The Cheltenham Support Thread

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This thread is for those people who will find next weeks events hard to deal with, please keep it supportive. In the past similar threads have helped people get through a week that can be extremely testing for some of us.

For anyone who like me struggled with the horses there may be times of the year that the urges can be higher than normal. Cheltenham is one of them, I try to avoid all knowledge of whats going on in the world of horse racing as the smallest snippet has led to urges in the past. Sadly next week it will be everywhere, tv, newspapers, internet, radio and any other sources of media.

Use this thread however you like, but do keep it supportive, if it can help a handful of people to get through next week without slipping up then its well worth me posting it.

I personally will not be weak over the coming days, I have my blocks in place and I won't let Cheltenham suck me in. It never ends well, its just not worth it. One day at a time this can be beat!

Posted : 11th March 2017 11:06 am
Posts: 1037

Good idea. Some a-hole who knows I don't gamble mentioned the name of a horse to me twice yesterday. It wound me up - not because of temptation but hecause he was an idiot trying to wind me up but then I guess we'll always encounter people like that during our journey? To be honest - really honest - I didn't even realise it was on as I never look at racing pages or sites and in fact habitually rip the racing page(s) out of my daily paper. Again, not out of concerns to do with temptation, I simply do not want that garbage in my paper! Best wishes, Phil

Posted : 11th March 2017 11:11 am
Posts: 0

Great shout born again- I for one will trying to avoid the whole bloody thing . Sad really that I have to avoid something I really enjoyed each year . But that is the nature of your compulsive gambler I guess being addicted until we ruin it !

It's funny because I never went mad betting at Cheltenham you normally have 20 plus horses in the field and even I could see you had little chance of picking a winner - however I agree with what you mentioned earlier soooo easy to get dragged back in. Going to keep busy and try and pretend it isn't happening .

Phil - people who mention horses to people without being asked are a-holes and almost never right !!! If you had a sure thing the last thing you would do is tell everyone else about it ! Just ignore them and watch em lose their money

Posted : 11th March 2017 4:10 pm
Posts: 1037

Yep. Agree. Best to concentrate on a better life without that BS. I am very lucky that most if not all of my friends do not gamble or occasionally

Posted : 11th March 2017 7:04 pm
Posts: 0

I've never gambled on horses in my life but I always struggle this week due to everyone talking about it.
Every advert on t.v. or post on Facebook is about it.
In the past I've de activated my Facebook for a week because of it as I felt it was the best way to clear my head.
My advice would be to do the same and remain GF

Posted : 11th March 2017 11:25 pm
Posts: 1037

Hi Killie - all I can say without knowing you that in my view treat every day as just another day - you don't gamble and don't want to gamble. The festival? So what? Treat it like an annoyance. I posted on my diary I know it can be difficult but it can be done. 1 day, 100 day whatever - make the decision. We cannot avoid adverts for gambling on TV or online but in my opinion we can zone out. You don't want to gamble clearly so accept (in my view again) you are going to get that garbage on Facebook as I do but it doesn't matter. Just look it like spam maybe? Just my view and I wish you all the best, Phil

Posted : 12th March 2017 7:22 pm
Posts: 390


Posted : 14th March 2017 2:01 pm
Posts: 0

G’day folks, enjoyed reading this thread this avro,

Big Horse Racing Fan, lived close to a track in Oz and was there since I was a nipper, hanging with the ockers.

I have stopped six years now, but I still love Horse Racing. Is that wise? Probably not cobbers in all honesty, folks would probably say the same. But I came to terms with the fact that, if I lapsed and had a winning bet, then I would be betting more at higher stakes, then ultimately losing and spending money I don’t have. If I lost, it would be blue stonking murder to my insides, and I would do everything to win it back, leading to spending money I don’t have. When I came to terms with that, I could watch racing again – winning is actually worse than losing because that will make you up your game mate, it will make you want more., leading you to lose more.

Accept the fact that winning or losing is poison to you, then decide whether you believe that enough to continue watching racing. That’s my advice folks.

