Major slip up

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Hi everyone, 

I didn't last long with Gamban; ended up using my partner's iPad to get my 'fix'. I had a real lucky streak the past couple of days: today I thought, ok I can stop now. I'm catching up financially and I would have been fine. But then my partner reminded me of a bill I had to pay which I hadn't accounted for.(she doesn't know I am gambling again). So I tried my luck so I could afford it...didn't work out and I lost half my winnings before leaving. It's like the casino was out to get all the money back, such a bad losing  streak but I find it so hard to leave and quit! I literally have no self control and even the dealers were telling me I should take a break. I have been working from home since December and have had so much time on my hands and as a result lost so much gambling trying to fill the void. I will need to be very frugal this month with money; if I gamble again now then I'm in big trouble and will be in debt. So this is it.. Please help me, how did you all replace gambling? I need an escape from this nightmare. Another month till I'm back at work properly ?


Posted : 27th March 2021 11:49 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi... You need to register with Gamstop, that will stop you just acquiring another device, to gamble on. Do it today whilst your feeling motivated to do something. Do it!!

All the best

Posted : 28th March 2021 9:26 am
Posts: 90

First. don't be too hard on yourself Talking about it here is a positive step.

Second, S.A's advice is right.

Third, re-read what you wrote: Your issue seems to be attempting problem A to solve problem B to solve problem C.

You want to gamble so you can pay a bill so your partner doesn't know there's an issue with the bill.

Your rational self - the one without the monkey on its back - knows that the most logical thing to do is not try to solve debt with gambling.

Look for a different way. That might mean being honest to your partner that you cannot afford to pay the bill. See if you, together, can find a solution. I suspect you will - whether it be asking for an arrangement with the people you owe the bill to or something else.

My problem with combating gambling addiction is that it robs you of the liberty you're afforded as an adult: We can do anything we want (as long as it's legal) and we get used to that so when, all of a sudden, an option isn't open to us, we feel a sense of injustice because 'everyone else' has that entitlement and we don't.

But it's important to see it in a different way. It's frustrating when you can't pay a bill but there's no weakness in admitting you can't afford it - especially when the alternative is gambling to try to raise the funds to pay it.

There's great strength in admitting weakness to your partner and to others, in asking for help. You'll feel a sense of relief and support.

Good luck and remember - one day at a time. Put this behind you and take today as Day One.

Keep posting updates if you can.

Posted : 28th March 2021 11:57 am
Posts: 2148

Hi Saunby92 and Welcome to the forum.

What you have written is full of little upsides and you do a damage limitation exercise controlled by a mind full of addiction.

You talk about lucky streaks recent gambling and secrets from your partner. You use terms like affording it...would have been fine etc

This is simply your mind trying to numb the pain and ride the situation. Your addicted mind wants to gamble again so it will tell you anything to keep the feeling alive.

Now to the reality. You need to stop gambling now and tell your partner what you have been up to. You need help and there is no shame in facing that. Gamban is not enough for you and never would have been.

More reality!.... you would not have to be worrying or frugal with money if you were gamble free. We all pay bills and its not particularly pleasant. However the aim is control over your life and a rainy day fund so bills dont seem hard and you still have money for a treat

Gambling is designed to be highly addictive and it is. You are not protected from it because the government are in on the tax take.

You need to learn to live again after a born again moment. Its not as simple as filling your time with a jigsaw or even windsurfing.

We have all faced lockdown and yes its horrendous. However gambling is not there to combat your stress or boredom....Its not the answer you seek and its just a money earner for the gambling den sharks

Gambling is not for you. Its a mugs game...a scam and a lie! You are better than gambling and dont need it in your life. Its a drug you understand? and you need help to break free from it properly

With help you can make it history but you can never be complacent again nd your partner will ideally need to manage the money and keep a firm eye on you

Are you ready because you need to learn what you are dealing with. An addiction so powerful taht it affected millions of people and set them on the road to total destruction.

Follow the advice and please act now. Theres no time to be casual about it

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

This post was modified 4 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 28th March 2021 2:04 pm
Posts: 237

Hi there. I would also agree with the others and say gamstop is the way forward. Also instead of looking to replace gambling try to understand the whys behind our gambling addiction. You are not alone in a relapse. I relapsed after 6 months and it was gut wrenching. However I turned here for support and it’s been life changing. 

Posted : 28th March 2021 4:09 pm
Posts: 144

gamstop as you have discovered only works if you actually WANT to stop gambling 

i disagree with just relying on it to solve the addicition because there are so many ways around it and we all know how good addicts are at finding ways around things 

you cant replace gambling , you have to remove the mindset of wanting something for nothing

and its very very difficult because once you do get sucked in you get trapped in gambling quicksand and next thing your doing your boll@x in everyday of the week and quickly become destitute 

i would suggest giving yourself a good tw @ t round the face and admit you have been a fool it should shock you into stopping 

the rest is down to you 

Posted : 28th March 2021 6:26 pm

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