Just looking for peoples opinion on the best thing to do in the situation im in.
Going back about a year and a half I had a message on my phone from the bank manager asking to make an appointment to go in and see him. I made one and went down to see him.
He told me that he was wanting to give me a loan to settle my outstanding loan which didnt have long left to pay and also clear my £2000 overdraft. £5000 would have easily covered this but he insisted that id be better with a loan of £7500 as the apr would be less and if I didnt have use for the extra money I could just pay it back.
Now I didnt hold back, I told him that I had gambling problems, I told him I had payday loans also but he still gave me the loan. He even filled out on the application that I needed the money for car repairs when I clearly didnt. I wasnt in a good place back then asI went along with it thinking that id have a nice wee pot to gamble with which sure enough didnt last long. I actually knew the manager. Not well but we both played in the same pool league so I knew of him and to say hello.
Ive never missed payments for my loan but just over christmas time ive defaulted twice and now im being hounded for the money. Its making me feel very bitter and I feel the need to take this matter to the highest level as lending money to someone who didnt even want a loan, a gambler and someone who had payday loans I think was a bit irresponsible.
I accept I signed for the money but my head wasnt in a goodplace at the time and all I could think about was gambling.
Anyone any advice on the best thing I could do??
Thanks in advance. Davie
I know as a gambler we would be looking for a route out and not have to pay! However the best way, if I were you, would be to accept the situation and try to fomulate a plan to get it sorted. It is painful and you should not have been allowed the loan but it is what it is and ownership and responsibilty of our actions could be a huge stepping stone forward in your recovery. There is no easy way to recover from addiction just have to learn to respect it! Sorry if this isn't on the lines you were looking for! Hope there is a better solution for you out there!
Take care
Hi Davie
Unfortunately Smiler has hit it on the head. If you were to attempt to file any sort of grievance against your unethical and irresponsible Bank Manager "friend" it would be a case of your word against his. The best thing is to dust yourself down and next time you are in that position make sure you fill in the loan form correctly. ie "I want to borrow the money because I am a compulsive gambler and want to s*P*u*n*k it up the wall in the shortest possible time". This may give you some grounds for complaint if the loan application was subsequently accepted.
Move on, stop gambling, this will make you a better person (even better person!) and enjoy life so much more.
Take care my friend and I hope everything works out well for you.
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