Posted : 14th March 2017 2:52 pm
Posts: 363

Load of betting chatter on around Cheltenham from some of my friends. The important friends know about my situation though so that helps as I know they are aware of me and they know I am aware of them. The important friends look after me which is why I am glad I was open this time.

Posted : 15th March 2017 1:00 am
Posts: 232

Just found this thread a really great idea and like someone said it doesn't matter it's Cheltenham, it's just another day that we aim to be GF ! Stay strong and safe today folks and we will feel a lot better in ourselves !

Posted : 15th March 2017 7:31 am
Posts: 534

Saw at GA last night how challenging this week is to sports betters, best wishes to all who are struggling, keep busy, and one day at a time.

Posted : 15th March 2017 8:26 am
Posts: 1828

We've all got to remember one important fact, whatever the tempation that comes our way.

When we gamble, in a given session, the flow is always the same.

1. We may win.

2. We may lose.

3. If we win, we keep gambling until we lose more than we win.

Ergo, we always lose, everytime. The wins are temporary but the losses permanent.

Because we have the Compulsive Gambling condition we can never hold on to our wins.

This is why we are here.

So, Cheltenham, or whatever - every morning giving the two finger salute is the best possible thing we can do.

Posted : 15th March 2017 8:27 am
Posts: 0

For myself like many others I was dreading Cheltenham as I used to attend most years and it was a great social event with friends and not just a betting thing. I've never personally had a problem with betting on horses my problem was online slots. I only used to bet on the big races e.g. Cheltenham, Derby, Grand National. But I'm 40 days GF now and I want to abstain from all forms of betting even though as I say I hardly ever bet on the horses. I found trying to avoid watching it or avoiding hearing about it etc virtually impossible and it ended up distracting me a lot yesterday so I decided to watch some on TV. I have to say for me personally this helped a great deal. I didn't have the urge to bet, no real excitement, it was just good to watch an event that has become part of my life (socially) not just gambling. I know it won't help everyone watching it as some people struggle with horses or any type of betting but for me personally it was more stressful avoiding the coverage than watching it.


Posted : 15th March 2017 8:51 am
Posts: 1789

Last year was a killer for me. I tried avoiding it but I could here people talking about it in the background and it definitely got to me. This year while not actively seeking it out I've accepted its there it's always going to be I can't change it.

This week I've changed my lunch so it I'm not free for the first race went to a meeting last night going to another tomorrow. It will all be over by Friday just keep busy and avoid the first bet keep my block high and share my concerns with people around me.


Posted : 15th March 2017 12:11 pm
Posts: 1831

We can't change the fact that gambling is everywhere these days...whether our addiction was the something else..nothing we can do or say will make any of them disappear.....
Yes...I totally beleive that in the early days of fighting our addictions we have to do all we can to protect ourselfs against taking that 1st bet..I can remember sticking my fingers in my ears and closing my eyes everytime Barbara Windsor came on tv promising punters a wonderfull time on her fantastic site ! now...I can see these adverts for what they are...praying on people who are vunerable to addiction.'s the serious addicts who bank roll any form of gambling...not the couple quid on a special occasion punt..
So...for me...the adverts don't bother me at all now...I can actually laugh at them..and see them for what they are...
The horse racing ...I suppose that's different it the love of the sport...or the love of a bet that your missing ?. .
If it's the first...then I hope in time you can enjoy just watching the racing for what it is...I reckon you should enjoy it more stresses of money lost !
And if it's the 2nd...then again I reckon it becomes like me with my online slot addiction. ..stop...turn around and face it. ....tell your addiction to jog's not tempting you back...just because it's Cheltenham. ...look at the adverts in a different light..not...."oooh I'm missing out"
More like..." thank f**k I won't be squimimg in my shoes tonight " because I've lost eveything...
The week will soon be over...just think how great you'll feel come Friday.....all because you said no thanks ...stay strong ..x

Posted : 15th March 2017 2:39 pm
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