*** Join The Guru Challenge! ***

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Hi Cardhue,

Thank you for your comments, and, as I wrote in response to Robf's latest post, it's your perogative and rest assured, never a problem to me. I would like the opportunity to respond, if I may.

Firstly, you say you share Robf's unease about these kind of threads (i.e. Challenge threads), however say it's fine for what it is, but not sure what it is; I'll try to illuminate.

It WILL be about counting the days, but weekly, as the very first post in this thread states. We haven't been up a week yet, but have had a provisional first rollcall and another will follow on Sunday. I'm just getting together, and will discuss with my fellow host Athena - who, by the way, has been amazingly encouraging on this thread, in my opinion - the format and structure of the rollcalls. But rest assured every member of this thread will have their GF count listed, along with the fun, but hopefully inspiring, 'status' according to the number of days GF.

So, to clarify your point, yes, there will be strict counting, on a weekly basis, similar in vein to the other established Challenges on these forums.

Is this challenge seeking something higher? I can't say I've thought about that; the best answer I can give is that it's intend to be positive and spirited, for sure, but not spiritual. That said, those of us following the Gambling Anonymous steps will be aware of a higher plane as part of their recovery strategy, but certainly this thread isn't consiously following this course of action.

Your statement "I can see it's harmless, unless you're relying on this in any way to bring about any kind of genuine change" is, of course, the 'incoming', your carefully-crafted 'zinger'.

Here's my take. You might not find it brings any change, but others might find it helps. And I said helps - it's not a panacea, we all know gambling addiction is an extremely complex beast, and the positive tsunami that this thread brings - I actually like, and will use, that phrase - is but one of a multitude of directions, tools and approaches that might help.

Also, are you tarring the other Challenges with the same brush?

You ask, is this thread counter-productive and not harmless, i.e. actually damaging? Please be most assured that would horrify me and I would like to think anyone who is part of the thread. Is this thread significant? Not in the scheme of things; but I suppose it's for others to judge how useful it turns out to be. It's but one of many, many channels recovering gamblers like us might consider useful, as I've already covered.

As regards how Robf was making his point, he is the best one to answer that question, we can both speculate but I personally feel that is unfair without his implicit permission; I would feel uncomfortable, and don't feel it's right, speaking on someone else's behalf. I believe, with respect, we have to show Robf some consideration.

I do agree that this thread should stand scrutiny - absolutely. You can be most assured Gamcare are - quite rightly - keeping a VERY close eye on this thread. As soon as you invite others to any sort of communal challenge it must be done correctly and responsibly. (And having personally left a successful Challenge in the lurch before - I have held my hands up - I am certainly 'on probation'. Hence why Athena has kindly offered to co-host, and hosting is open to anyone, to help ensure continuity once it's all established).

So, if this thread turns out to be anything other than what it says 'on the tin' - a site with a positive vibe and weekly rollcall - you can be sure that Gamcare will act.

Thank you, cardhue, for your comments, sincerely made. I have, in turn, made a sincere reply, and, thinking about what you've written, have tailored the 'Welcome' message slightly to make sure that any reader understands that this thread may be useful to them, but to bear in mind it's just one of many useful tools and appraches out there. I do listen, cardhue, and have taken on board the points you've raised.

(I've also made clear, in the 'Welcome' threads, in light of Robf's comments, that 300-days GF does not really make you some kind of Guru, in case anyone thought I was being literal. Hopefully this assuages Robf's concerns. And I'm not being facetious here; I never mock because everyone on these forums is trying to deal with this condition we all have, that's what bonds us all and that's what's important.)

I wish you well, cardhue, and a GF day today. In fact I wish everyone a GF day today!

Posted : 25th August 2017 9:28 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter


Just to advise that rollcalls will be made weekly, provisionally on Sundays, from this Sunday!

Athena and I will be talking to each other, within the forums, about how we'll set the first one up. Any subsequent suggestions once we've put it out there will be more than welcome!

Have an enjoyable evening everyone and here's to a wonderfully GF day tomorrow!

Posted : 25th August 2017 10:30 pm
Posts: 0

Sorry to jump in Mixer / Louis ( Cardhue ) .

