Day 2 done Jobs done life is better a bit of the stress has eased so I am feeling better.
Good to see you are feeling better and to see 2 days under your belt, well done on pushing through 🙂
Suzanne xxx
Day 3 the urges still at me I am not giving in this disease has me in its grip
Hanging in tired still mad for a bet
Looking at gambling related material cutting this out now, no bet and in fairness am happier.
another day done happy with that
need to stop looking at gambling related material this is only since my slip
Back to normal today the last 3 days were horrendous. I gambled last Monday continued gambling to Wednesday today is the first day I have felt normal since Wednesday so onwards. I let stress and worry get the better of me on Monday it's no reason for a bet and I could not stop till Wednesday till I confessed to my wife. A good decision now but was not easy as alot of me wanted to keep gambling.
Another day done 4 done
Keep pushing ☺..minute at a time, you can do this!
Well I continued gambling but I am not in any worse of a postion than when I started but to be honest I hate this way I feel the waste of money and time. I am starting again tomorrow as I have said before we have no choice. I am debating to tell my wife I know its the right thing to do. But I really can't face her knowing I messed up again so soon. Stay well everyone I kept looking here even when I was gambling its your only hope.
Well today is day 1 I gambled yesterday and for the last 3 weeks. I feel a bit raw but first target is get through the day. It's not easy but I can do it
I have made it halfway through day 1 I am going well. I dare not trust myself
1 Day I will take it not everything was perfect but better than quite a few I have had lately
Day 3, absolutely hanging from alcohol. New day fresh tomorrow day 4
Affected by gambling?
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