How many think fobts are rigged !!! Rant rant rant

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I have been gambling on roulette in bookies since 2001 when these machines had no betting limit for instance you could put 50+ quid on 1 number, but seeing 2 quid on a number was considered a massive gamble, I also remember roulette paid out alot more I had many times stuck 2 quid on covering as much odd numbers as possible when that came in just picked odds or even and spread the win out in single chips I would win often, I always use the same strategy but rarely brings me a profit the machines are nearly always on super tight mode, I have also noticed when the machines were first introduced they liked to pay small bets and hardly ever hit numbers with over a fiver on, its the other way around now the companies are trying to entice big bets I have noticed there more likely to give you a chance if you bet big but not being to clever across the board the machine loves to surprise you when you least expect you win but get to smart it wins.

Posted : 18th August 2009 3:54 pm
Posts: 0

In all forms of gambling the bookie always wins in the end. The odds are designed for this to happen. It doesnt matter wether it is machines, horses, dogs, poker...the bookie will always win in the end.

the best thing to do is to stop gambling completly and spend your hard earned cash on yourself and your family.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 18th August 2009 5:57 pm
Posts: 0

I've also been playing these things since 2000/2001.

The first time I ever played, I bet £10 on Red 17 times and 17 times, it came up black. I convinced myself then and there that these things were obvously rigged and I left them alone for around two years.

After then, I gradually started playing them and preading my bets all over the table - I had many highs and lows, the highest of which was when I gained £1500 in the space of around 10 minutes by literally spreading the virtual chips around like confetti and hit big number after big number. I then convinced myself again that these things were rigged as this was beyond luck and sure enough, I lost the lot several days later.

Since then, i've won and lost thousands in the years since. I do believe that these machines are generally what they say they are but something isn't quite right - the patterns and way that these numbers seem to fall doesn't seem to mirror a natural roulette table or similar numbers game.

The cashiers monitor these machines and can see how much you are going to win or lose as soon as you hit the "spin" button so in effect, the machine knows where the ball will land immediately on pressing this and the spin itself is just a graphic.

There seem to be much less high-rolling players but more casual gamblers with smaller stakes who seem to plod along - maybe the more affluent have learnt the hard way.

We quite simply don't know enough about them and people really should stay away - the boom has already subsided somewhat and they have began to appear in other places such as seaside arcades so I do think, like the lessening of the poker boom, although there will always be players, people have generally judged for themselves that something isn't quite right somewhere and let's hope future generations do the same.

Posted : 21st August 2009 12:39 am
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One of the main problems I have with roulette in the bookies is that I have never met someone or heard of a player that has won more than £5000 never mind £20000+ I used to visit casinos allot and you hear storys all the time about someone who walked in with £500 and walked out with £30000 playing roulette, the bookies have many regular players on there so called random fobts and not 1 person I have spoke to or heard of has won anything substantial on fobts, the conclusive answer is that they are rigged guys.

fobts pattern on a good day L/W/L/W/L/W/L/W/L/W/W/L/L/L/W/L/L/L

Posted : 21st August 2009 11:59 am
Posts: 0

Agree with the points about FOBTs. I stopped about 10 months ago after losing a lot of money over time. Definitely rigged when I last played I lost 3000 pounds in a three week period and each machine I played I lost and not even up at any stage on one. After that I quit and wont even go in a bookmakers anymore to bet as I felt I was shafted by playing a dishonest game. In the future I think the bookmakers will wish they didnt have FOBTs as they have upset to many of their customers with them

Posted : 21st August 2009 6:28 pm
Posts: 0

OF COURSE -- you're never going to stop gambling - and bookies shouldn't be shut down just because some people lose on FOBTs! DUH!

But the point is quite simple - FOBTs are beyond the pale! No one here is complaining that gambling is a bad thing, or that it can't be enjoyed in moderation - what we are complaining about is the fact that FOBTs are the Crystal Meth of the gambling world. It's like a pub stocking 80% proof whisky instead of 40%!

No one is saying gambling should be outlawed - but what we are saying is that FOBT are capable of causing too much financial damage to the worst-off in society because they have been allowed to breed unchecked....

Please, allow me to continue.... All these austere lords and politicians waffle on that gambling is the individuals' choice and it can even be fun.... But by bringing a casino into every High Street in Britain (for that's what we have now), we are parting with decades of tradition that shielded everyday folks from the pitfalls of gambling addiction.

Where once you had to be a member to achieve the rapid highs and lows of the casino, now every man can fall in the trap on his general business around town.

The austere members of the house of lords who have allowed these machines to proliferate have done so because they are too rich and too aloof to understand the addiction and the level of risk on people on a normal income.

The fact is simple - these machines are beyond the pale - the payouts are too high - the level of stakes are too high - the speed you can bet is too fast.

Come back fruit machines - all is forgiven!

It is sad that gamcare is just a puppet for the gambling industry - with no real interest in helping problem gamblers other than sending them out into the pasture to die - and no - that is not melodrama - that is how this site works - prove me wrong and do something useful!

