Not sure where to start....

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Hi all, 

Tough one for me this, but I really feel I need to let some emotion out and speak to somebody. 

Im 30 years old, and i’m a raging gambling addict and have been since I was 18. I only ever bet on horses and no other form of gambling at all appeals to me.

I’ve lost thousands over the years, like we all have, but the last 3 months have taken a toll on me physically and mentally. Up until 3 months ago the most i’ve ever had in my bank account was £**. I’ve had a bit of a lucky 3 months....I now sit here with over £**. The turnover in bets in the last 3 months on my bank statement is approx £**. All I want to do after work is gamble, and I will lay and gamble up until midnight or as late as 2am. My partner has no idea of my addiction, probably because we are never short of money.

As you have already read, I have over £**. That would of been £** if I hadn’t just lost the £** I had gained this afternoon on horse racing in the USA several minutes before I write this post. I am not going to gamble any more of the money in my bank, i’m adament of that.

I am just unsure on where I go from here, I feel really low when I am not gambling lately, I know I will wake up tomorrow feeling sick that i’ve just lost £** in a matter of minutes. I must concentrate on the good things in life, I have a lovely partner, daughter and great job. But the gambling has really gotten me down, especially this last month. I have gained 2 stone and feel depressed and have yet to speak to anybody about the situation.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life and i’m just unsure what I do with myself?

Sorry i’ve ranted on, just needed to get it off my chest. 

Thank you for reading, if anybody has any advise, I would truly appreciate it.

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 30th June 2019 12:42 am
Posts: 108

You came here that's a massive start you should be proud of that.  

I've been doing it ten years and I use to get up in minting place a bet as you would get up and have a cup of tea! It's all I use to think about.

Do you know why you do it.  Is it a buzz of loosing or is it because you have such a c**P life you use it to escape like I did.  It was my best friend and worst enemy all rolled into one.

I'm on day 21 gf and I can honestly say it's the best 3 weeks out of the last ten years .  My bank balance is looking healthier, I don't feel so moody either. My partner knows and has been a great support. 

I registered with gamstop sense and I come here to feel not alone.  Knowing I'm not the only one going through this helps.

Good luck and we'll done for coming here.  🙂 


Posted : 30th June 2019 11:50 am
Posts: 44

Hi anonymous,

you need to tell your partner. I am in 19k debt at the age of 23. Everyone knows I have an addiction now. Support is all you need so it’s very important that your partner is aware. You are in good position still so tell her now before it gets worse. I wish I opened up to people earlier on, now I’m gona be paying debt for 2 years, so my life will work and home for 2 years.


Posted : 30th June 2019 12:24 pm
Posts: 2
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Posted by: Boolooser56

You came here that's a massive start you should be proud of that.  

I've been doing it ten years and I use to get up in minting place a bet as you would get up and have a cup of tea! It's all I use to think about.

Do you know why you do it.  Is it a buzz of loosing or is it because you have such a c**P life you use it to escape like I did.  It was my best friend and worst enemy all rolled into one.

I'm on day 21 gf and I can honestly say it's the best 3 weeks out of the last ten years .  My bank balance is looking healthier, I don't feel so moody either. My partner knows and has been a great support. 

I registered with gamstop sense and I come here to feel not alone.  Knowing I'm not the only one going through this helps.

Good luck and we'll done for coming here.  🙂 


Thank you both for your great advice and feedback, the above post I can relate to. It is also my best friend and worst enemy all rolled into one, I think I do it to escape my lifestyle. Gambling on horse racing is the biggest buzz I get in life (pretty sad really), but I just absolutely love it, and I have spent way too much time doing it lately and not concentrating on the things that matter, eg. Family and work.


I haven’t gambled today and went for a round of golf, also got in touch and arranged some treatment in form of counselling. Hopefullt in a couple of months I will be able to forget all about gambling and horses and be living a happy life. I have 2 holidays booked and the best bank balance i’ve ever had, so I know I am luckier than others and intend to build my future. It is still in the back of my head and im just hoping time will erase it, ive gone on a 6 month stint before GF and then I crumbled. This time I am dedicated to making it forever.


Thank you all!

Posted : 30th June 2019 6:55 pm

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