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So a weekly update.  I weighed myself this morning at 13.3 stone.......  Now ive hit a hard place already as the weights not coming off..... However ive only been back at work two days and the holiday altho i kept mostly to my diet i didn't walk as much....  Now in order to come in on target for walking minutes id have to walk for 100 minutes each of the last five days of the month....With this in mind we will see but i dont think im going out for a wlak today so that pushes it up to 125 mins a day so dont think thats gonna happen so ill be a bit behind target but can make up for it in the future month.....


I did do an abs exercise vid which is designed to lose bellys.....It is designed for seniors but was actually moderately tough....if i aim to do this a few times a week then it should help my stumach......


I do feel im aiming to do a lot and am pushing myself in a lot of ways so im bound to fail at some of this at times.....  I sohuld do doule the minutes exercise of last year within fifteen days of the half year mark so all in all that great....


Id like to go to the gym again.....So as soon as the restrictions ease and you can do everything at the gym again aka sauna, steam room, jakuzzi, swimming without booking etc ill be there again.....



Posted : 26th June 2021 6:32 pm
Posts: 192

Have a look at get fit with rik for step counts on you tube. I really enjoy doing them ?

Posted : 26th June 2021 6:58 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6173

Hello Adam123

Thanks for your kind words yesterday which we will pass on to the rest of GamCare. You're doing so well with your recovery and now with your health. No doubt you will pass this slight rough patch in your fitness journey too. Looks like the amble is working for you 🙂

Best wishes,

Forum Admin

Posted : 26th June 2021 9:16 pm
Posts: 2938
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Had some great news today......We have this thing called "we care values" at work where you can nominate collegues for working well and if they are the best nomination for the month they get a prize....  Now i got nominated twice in may and i found out today i won may we care values for the south east....  I won a 50 pound amazon voucher horray......


I've worked out i shouldget an extra three hundred pounds pay this month with my overtime too so im literally loving life at the moment.....


I went for a 5k walk yesturday and was going to do a two hour wlak tonight to keep  up with my half year target but its raining so id rather not go out in it.


I've been looking at the essentials i need for my flat and planning what i will purchase.  

Posted : 27th June 2021 8:12 pm
Posts: 2938
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It's coming home

It's coming home

Footballs coming home

Get in England

Roll on this saturday for the next epic installment of england football in a big tournament!!!!

Ill be visiting some friends i think and hopefully watching game in a pub, we will see if they manage to book anywhere.  If not ill watch it at home.....

Good night and god bless

All the best adam xxx

Posted : 29th June 2021 8:06 pm
Posts: 2938
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Well tonight has been eventful!!!!!  Had a text from an old poker buddy inviting me to a bbq next saturday, innitially i text back saying yes be nice to c him etc......  then i got thinking tht they will no doubt be playing a home poker game as they allways do till the early hours... I thought no i wont play in it.....Then i thought i could get someone else to pay my buy in and so i wont gamble..... but play....then all these thoughts about playing again came rushing back..... my eyes widened and i was suddenly on edge with the thoughts of playing again.....Then i suddenly thought Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what am i doing... all the progress ive made just to throw it away for a bbq and no doubt start to lose money again all for the thrill and the excitement.....So i text him back straight away and sai that ive got family commitments so unfortunately cant go and i can meet him at the pub this saturday afternooon if he fancies a beer.


So a very close call and one that although i did let my mind run willd for a good ten minutes with thoughts of playing poker again.... i 've made the right decision evetnually and unscathed.............


All the best people we can do this no matter how many diffiuclt decisions we face we can overcome them.....


Boy that was tough............  It would have been a huge mistake to go i know if i had i would have succumbed and all that progress would be wasted.


All the best adam xx

Posted : 1st July 2021 5:29 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi Adam, really well done. As compulsive gamblers we start with the...it's only once !! Yeah right ,before we know it back in the downward spiral , it's not worth it. If he meets you for a beer it will taste all the nicer !! You're such an inspiration...never change Adam...just as you are

Posted : 1st July 2021 5:56 pm
Posts: 2938
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thanks charlieboy, thanks a lot.....really good to hear a such positive comments about me......I'm thankful ive put the thoughts to one side and can now continue to delve deeper into my new life.


My manager has been off all this week and will be next week..... gets me to show what i can do when left to my own devices..... really liking it.  With my holiday....his holiday......his sickness lately not really seen him in over a month lol..... just grinding away done an extra 2.5 hours overtime today and same tomo cha ching.


