Why can’t I just stop.

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I just don’t get it. I lost almost 17k in the space of 2month around July 2023. I stopped gambling as I lost all my savings and now I’m so worried that I’m gonna lose what I’ve built back up again. I had managed to save 10k in the last few months and now I’m down to 7k because I went back to the online roulettes … I’m finding myself desperately making accounts on random casino websites and then winning and then losing it all again. I self exclude myself for 6 months etc and then find myself searching for other websites which I have done and made new accounts on random roulette sites and lost 3k in about 2 weeks. I keep chasing my losses and I just can’t face the fact of quitting gambling as I keep chasing my losses to try and win it back. It’s so f*****g hard. I hope someone is the same boat as me 🙁 

Posted : 4th February 2024 4:29 pm
Posts: 2

First of all well done for managing to build your savings and have a spell of not gambling. We often focus on what we’ve failed at and not what we have achieved. 

I feel exactly the same as you tonight ‘why can’t I stop?’ Even when I have not a penny left I find a way and it’s disgusting I’m so annoyed at myself for relapsing. 

Posted : 4th February 2024 10:54 pm
Posts: 2

I've been in the same position thankfully I've managed to live free from gambling for quite a while now. I've set up a channel on YouTube describing what my gambling life was like and how it is today. If your in YouTube add me my channel is lifebeyondslots. For years my head was battered. I just couldn't stop and didn't know why. My gambling just didn't make sense. 

I set up the channel in the hope it can help others in a similar situation. 👍

Posted : 5th February 2024 5:03 am
Posts: 3
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@z8qifdmwye I hear you 😞 I really don’t get it either. I know I’m just gonna continue losing (with some gains but eventually I will lose it all and more) which I have done previously. It’s just so frustrating that I know gambling is stupid but I keep going back …. I wish I never started this rubbish roulette betting last year 😭😭😭😭 it consumes so much of my time as I just sit and wonder w*f am I doing. HUFF

Posted : 5th February 2024 10:53 am
Posts: 37

Our memory plays tricks on us. That is one reason why it is so hard to stop. you lose some, then you remember a time when you had a big win and won all your money back so you keep playing trying to repeat that. But sometimes you don't get your money back. It is very frustrating. The hardest thing for me is to realize that the only way to succeed at gambling is to not play.  But we want to play. It is so hard to stop. 

Posted : 5th February 2024 11:13 am
Posts: 86

If you read your post back you will see your just going around in circles but most importantly you are wasting the most important thing TIME

You can always make more money but you cant make more TIME


Gambling just drains it in pursuit of absolutley nothing

Posted : 5th February 2024 5:29 pm
Posts: 184


Can you hand over financial control to someone?? If you don’t have access to money, then it could be the start of your recovery journey. 

What I learned from the Gordon Moody retreat is, it’s all about responding rather than reacting! It’s about taking time to think, rather than jumping straight in auto pilot to gambling. 

It takes time to realise, but you will never be a winner, you will never be up on money and you will never beat the casinos, the online slots etc! You need to beat that evil demon, don’t let it take any more from you. 

Im currently on day 194 GF! You can do it! 💪🏼

Posted : 5th February 2024 8:32 pm
Posts: 1

I feel you! I was 3 years gambling free I had paid off all my gambling debts and had a decent amount of savings and life was really good and in November last year I relapsed and lost 20,000 or more in 3 months 😩 just kept chasing that win to get even that never came, now I'm back in debt and feeling awful, nearly broke up my relationship (witch I wouldn't blame her) I'm on day 8 gambling free and spent the last week figuring out how I'm going to pay all the debt off that I've got myself in, there are some great responses on here we all need support from time to time I know I'm in great need of it now! Just try your best to stop before you end up in my shoes and regretting losing everything you've worked so hard to build! Wish you all the best ! 

Posted : 5th February 2024 8:59 pm
Posts: 11

I am 20days gf and its been a hell of a learning curve! Tried to quit 4 or 5 times before on pure will power but what I've learnt in the last 3 weeks is that you need support from every angle! I confided in a friend and my parents. I used every tool I could to stop access, gamban, Gamstop, even (eventually)smashed a phone I found that I could use for access. The truth is, even now, I could access stuff if I wanted to. But I am losing the desire to. I understand that my body was craving the stress, the adrenaline, the dopamine of a win and nothing ever felt like it could compare to that. And in the immediate short term of not gambling, that was true. But 3 weeks in, 4 counselling sessions and the online chatroom have really helped. You can stop. Please dont hit rock bottom before you do. Xx

Posted : 5th February 2024 10:41 pm
Posts: 3
Topic starter

@aj6fln4u2q  ah man , sorry to hear :(. It is really s**t isn’t it. You think you have all the control in the world and then somehow you end up chasing all those losses and end up in a worse position even after knowing how it ended the first time round. You’ve done it once you can do it again! Thank you for the message.

Posted : 6th February 2024 8:13 pm
Posts: 11

You can do this too!! Day 1 is rough. It feels like you've made no progress because maybe you did day 1 a hundred time. Day 2 doesn't feel like much more,  but it is! Day 2 might be the longest time you've gone in a while....but the days don't add up until you make them count! Youve got this. Please reach out for the help I wish I had 4 months ago! The hill would've been smaller to climb ❤

Posted : 6th February 2024 10:03 pm
Posts: 6

I’ve done the same many times just need to ban yourself have no access to money as you will never win this money is just a loan odds against always to lose I’ve done £200k or more £30,000 in 3 days before too gambling for 15 years just don’t do it mate no matter what once addicted that money will go it’s rather better you give to your mum dad family to look after and also ring Graham moody for therapy right away

Posted by: @6ustejm9n1

I just don’t get it. I lost almost 17k in the space of 2month around July 2023. I stopped gambling as I lost all my savings and now I’m so worried that I’m gonna lose what I’ve built back up again. I had managed to save 10k in the last few months and now I’m down to 7k because I went back to the online roulettes … I’m finding myself desperately making accounts on random casino websites and then winning and then losing it all again. I self exclude myself for 6 months etc and then find myself searching for other websites which I have done and made new accounts on random roulette sites and lost 3k in about 2 weeks. I keep chasing my losses and I just can’t face the fact of quitting gambling as I keep chasing my losses to try and win it back. It’s so f*****g hard. I hope someone is the same boat as me 🙁 


Posted : 6th February 2024 11:33 pm
Posts: 6

We all in same boat mate, best quit now take it as a hit as you will only lose more and more I’ve done same making accounts 100s times sometime even in false names  before as was banned was so desperate to play at end of day don’t have access to money chop cards up and get a cash card with limits. Give  all money to mum and let her take care of it .

This post was modified 1 year ago by Forum admin
Posted : 6th February 2024 11:36 pm
Posts: 6

@m6j0ynz3ua ban yourself and get a cleaning job keep you busy in spare time

This post was modified 1 year ago by Forum admin
Posted : 6th February 2024 11:38 pm

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