6 Years On: Facing Forwards

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Hi D

Lovely to hear from you again. I am just a month or so behind you. and remembered when we first came on here.

You have done so well and really committed yourself to your recovery.

Take care and have a wonderful Christmas.


Posted : 10th December 2014 9:55 pm
Posts: 0

well done d

Posted : 10th December 2014 11:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi D,

2 years of abstaining, you are a big inspiration,

Fantastic achievement.

Best wishes

Suzanne x

Posted : 11th December 2014 8:41 am
Posts: 512

Well done fella, have read your first few posts and you are a success story even if you don't feel you are.

Anyone new to this site should read your diary to see the progress that can be made.

Keep it up.


Posted : 11th December 2014 1:16 pm
Posts: 0
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Still plugging away. Awesome xmas followed by a couple of weeks away in the sun.

Back to reality now... as important as ever to avoid complacency.

Day 767


Posted : 17th January 2015 10:04 am
Posts: 0

Hey D.

Lovely to hear from you again and seeing that you continue to do so well. I will be reaching my 2 year mark tomorrow (bar a few hours moment of madness way back) so you are a little ahead of me. Let's keep it that way!

Lovely to see that abstinance is bringing you great joy and pleasure in your life, something you are able to enjoy by the sounds of it.

Take care and remain strong and focussed.


Posted : 17th January 2015 1:49 pm
Posts: 0
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Wishing the best to everyone on here.

Keep believing that there can and will be a way out.

Day 803


Posted : 22nd February 2015 8:20 pm
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A rather strange experience for me last week: I went on a stag do to for one of my best mates... to the Cheltenham Gold Cup. I'll admit that the idea of the whole thing made me cringe when it was first mentioned to me; whilst live horse racing was never my most destructive vice, I've certainly plundered many thousands on the nags in the past - but actually it was a pretty refreshing and liberating experience.

Of course - I didn't gamble. I never will gamble like that again. But at the same time I didn't make a huge song and dance about how I was a recovering gambling addict. This raised an interesting point for me - when I was in the depths of despair, I always thought it would have to be 'all or nothing' - I'd either be deep in action, or I'd be banging the drum, going to GA meetings every night like some crusader. The reality here was very simple; my friends on the stag (bar one) don't know anything about my gambling past - but I was completely open with all of them. When asked "how are you getting on?" or "how come you're not having a punt?!" I simply said "I don't gamble. I used to gamble a lot... lost a lot of money... now I just don't do it any more". And you know what? It just wasn't really an issue. It probably helped that the booze was flying down and we were all having a great time regardless but, bar a few probing questions, the reaction of most was 'fair play, respect to you etc.'

It was a good experience. Was I tempted to tuck in? Of course. I always will be, but as I've said on here several times before, I really just can see no future in it for me. It will never offer a quick fix, or an easy way out, because as soon as it reels me in it won't let go until it's beaten the life out of me and taken my money all over again.

I realise I've been asbtaining for some time now. And looking around the forum at people struggling (many many new faces) I do hope that my posts don't come across as self-congratulating or smug. That is certainly not my intention. I am as aware as ever that my recovery is still ongoing, and I remain an addict just as the first day I cam here. Having said this, I hope my words might provide some encouragement to those battling the early stages. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I feel I would ever reach this point - nor feel as relaxed and secure in my abstinence as I do now. It can be done.

Wishing everyone the best.

Day 830


Posted : 20th March 2015 11:05 pm
Posts: 0

Awesome post mate & a massive congratulations on 830 days 🙂

It's great to see there is life after gambling & I think a lot of people will take heart from this!

Keep winning - ODAAT

Posted : 20th March 2015 11:09 pm
Posts: 0
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Keep believing. Keep positive.

Even in the deepest, darkest times, remember the good things about your life (however scarce they may seem). Cling to them - for they will provide the anchor to recovery.

Day 866


Posted : 25th April 2015 5:33 am
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Just walking down the high street - and passed the bookies (at 9:40pm, getting dark).

The betting shop was empty - bar one FOBT, which must have had ten people crammed around it. Much hollering and celebration as the user in question was obviously on somewhat of a streak. People offering their advice, screaming and shouting - as the little white ball drops into the ideal slot for the umpteenth time: a joyous scene, and one that I've witnessed a thousand times. For the gentleman in question, it must've seemed he could do no wrong - like he was walking on air.

But we know the reality. For if that man is anything like me, soon enough he will be staring himself in the mirror - isolated, lonely, anxious and flat broke. This is the cruel reality of gambling - and the FOBTs in particular. No matter how long the winning streak, they will coax you in, chew you up, spit you out and leave you in the gutter.

I'm safe on the other side now. But it took 10 years for that lesson to sink in.

Good luck one and all; keep the faith.

Day 890


Posted : 19th May 2015 9:00 pm
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Still plugging away. Slightly overwhelmed with the stresses of everyday life and work, but taking time to sit back and reflect on the positives.

I'm finally on the property ladder, and will be buying my wife a car for her 30th birthday next week.

If you'd have told me that three years ago - I simply wouldn't have thought it possible. Good luck one and all.

Day 934


Posted : 2nd July 2015 10:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi everyone...

Wishing all on here well for a great Xmas and New Year. This is a time for sharing with nearest and dearest - equally, this is a time of year I associate very closely with gambling. Some of my heaviest action has, traditionally, taken place over the festive period.

This year, I am grateful for having the freedom and headspace to enjoy the holidays in a state of relaxation; still wary, of course, of just how close the despair and desperation of gambling still is to me. Three years completed on Dec 10th, so will update the title of this thread.

Day 1108


Posted : 23rd December 2015 3:47 pm
Posts: 1789

Thanks for posting today otherwise I would not have come across your diary. A great read I have been engrossed in it for about 3 hours from stat to finish. It will be a great benefit to all who read.

I see you wondering as I do where all the people from the early days have gone a few are still around but a lot aren't Id like to think they are gamble free but id be surprised if they had 3 years plus.

I look forward to you next update whenever that might be

Thanks again KTF

Posted : 23rd December 2015 8:59 pm
Posts: 0

Lovely inspiring post D123, Massive well done to you on 3 years of being gamble free.

You have a great Xmas and New year too.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 23rd December 2015 9:07 pm
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