All the best adam xxx

Posted : 1st July 2021 8:08 pm
Posts: 3947

Good morning Adam ?

Wishing you a super duper weekend. I imagine you will be smiling this evening when England progress to the semi-finals ?

Thank you for visiting my diary and a big massive thank you for your support and encouragement. I have always admired your wonderful approach to life and recovery.


Aum ?

Posted : 3rd July 2021 8:58 am
Posts: 2938
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Here we go......

Another weekend....

Another huge game for England.....

Im tempted to go to the pub but ill get a better view at home and will enjoy some cheaper beverages.....

Also i can come on chat tonight...

Not done a lot today, thankfully i had a lovely lie in then lunch and watched well actually i cant remember what i watched lol nothing that great i suppose....

Ive got disney plus for one more month and not watched anything on it for six months so i think ill start to watch a few bits on it over the next month then cancel it.  I watched call of the wild which was great, aladin which was great, the lion king which was great and the reason i got it was for th mandalorian which i was dissapointed by so didnt watch much of it.....I might watch loki, a golf film, and see what other newish films are on there before the year is out, i only paid 24 quid to a friend for it for a year sharing his account and for the films ive already watched it seemed worth it but think ill stick to netflix for action....


Today was my weekly weigh in and i was dreading it as this week not gone well and yesturday i had fish and chips as well as a curry in the evening and sandwiches and crisps not good...... However i was pleasantly suprised that i was 13.2 so its stayed the same over the week.... onwards we go to the next week nine weeks left to lose weight before the wedding in all honesty im not so motivated towards the diet and weight loss at the mo someone at work said i dont look overweight and altho everyone allways says that to be polite i dont think i look too overweight and can fit in my suit for the wedding....  Really looking forward to the weekend away...




Posted : 3rd July 2021 6:33 pm
Posts: 2938
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Boom england in the semi final now....boom

Posted : 3rd July 2021 9:04 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another four days have gone by and england are playing in the semi final tonight.  Im very excited by this. Really hoping we can pull it off and get into the final on Sunday.


Ill be visiting friends in canterbury and going to a pub there for the final should we get into it.  So lets hope we can do it tonight ey.


Been having lingering thoughts lately of playing poker again when i move into my flat....  Thoughts of it would be fun.....I could control it......It would be different.....  I know it wont id be regretting it after a month of playing and thinking why did i do that.....After all its only money and the buzz.... but deep down i know id lose money and it would be days and days of my life sat infront of a pc screen seeking that buzz.....  All for nothing...


I have to remain strong.....  Keep enjoying the healthy things in my life.....Concentrate on work......and concentrate on healthy pursuits.


I today email my council as they are going to redevelop the station next to where i will be living and they are looking for opinions of what to turn it into.  I said a cinema would be great and i would frequent one a lot.


Work is going well my managers been off for two weeks now and ive really enjoyed it to be fair.


Now im off to watch this small game no one is interested in and doesnt mean much!!!! hahahaha Come on england!!!!!

Posted : 7th July 2021 6:06 pm
Posts: 192

Its coming home!!!⚽️⚽️


Adam you have got this, don't let those thoughts spoil all your hard work and dedication ??

Posted : 7th July 2021 10:15 pm
Posts: 2938
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Thank you secret, another couple of days have passed and im off now till tuesday.  All the hard work ive put in thru the time my manager  has been off has come into fruition and everything at work is up to date and spick and span.  


Really looking forward to sunday....then back to work.....Been thinking about when i want to take some more holiday..... Ive got a week off over christmas then ive got 11 days left to take.... Thinking maybe some time end of august start of september....Have to see how i go but with working sundays some mondays off will no doubt help.  Might see how long i can go before booking more holiday as its good to save it up and is nice to have it in the bank for if it is needed.





Posted : 9th July 2021 5:54 pm
Posts: 2938
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Right well, I can't wait for tomo evening.  England in the Euros final unbelievable ey.....and we are going to win it I feel the belief.  Only thing is its like Christmas I can't wait for tomo lol...... I'm soo excited.  Boom we can do it. ..  


I'm in a good place right now, work is going great, I'm on full time hours etc getting noticed for my efforts and having a good time.

I'm looking forward to moving into my flat, preparing for what I will need.

My skits is currently great, all the times lately when I would normally get voices I haven't and haven't needed extra meds let's hope that this is a sign I'm beating the illness.


I've watched 100 hours of football thru Euros incluing the final tomo so I'm thankful I can take holidays when I need for having a great time.


So all in all very positive.

Posted : 10th July 2021 2:57 pm
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