Need help !!

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So I'm 21 and been gambling got 3/4 years and was worst decision I ever made! Was all just fun £1-£5 bets at first on accumulators and I enjoyed it whether I lost or won as I knew that that the £5 I was losing wasn't crucial money.. But about 2 years ago it l changed! Someone mentioned to me about online roulette so I gave it a go.. I was hooked at how I could win £20-£50-£100 in no time at all be from them all its got worse!

I would waste everything online, I now have debts over 10k, my father bailed me out once and I built it all back up! I borrow all the time just so I can get my fix! I hate myself.. I got paid 12:30am this morning and by 1pm I have less than 10% of my wages left!! That's too last me another 5 weeks plus pay all my bills.. Im screwed and I just don't Know how to get out of it... I've self excluded from all the sites but my worry is this month I have no money to survive.. Please just someone help and suggest stuff

Posted : 22nd May 2015 1:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi DarYl. I'm not really qualified to give advice as im in the same boat as you. The first thing tho is to install gambling blocks in Ur devices if u are gambling online. U need to tell someone close to you that will understand and take control of your finances. U have to break the cycle and find other interests. It's far from easy. I'm busy trying to sort out my whole life and fix everything that makes me miserable as that's wot takes me to gambling. U have to understand that our brains need reprogrammed. We aren't bad people we just make bad choices. I hope u keep coming back and updating on your progress. Lots of people find keeping a diary on here helps and there is also the 2015 challenge for u join. Good luck. Xx

Posted : 22nd May 2015 8:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Daryl, well done on making that post and for coming to these forums. Just like me, you are 21, and seem to have admitted to yourself you have had a problem with gambling for a couple of years now.

I'm going to echo what new name new start posted, because that was a fantastic post, you have to make the lifestyle changes and not allow gambling to creep back in. It sure is tough. But you're not alone. It's something we're all going through.

Posting on these forums is a great start, have you considered counselling sessions that Gamcare can provide to you? I've had quite a few now and it's fantastic to be able to get my feelings out in the open, as well as have a genuine chat with somebody every once in a while.

Best wishes and hope you keep posting, it would be great to follow your recovery.


Posted : 22nd May 2015 8:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Daryl well done on the post first step in recovery. I havent gambled for 42 days now but prior to this i gambled 24_7 for 5 years!Yes for sure put a game blocker on and yes hand your finances over to someone else you really must do this.Please go and find out where your nearest GA meetings is scary the !st time round but if you really want to stop and only stop because you want too then GA is the best place for you.Please keep us posted and i look forward to hearing about your recovery jazzydee5 x

Posted : 22nd May 2015 8:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Daryl.

I have similar issues with online roulette, it's absolutely brutal. Please install blocking software on your computer, phone etc K9 is free. Self excluding is a positive step but there's always another site if you have a moment of weakness.

Been there many times myself myself with nothing to live off for the month after a blowout blowout. Strangely it's when I felt most at ease as I had no money to gamile!

Good luck, you can beat this

Posted : 22nd May 2015 10:34 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All,

Thank you for your messages, they all help as I know there are people going through the same and willing to help. I've told people before about my gambling but never admitted to them it was a problem, would just always say I do it for fun. But I just feel ashamed and guilty for all the trouble I put people through! Also knowing I can't pay my bills and my board is what really makes me feel sick as wasting over 1000 in 12 hours isn't acceptable.

Played golf this morning which helped take my mind off things for a bit but when your standing alone waiting to take a shot, I start to think about it all and really hate myself for what I've done.

I was that stupid that last month when I had no money (from paying bills that time) I spent a weekend trying to figure out a system to beat roulette and I made spreadsheets with my system of how I was going to make 100,000+ a year and this is where this months problems have stemed from, because of course that system would never work!

But thank you for the reponses, i've hande my bank account over to my mum so she can control it all and basically give me pocket money when I need it.. it's the only way

Posted : 23rd May 2015 2:03 pm

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