Posted : 21st August 2009 6:32 pm
Posts: 0

its all the same, any form of gambling is a risk where you always lose in the end, weather its from teh temptation to play on afetr a win or chasing back losses...

i cant remember when i used to gamble on fobt's and sometimes i would walk in with £5, bet on 1 hand of blackjack and win and walk away thinking i had done well only to go back later and blow it

another thing i recall relating to the "fixed" accusations of them is playing on 1 £2 a bet again on blackjack, the result was if i had blackjack so did the dealer, if he was showinga poor card and i got 20 and stood, he would get 21, if i got standard 21 he would either have blackjack or push on 21,

glad now i can walk past the bookies and not use them 😀

Posted : 21st August 2009 6:41 pm
Posts: 0

I was doing £25 bets earlier on Roulette, scattered on the board, my fav area being the numbers 22/18/7/9/29/3/12/35/3 just past 0.

It landed on 25 FOUR times in a row. I was so shocked I took a picture on my phone.


Posted : 2nd September 2009 8:49 pm
Posts: 0

you would often have an old fella telling you which numbers were going to come up, whispering in your ear the numbers to play, if he knows the machines so well why isnt he wearing a rolex?

These machines lure you in with the belief that they follow a pattern, ive lost count of the amount of times ive told myself that.

I how many times have you seen the ball about to land on your number but the screen flicks/jumps and miraculously the ball has gone past your number when 999 out of a 1000 it would have followed its course onto your number.

Avoid them and you cant lose

Posted : 2nd September 2009 9:23 pm
Posts: 0

When I played them I realised there was an irregular pattern. Now, I could care less whether they are fixed or not. People know what they are doing when they place bets. If they are betting more than they can afford then they shouldn't be playing. For most people it is a form of entertainment. For CGs it is dangerous.

Stay away and the thoughts about fixed or not are not important to you.

Take care

Steve E

Posted : 3rd September 2009 8:11 am
Posts: 0

I think the idea that most people who play the machines are having a bit of fun with it (or some s**t like that) is an utter fallacy. Where are these lovely Martini drinking people you people harp on about so much?

Do they swan around on vespers, wearing blue blazers and rolexes?

This justification for the machines simply doesn't live up to the reality, which is: The machines are designed to breed ADDICTION. As such you are not getting a fair bet when you play (the machines don't mirror normal casino action). Additionally, "most" users are people on the bred line, who are playing with debt or money they can't afford to lose, suckered by the emotional fix the win gives them.

There is no fun in these machines. I've only seen hurt and frustration.

Posted : 3rd September 2009 9:55 pm
Posts: 0

these machines ahave benn my main if not only form of gambling since 2001 ish. i have had my biggest wins on these from smallest stakes but as a problem gambler i always wanted more and within a day or 2 it was lost again. i dont think they are fixed but i also hope never to play one again.

i have had 0 4 times out of 5 when heavily covered but also never seen it for many many spins. also had the same loosing number come up repeatedly. i have enough sense to know i will always loose but i have been too stupid to accept the fact...

Posted : 5th September 2009 2:44 pm
Posts: 175

These machines have also been my vice, up until 2004 i was heavly into fruit machines, but i discovered these machines, and never looked back.

When i used to play a certain machine in the bookies, if i played 1-18, 19-36 bets, i would know as soon as the ball started rolling wether it would land on low, or high number. And trust me, 80% of the time it would land on the oppisite of what i bet on.

If i spread the bets and left a few numbers without chips, more often than not, would land on one of the numbers without chips, when the probability of this happening would be say 5%. It happens to many times for this to be a coincidence, so in my view they are rigged up to the eye balls, but like was mentioned, i dont need to worry myself anymore, ive lost interest in them, ill avoid at all costs, and so should people reading this.


Posted : 5th September 2009 4:14 pm
Posts: 180

My poison was always roulette, land based or lon line, altho I agree that as Neil posted it does seem the empty numbers are hit with monotonous regularity,then doubled, its the gamble you are willingly taken if you play.

Don't get me wrong it would be great if all forms of gambling were better regulated.......but the rage in the posts I have been reading on this and similar threads is the rage of losing...more than the punter can afford.

I have been there in spades but WE must take responsibility..noone else......nobody was forced on to the table/machines with a gun pointed at their head!!!!!

The secret is in finding a way to cope without our drug.

I wish everyone well in their own recovery journey.

have a good weeend.

W x

Posted : 5th September 2009 4:58 pm
Posts: 0

Im sick of hearing these debates but at the same time i understand why questions of rigging are asked because, at one time, i used to be facinated by understanding the working of the machines.

Lets me end this for you right now.

FOBT's are not rigged. They never have been and they likely never will be. They arent rigged because THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE RIGGED TO MAKE A HUGE PROFIT. By being random they are playing the way that creates the most addiction and gets players guessing and speculating just like the debate here. The more the designers can blind players from the truth the more they can profit from their ignorance.

If you had kept a tally of your roulette gambling, an actual written tally, each and every bet, amount won lost etc you would see the random pattern for yourself. No gambler does this as it would make gambling into a science experiement and drain the thrill from it. If you merely try to recall the patterns from memory the associated emotional highs and lows will blur your judgement to the point where you start seeing patterns that dont exist.

Throughout history gambling had preyed on the mindsets of people who believe they can predict the outcomes of random events. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is a person who attempts the same failing method over and over and expects a different result. The guy also said that the only way to win at roulette is to steal chips from the table when the casino staff aren't looking. Clever bloke.

Posted : 5th September 2009 6:27 pm
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