But Rob did say in post 43 of this thread that " He gambles because his life is awful " so just to clarify that's where I got the impression from as Louis used my post to reiterate his post .

All the best Guys :))

Posted : 25th August 2017 10:31 pm
Posts: 0

And what is it this week about people not being allowed to be positive ? Firstly Day@atime now Louis !

Without positivity you have nothing except hope , so shall we chuck that away as well ?

Posted : 25th August 2017 10:38 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Hi Alan,

Thank you for your support of the principles behind this thread - particularly, the spirit of positivity that we are trying to foster.

It does seem that a number of footballs are being kicked over the fence to this thread lately; precisely how muddy I will give the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, we will keep trying to grow a fertile, fruitful garden, for all participants to benefit from and enjoy.

We will NOT be daunted. Positivity WILL win the day!

All the very best Alan,


Posted : 25th August 2017 11:03 pm
Posts: 397

There's always one . Let's just be happy and stay postive ! Thank you for encouraging us mixer ! Thanks for supporting Alan ! You guys are definitely helping us addicts ! And yes Robf says "he gambles because his life is awful".

Stay positive and happy everyone!


Posted : 26th August 2017 1:30 am
Posts: 0

Mixer wrote:

Hi Cardhue,

Thank you for your comments, and, as I wrote in response to Robf's latest post, it's your perogative and rest assured, never a problem to me. I would like the opportunity to respond, if I may.

Firstly, you say you share Robf's unease about these kind of threads (i.e. Challenge threads), however say it's fine for what it is, but not sure what it is; I'll try to illuminate.

It WILL be about counting the days, but weekly, as the very first post in this thread states. We haven't been up a week yet, but have had a provisional first rollcall and another will follow on Sunday. I'm just getting together, and will discuss with my fellow host Athena - who, by the way, has been amazingly encouraging on this thread, in my opinion - the format and structure of the rollcalls. But rest assured every member of this thread will have their GF count listed, along with the fun, but hopefully inspiring, 'status' according to the number of days GF.

So, to clarify your point, yes, there will be strict counting, on a weekly basis, similar in vein to the other established Challenges on these forums.

Is this challenge seeking something higher? I can't say I've thought about that; the best answer I can give is that it's intend to be positive and spirited, for sure, but not spiritual. That said, those of us following the Gambling Anonymous steps will be aware of a higher plane as part of their recovery strategy, but certainly this thread isn't consiously following this course of action.

Your statement "I can see it's harmless, unless you're relying on this in any way to bring about any kind of genuine change" is, of course, the 'incoming', your carefully-crafted 'zinger'.

Here's my take. You might not find it brings any change, but others might find it helps. And I said helps - it's not a panacea, we all know gambling addiction is an extremely complex beast, and the positive tsunami that this thread brings - I actually like, and will use, that phrase - is but one of a multitude of directions, tools and approaches that might help.

Also, are you tarring the other Challenges with the same brush?

You ask, is this thread counter-productive and not harmless, i.e. actually damaging? Please be most assured that would horrify me and I would like to think anyone who is part of the thread. Is this thread significant? Not in the scheme of things; but I suppose it's for others to judge how useful it turns out to be. It's but one of many, many channels recovering gamblers like us might consider useful, as I've already covered.

As regards how Robf was making his point, he is the best one to answer that question, we can both speculate but I personally feel that is unfair without his implicit permission; I would feel uncomfortable, and don't feel it's right, speaking on someone else's behalf. I believe, with respect, we have to show Robf some consideration.

I do agree that this thread should stand scrutiny - absolutely. You can be most assured Gamcare are - quite rightly - keeping a VERY close eye on this thread. As soon as you invite others to any sort of communal challenge it must be done correctly and responsibly. (And having personally left a successful Challenge in the lurch before - I have held my hands up - I am certainly 'on probation'. Hence why Athena has kindly offered to co-host, and hosting is open to anyone, to help ensure continuity once it's all established).

So, if this thread turns out to be anything other than what it says 'on the tin' - a site with a positive vibe and weekly rollcall - you can be sure that Gamcare will act.

Thank you, cardhue, for your comments, sincerely made. I have, in turn, made a sincere reply, and, thinking about what you've written, have tailored the 'Welcome' message slightly to make sure that any reader understands that this thread may be useful to them, but to bear in mind it's just one of many useful tools and appraches out there. I do listen, cardhue, and have taken on board the points you've raised.

