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Your right,its not easy............... FOR YOU!!!!!

You,ve obviously never tasted a real rock bottom like me and many of my mates have at GA,come back on here when you have lost everything,you might realise then what you had and then give recovery some real effort


To others who might disagree with my comments,let me just say he would get 100 times worse if he ever dared enter a GA meeting,we treat this addiction with the respect it needs.

"" A NEW LIFE ""

Posted : 9th July 2011 8:02 pm
Posts: 0

G.A. as a whole has no opinion on outside issues and members who want to stop gambling are encouraged not to be judgemental. We are all entitled to have our own opinion however. I never know what to tell you to encourage you to stop. And then I remember my steps and my books. There is nothing I can do or say to make you stop. Only you can do this. The same way, A New Life and I have done. We have the desire to stop and that desire is stronger than the desire to carry on. I popped in to your diary to see if you have managed to stop yet. Not sure if your diary serves a purpose. Only God knows. Maybe it's here to guide us away from your way of thinking. Who knows. Like I said, only you can decide. God Bless. Sabine

Posted : 10th July 2011 8:09 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good Morning Baljit,

Do you remember when I started this diary for you because you were struggling to start your own diary and you were creating several diaries? I did this to help you Baljit.

I know that recovery from Compulsive Gambling is a long process and patience is needed but I feel your heart is not in your recovery Baljit. I get the feeling you are still continuing to gamble and when it all goes wrong you run to your diary. I may but wrong but that is how it appears.

You are like me when I first recognised my problem. I would promise myself i wouldn't gamble and within minutes would be in action again. It's hard work stopping and at this moment in time you are fooling noone but yourself.

Truth is Baljit you need to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the question "Do I Want to Stop Gambling"? It's a simple question with a straight yes or no answer. Be honest with yourself Baljit.

I see your diary being nothing more than a small plaster on a very big wound. You can change this....if you want to?

Try your best Baljit.

Jas x

Posted : 10th July 2011 10:39 am
Posts: 0

Thanks Sabine for reminding me of the principals of GA,i havent been for a while and had forgot that we dont sit in judgement of others 🙂

I do find this diary frustrating though,not to the point where it has become an obsession BUT it feels like it mocks what i and others have HAD to do.

I genuinely hope this person can conquer their demons but it displays time and time again that they are playing at recovery and in reality are feeling in despair at yey another monetary loss!!!!

If i,ve learnt ONE thing in the last 5+ years,its that money IS the least of our problems,yes of course we need it to survive but when you,ve took a long hard look at why we do what we do and then done something about it,you realise that money is just fuel for the fire and why burn it???

I suppose my reply was based on the number of "serial slippers" i have met over the years,sometimes i,ve spent 2 hours in a meeting listening and passing comment (not judgement) to someone who is struggling only to have it thrown back in my face by their persistance in keeping having slips.

I,ve not been to GA for a year or so now but i keep in touch with a few from the various meetings i have attended,i,m not a stalwart believer and i,m also not a lapsical approach type,i just feel i,ve done my time,i did what i had to do,i helped others where i could and when i wanted,i dont gamble any more,i know there is no finish line in recovery BUT to people like Baljit,PUT SOME WORK IN NOW!!!!!!

Take a break from gambling,show some courage,self belief and dignity,if you want to stop then do it,if not carry on BUT dont come on here making a mockery of your diary,nobody that stops gambling is any different to you,stopping is easy staying stopped takes a little more effort,a saying i used on here 5 years ago.

Gambling for me is nothing but a light form of expensive entertainment that some of us take to extreme,there are many more pleasurable activitys that one can get involved in that present only a fraction of the risk to our mental welbeing.

The human mind NEEDS stimulation in order to function correctly BUT gambling!!!!! what a lame way to get it,i cant preach i too was once guilty of craving that mind numbing false sense of euphoria but no more,enough is enough.

I truly believe that by completely bypassing anything to do with gambling,actual or theory a mind can slowly develop a view that gambling is pointless and has very little benefit,once this has been achieved staying away from gambling becomes as easy as taking a breath.

Give yourself a chance,take a break from gambling,here as well,bookies etc arent going anywhere they are there whenever you need them so dont worry about missing out,YOU WONT!!! let the bookies miss out and stop with the "first day of recovery is......" because it matters not unless you get on with it in a humble manner there IS no first day of recovery.

What is recovery anyway????

It has a different meaning to different people,i think the biggest fault with recovery is recovery itself,we are obsessed with gambling THEN become obsessed with recovery,forget it lifes too short,use what you need,do what you have to and what you should,see gambling for what it is,give it the elbow and then LIVE LIFE!!!!

End of,

"" A NEW LIFE ""

Posted : 10th July 2011 10:42 am
Posts: 0

Why can't i stop betting i win then give it back and more i will get there i am letting people down on this site ! Sorry to the people that are helping me !

Posted : 8th September 2011 3:07 am
Posts: 0

Hi Baljit

You are not letting anyone down. By posting,openly and honestly you are helping others. If you could self exclude from betting shops and any other places you go to gamble you might start to get better. If you leave doorsopen ask yourself why? eep down you probably know you wantto gamble again. Try visiting or calling Netline and they'll explain further what you could do. Take care

Posted : 8th September 2011 7:39 am
Posts: 0

way can't i stop keep losing all the time have no money all the time fed up with it bookies are everywhere there are about 5 just up the road from me cazy

Posted : 20th September 2011 7:29 pm
Posts: 0

Just two words...

Self exclude!


Posted : 20th September 2011 7:31 pm
Posts: 0

'bookies are everywhere' - d**n right they are - because you keep giving them their wages. Why don't you self-exclude from them? Or even more to the point, why don't you answer the question of why you won't self-exclude?

Posted : 20th September 2011 9:35 pm
Posts: 0

Baljit, you are so frustrating, I can only think you haven't reached rock bottom yet, you havent got to a point where you have lost people you love through this addiction, I feel like I want to take you by the scruff of the neck into all your local bookies and get you self excluded, do you understand what self excluding means, when are you going to start helping yourself and taking responsibility for your own actions. I wish i could stop reading your diary because you wind me up, and many others, to distraction. Get a grip Baljit and go self exclude.

Posted : 22nd September 2011 5:46 pm
Posts: 0

I have been betting everyday won £1400 today gave it all back plus £525. My last bet was £550 on one horse at kempton at 4.30 how sick is that was odds on 10/11 it never won. you never win at this game sick of this you can see if you win you give it back. lots of people have given me advise here which i will take on have to stop whats gone has gone ! LAST DAY OF BETTING IS WED 30th NOV 2012


Posted : 30th November 2011 5:50 pm
Posts: 0


...have you self-excluded from them yet?



Posted : 30th November 2011 8:53 pm
Posts: 0

I been betting today lost about £1060 on horses and dogs put £300 on one horse not one winner, fed up with it feel so down feel like crying don't what to go through this anymore thats it i will give it 100% whats gone has gone no more.



Posted : 8th December 2011 4:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Baljit

Are you fed up of gambling or fed up of losing? There is a difference here you know!

If you are fed up of gambling you shoulddo something about it like self exclude etc. If you're fed up of losing you'll go back until you win a little and lose it all again.

Stay positive if you want to stop gambling and read posts and take advice.

Posted : 8th December 2011 4:50 pm
Posts: 0

First day recovery no bets at all today ! i was betting everyday i would go to the bookies after work or on the net at home.

Posted : 9th December 2011 7:00 pm
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