These new gambling adverts targeting women

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Something that bugs the living cr%P out of me are the gambling adverts that directly target vulnerable women and make it seem like bingo and slots is all part of some great mumsnet club where you can find emotional support in your lonely world.

It's so insidious.

It's so nasty.

It makes me feel so angry, it actually inspires me as an aide memoire anytime I want to go online and place a bet to think of this architypal single mum who watches XXXX (if blocked by gamcare filter just think XXXX) where NO-ONE in the advert is actually deposting their benefit rent/gas money but is riding a go-kart or dancing with friends in the sunset watching bands. It's psychologically SO nasty!

When I was a kid in the 80's, betting shops were the preserve of knackered old men, who almost felt as seedy walking into them as they did walking into Soho mag shops. There was something about that which was naughty, dirty, secret and sticking it to the man, even if you had to pay tax before or after winnings!

But now, because these gambling companies need to find the biggest audience possible, they are now selling the idea of Alan Carr saying "treat yourself, ah mum's gone for the clover, how lovely".

Or that cartoon ad with the woman with the megaphone and sleeves rolled up like the 1940's poster saying "women, you deserve it! Here's your treat after a hard day taking care of kids and stupid men, etc" Losing your money and getting addicted as feminist right?! Jeezas, such clever advertising.

Treat yourself ladies!


It's really ffing nasty. It plays on all the insecurites. And it tries to normalise something which isn't really very normal, healthy or condiucive to a happy existence.

That XXXXX add especially tho - making it seem as people all hang out at Glastonbury with no phones. What a joke!

It really needs to be stopped. I don't know how. But it really does. I'm a naasty a*s 44yr old man, I'm grizzled and take responsibility for my mistakes, I knew what I was doing betting before the internet, before adverts. But this new lonely skint woman-targetting schtick is indefensible.

It truly helps me feel hate for these rich bloated s******s who run their offshore gambling companies from their tax-havens, just how calculating and nasty they can be. So every time I might feel tempted to try my "cheeky tenner", I think of Alan Carr saying "Ah clean those crisps up love, mum's gone for the lucky clover... ah exciting times!"

Anyone else get me, or am I just truly mad?


Posted : 27th February 2019 6:02 pm
Posts: 370

I agree totally these adverts are very bad especially as they target people during the day not late at night but between popular programs like ‘The Chase’ where people come home from work and see these thinking this is fun i’ll try it ...... and then they are hooked!!! Nasty !!!

Posted : 27th February 2019 7:21 pm
Posts: 0
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Exactly! Afternoon adverts where you are either unemployed, stay-at-home-mum, or pensioner. It's truly evil calculated psychological weakness inducing.

I don't understand how this sheet is deemed acceptable.

It's not fair.

I take responsibility for my 1980's male gambling ego, but this next gen level stuff is awful and I can't believe there isn't a bigger fuss about it.

There really should be.

Posted : 27th February 2019 7:31 pm
Posts: 232

I agree. The advertising is beyond clever now and something really should be done.

Posted : 2nd March 2019 7:23 am
Posts: 55

The government Imposed bans on Tobacco adverts because smoking is addictive and dangerous, there are strict guidelines around alcohol adverts (can’t be seen as glamarous and aspirational) because drinking is dangerous and addictive ... however, gambling companies seem to be able to get away with anything they like. They should be either banned, or forced to tell the whole truth.

Posted : 2nd March 2019 4:24 pm
Posts: 147

I quite agree. I think every gambling advert should be counterbalanced with an ad for Gamban, for example their video clip 'You're not alone' is very effective and shows the reality of what goes on.

Also the 'free daily games' that are featured on one particular group of sites should be stopped. Basically you get so many free picks per day and over a week you collect symbols which will award free spins. Seems a bit of harmless fun at first, but they are clearly designed to create a slot habit.

If tobacco companies went round issuing a free weekly pack of cigarettes, there would be public outrage. But the gambling websites are allowed to give freebies which create the habit.

Posted : 2nd March 2019 10:53 pm
Posts: 370

I agree with all of the above i’m sure that there are more and mire adverts appearing every week - i could name them now probably!!!

Posted : 2nd March 2019 11:05 pm
Posts: 2148

Yes it is insidious, nasty and pushing the drug of gambling.

Of course the adverts never show having no electricity or food in the cupboards. I treated myself to a short term drug and now I cant feed the kids.

Im a bit hesitant to get into gender differences but its clear that they are targeting women in these adverts.

Its disgusting and the celebrities attaching their names should be truly ashamed of themselves.

It deeply depresses me because I see no end to it. Just why is gambling so deregulated when it is every bit as harmful as other addictions classed as dangerous. Oh I know the answer to that which is why it is all so dark and twisted

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

Posted : 3rd March 2019 3:53 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

There are many women at home gambling alone. My friends sister does it. She can't get credit, uses her partners cards, declares bankruptcy. Gambling is growing, not just sports are targeted nowadays. Not only does gambling damage your mental health but so does being online too long. It's a mess.

Posted : 3rd March 2019 8:39 am
Posts: 311

One site uses celebrities for example Barbara Windsor I had respect as a actress until she took up the gambling site job.. Then when I saw PadMcGuiness take on her role. I totally lost any respect for him. Maybe people should email him and tell him how destructive gambling actually is.

It also aims at not just lonely housewives but disabled and elderly. It's certainly got glamorous. I can't understand why it's allowed on every timescale throughout the day as it is. The kids as young as 2yr have ipads, not mine but I've seen them play the free downloads that have adverts of gambling. They have to play a game to get the free app tokens. It's not just aimed now at housewives but children.

Cartoons I feel should not be allowed to be used for slots characters. As certain tunes now I associate to a slot game.

It's a messed up world we live in. Where gambling is now seen as the norm like doctors smoking while seeing patients. I've been in cafes and doctor surgeries and seen staff behind the counters with a ipad playing on slots.

It's everywhere. So how do we overcome this gambling addiction if nothing is being done to stop the advertising campaigns?

Bella xx

Posted : 3rd March 2019 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Totally agree Mad Max, this is how those b******s sucked me in 13 years ago, bloody Gala bingo!

Posted : 3rd March 2019 11:46 pm
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What can we do about it? I've got a 12yr old niece who showed me today her ipad asking if her parents could put their credit card details in so she could buy new skins for her to gamble.

I'm being serious this needs to stop. It needs to stop.

What can we do about it? Anyone want to get a govt. petition going? I'd do it myself but not sure it'll make any difference.


Posted : 4th March 2019 9:03 pm
Posts: 55

I’m going to make a list of all the celebs fronting these campaigns ... and send then a few tweets about the misery of gambling

Posted : 5th March 2019 11:17 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Max there is a charity 'gambling with lives' that are trying to raise awareness and restrict advertising. They are very receptive to emails. Try them

Posted : 5th March 2019 12:07 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the info Merry, I shall check it out!

Best wishes,


Posted : 5th March 2019 12:31 pm
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