(I've also made clear, in the 'Welcome' threads, in light of Robf's comments, that 300-days GF does not really make you some kind of Guru, in case anyone thought I was being literal. Hopefully this assuages Robf's concerns. And I'm not being facetious here; I never mock because everyone on these forums is trying to deal with this condition we all have, that's what bonds us all and that's what's important.)

I wish you well, cardhue, and a GF day today. In fact I wish everyone a GF day today!

A well articulated response there Mixer, and kudos for taking some what I regard well meaning points on board..

So Mixer and amigos I will wish you well in any help this thread may bring.

Posted : 26th August 2017 5:24 am
Posts: 363

Keep the positivity going Mixer and the rest of you guys who appreciate this thread for what it is (it is a nice, friendly, well meaning thread IMO). Lovely to see the Mixer effect back in full flow, i am thankful for the time you spend on here and the effort you put into your positive posting. You are not one to get dragged down by other's questioning of your good intentions and i think a lot of people are very glad to have you. Keep it going Mixer it is appreciated always by myself.

Posted : 26th August 2017 7:06 am
Posts: 0

Day 16 and I'm struggling...just opened a casino website, clicked deposit before closing the tab 🙁 I don't know why, a quick buzz? instant cash?

My boyfriend is at work today and my kids are with their dad so I'm going to have ample opportunities to gamble today.

I don't want to post "day 1" tomorrow...

Posted : 26th August 2017 8:40 am
Posts: 151

Well put mixer - only positivity and encouragement in this thread 🙂 Laura stay strong it might be difficult because you are alone but take yourself back to the place you were when gambling made your life miserable remember the stress anxiety and upset it caused and stay away! I know you can do it.


Posted : 26th August 2017 9:24 am
Posts: 1828
Topic starter

Alan, your posts are great; there are "no flies on you" !

Sars - thank you and well done for another day GF, cruising - dare I say it - to a very important milestone indeed! But always one happy GF day at a time. Enjoy the weekend my man!

Volcano - really appreciate your post; you're right, It's good to listen to constructive criticism and hopefully for those of us for whom this isn't their cup of tea can respectfully leave it for those of us for whom it might help. All the very best to you.

Laura - you are doing the right thing diving on here and Athena's advice is bang on the money. Remember, you cant gamble without one of these three; money, location and time. You've got the time so one of the other three has to go. Give your card to a trusted friend, or self-excluded from every online casino you can think of! You WILL thank yourself if you don't gamble today. Remember - in one hour, you can gamble a whole week's wages. There are 168 hours in a week. Don't spend 167 skint, miserable hours regretting it!

Alainepo - thank you for your very kind words that are appreciated like you won't believe! And you're right - I always make sure I'm on top of whatever brickbats come this thread's way - the trick is, I've found in life, is to be consistently polite and respectful. You can cut through most obstacles in life with those two things alone. Thanks again, and here's to a haopy, day by day, GF journey for you and your loved ones.

It's Saturday; let's open that GF curtain, let the light in, and life a live how we deserve to live it - let's leave misery outside the back door!

"Just for today - we will not gamble!"

Posted : 26th August 2017 10:23 am
Posts: 1037

I sense the terminology such as "guru" and "elder" are being used light-heartedly? Of course, this is a serious addiction to tackle but I see no harm in lightening up a bit and it seems many people are enjoying this challenge. Keep up the good work Mixer and Anthea.

Posted : 26th August 2017 1:17 pm
Posts: 1828
Topic starter


A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.

"You'll get your chance in court." said the Desk Sergeant.

"No, no, no!" said the man. "You don't understand. I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife; I've been trying to do that for years!"

*** WEEKLY ROLLCALL LATER TODAY - have a great GF day everyone! ***

Posted : 27th August 2017 9:03 am
Posts: 37

30 days gf today 🙂

Sun is shining, life feels good today

Have a fab gf day all xxx

Posted : 27th August 2017 11:01 am
Posts: 3947

Abstainer checking in with 108 GF Days . Well done Mixer & Athena , great light hearted positivity about this thread .

Posted : 27th August 2017 11:12 am
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