1st steps

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Well - Here we are a year on from the biggest bombshell of my life. I couldn't be more proud and am so glad that my son has come through this difficult time and is managing to get his life together and move forward. Do I still worry? YES! Every day I realise that it would be so easy to slip back - just one bet, then another etc etc. But so far, he has remained strong and sensible and I am proud. I still keep a watchful eye on his finances and know I would worry far more if I could not do so. But there is nothing hidden now - learning to be open and honest and opening himself up to our scrutiny could not have been easy and I thank God every day that he was able to do that so we could all help him through. Thank you to everyone on here too. This was my lifeline when I thought I would surely go mad with worry and upset. Happy One Year Milestone son!!! xxxxxx

Posted : 7th April 2010 7:08 am
Posts: 1057

congratulations on a full year of abstinence an absolutely magnificent achievement. .its diaries like yours that people like myself can look up too and gives us all great hope. . You also have a fantastic mother who should think about changing her user name. . Best wishes and hope you celebrate with something special 🙂

Posted : 7th April 2010 10:51 pm
Posts: 0

Awesome. Well Done.

Posted : 10th April 2010 11:25 am
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Well well... What a busy few weeks I have had. Enjoying my gamble free life and passing my year mile stone. Not half as impressed as I was with my first week. Strange really. I guess you only beat this one day at a time. So if your 1 day or 10 years down the line it makes no difference. The only difference is that we have made the right choice to stop. It's a long hard battle but one that is more than worth the fight. I have some major ups and downs along the way but feel I have become a much better and more humble person than I ever was.... I would like to thank everyone for their support along the way. I would also like to thank my mum who has been a rock on this journey. Stay strong keep your barriers in place but most of all keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 21st April 2010 5:03 pm
Posts: 4881

Hey.. well done on your continued recovery. I am smiling today. All the best.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 21st April 2010 5:30 pm
Posts: 0

Barriers, barriers , barriers that's what you need in place. You put it there over a short period and you have seen months grow to a year. Ok a year is very little time for a cg but remember how long a day off was ? You are doing well and sounding much happier. You don't need me to tell you that one bet will always be one second away. It always will be. That said the further the hell is behind you the better you will no doubt feel in all aspects of our life. Nice to hear your Mum's messages around your birthday period, please remember she will always worry about your gambing, even if you don't bet in the next 30 yrs, Mums do and they are allowed to!

Take Care.

Posted : 21st April 2010 10:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hello PSOWM,

Congratulations for over a year of being free from the clutches of gambling.

You took notice of the information you needed to help you break free and move forward in your life and recovery.

You have kept focus throughout this last year despite the ups & downs and have had terrific support from your Mum.

You are a very lucky man and now have your whole life ahead of you...

Now you have choices... gambling takes away your choices, your life.

Well done and stay safe


Posted : 23rd April 2010 1:26 am
Posts: 0

Hey hey

All still good for you I see. Me too. Life is so full of things now like people and friends and my new house. Lets never go back to where we were when we started buddy.

You know - I hardly ever stop smiling these days. 😉

Posted : 5th May 2010 6:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hope ur doin well man. A quick update oin how your doing would be a nice tonic for all.

Posted : 19th May 2010 12:01 am
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Well hello there fellow recoverers. Well my life is so busy at the minute. Lot's going on, in my personal social and work life. All good I must add too. life without the gambling is great. This site has been a rock for me and the people on it have been fantastic. Not just with me but more importantly my mum when she was going through terrible times because of me. I don't get on here as much as I used to but it is never far from my mind I can assure you. The sun is shining and summer approaching. I wish everybody well for today and the rest of their recovery. Stay strong keep your barriers and guard up and most of all keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 21st May 2010 12:24 pm
Posts: 0
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Well well, took me a while to find my diary. Although having not posted on here for a while I'm never far away from this site. Be it my thoughts or having a browse. I don't think it's a bad thing as I used to feel the need to post everyday. Now I live my life and if I get time I will post.Life without gambling is looking up more so than ever. I'm glad I can still com eack to this site and have a nosy where people are on their individual journeys. One thing is for sure you need to keep strong ensure the relevant barriers are in place but most of all keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 14th June 2010 8:40 am
Posts: 4881

Keep smiling. Thank you for the reminder. Well done to you on your continued recovery.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 14th June 2010 7:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi All

Sad to day my son has had a small setback - changed his bank account, would not give me the details and was soon back in the cycle of lying, cheating, gambling and borrowing. Having just bailed him out again, I feel numb and sad .... and ever so tired of worrying about it all the time. I truly believed it was all over with - how naieve and stupid was I? He promises this is it for ever now, I have again tried to be supportive but am finding it so hard. He and his girlfriend went to GA on Friday and he is booking a counselling appointment today - I wish I could understand but I just cannot get my head around why someone who can be so nice can turn into a horrible liar who will swear on my life that there is no more debt etc etc when it is just more lies. I have to question whether my parental skills were somewhat lacking or misguided and I may seek some counselling myself to try to get the answers. Thanks for all being there - this forum really helps me cope. x

Posted : 1st November 2010 8:46 am
Posts: 1057

so sorry to read your post....it doesnt seem 5 mins ago we were singing the praises on a years bet free...thank you for sharing though,its opened my eyes...these demons will always be there even though we just arrest our addiction...keep your chin up though,you have been a great influence on his success thus far and lessons surely would have been learnt..

Posted : 1st November 2010 9:42 am
Posts: 0

Thank you. Yes I think the demons will always be there but here is the weirdness of it all, the bit I cannot understand - most of us have sufficient willpower to understand that we cannot spend what we do not have and we are disciplined enough not to let our lives be reduced to a shambles - why should gamblers be treated differently - part of me wonders whether we need to be tougher - so that they are clear that it is totally unacceptable and requires more self discipline. Questions, questions, whizzing round in my head!

Posted : 1st November 2010 9:51 am
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