👋 Hello,it's good to know you have assessed yourself and found out that you have a gambling addiction.Take one day at a time.The feeling of thinking its not achievable sometimes feels like there is no progress.

When you appreciate each day you are gamble free,the mental health becomes more robust.Do not worry about anything else but your recovery.

Wishing you all the best!!!

Posted : 20th March 2024 9:31 pm
Posts: 32

Hi you can do it just aim to not have to reset your gambling  free streak.

What you lost this year your guaranteed to have next if you want to win don't gamble.i try visualise what will happen if I gamble and play it out.

Il start of in a rush then no matter winning or losing, I know what's coming eventually  losing it all then not been able to sleep,followed  by a sort of gambling  hangover and then feeling  no good.i play that out in my mind and then my urge goes.

Going a gym headphones on and work out for an hour . You will start to feel better  about  yourself. Just try one day at a time I wish you all the best you can do it

Posted : 20th March 2024 11:26 pm

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