4 days and counting

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hi all

Today was my fourth consecutive day without placing a bet. The first day was the hardest but each day has been a bit easier, today the thought of having a bet didn't really cross my mind.

I can honestly say I already feel more positive (despite the 8K debt which needs paying) as I'm not having to suffer any further stress or guilt following another loss trying to chase back money.

I recognise that I am fortunate that I think I have recognised my problem at a stage when I am not a compulsive gambler. Rather I have got in to a bad lifestyle habit of betting on sport to make my spare time more interesting. I appreciate for many people it may not be as easy to stop. Im also not being complacent as I, conscious that 4 days is nothing in the big scheme of things.

But i just wanted to share the sense of relief I feel currently as I'm not having the daily betting rollercoaster and that relief is a really strong motivator to keep going forwards without betting.

It will take a fair while to pay back my gambling debts but now I have taken control I can see a better future for myself.

I hope people in a similar situation might take encouragement from that. And I realise again for others this may not seem a fair comparison if they are more stuck in the vicious cycle.



Posted : 5th January 2017 11:19 pm
Posts: 7066

Hi Drw,

Welcome to the forum!

Many like minded people over here...well...all to be honest!

You can do it and you took the right steps in aiding yourself so far - admitting you have a problem! Massive plus to you..that's where the journey starts!

Put as many blocks as you can on your devices, (K9 is free blocking software) reach out (GC offers free counselling sessions all over the country), go to GA rooms..face to face people knows what are they talking about..best part - you're no different what so ever,..be honest...mainly with yourself and your loved ones. It makes huge difference.
.lastly...please believe in yourself - there is different life out there & you deserve it! Keep on fighting, digging deep and looking for other ways to occupy your days...it is possible ☺

Success is written all over these pages but...it must come from YOU! want the change enough to make it reality

All the best!

Just for today - commit to recovery

S x

Posted : 5th January 2017 11:46 pm

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