Saving?? Help

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I need some advice.  I have up gambling 3 months ago. I'm nearly at the 100 day mark after 2 minor slipups. 

I feel like I've quit but for what.  I don't see my savings increasing as it should be.

I use to win but it was never enough id go back and blow more and more.  I was completely wreckless and didnt care from one day to the next.

I wanted to save the money everytime I had a urge then I could treat myself to something as a reward for giving up.  The thing is I look through my finances and just can't see how I use to pay bills and gamble?! I just don't know how your suppose to save the money used for gambling when in your budget your skint!!!


Posted : 21st December 2019 5:39 pm
Posts: 1492

Is it a seasonal cash flow or your mind playing mind games wanting to lure you back to the thrill of the chase. We are none of us in a complete comfort zone yet. 

It's not easy is it spend but united we stand 



Posted : 21st December 2019 8:01 pm
Posts: 2148

Hi SLW84

Thats an interesting point to talk though.

My life was immediately better gamble free but it can take some time just to get that healthy relationship with money clear in my mind.

I was fully focused that gambling is not an income scheme or a top up scheme Its not a cover the cost of mundane items scheme and it was not there to cover my bills and taxes. It wasnt there to get me though the month. Thats not what the gambling dens have set up and I was more likely to lose my money especially on slots.

My delusional thoughts of a little win or clever gambling were just that....Delusional and addicted

For a start the thousands I gambled a year were available over the months to use in a positive way. I started to realise I could afford things that my gambling brain told me were too expensive.

I dont earn a massive amount but I had some careful months and started a rainy day fund.

I never said that you will suddenly be whisked off to the land of milk and honey...we all have to live within our means...some dont but they do not compute the looming problems.

I enjoy my job. I earn a certain amount and I can pay my way. It can sound twee. I know what you are saying but you cant tell me that gambling was your top up fund when feeling short of money

Best wishes to you




This post was modified 5 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 22nd December 2019 2:04 pm

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