Adam123..... Next chapter......Fitness.....Football.....Worklife.....Home Life.....without vices.....Let do this

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It comes as no shock to me that im currently focusing too much on fitness............ but i have ocd.........and im feverishly competitive allways have been....... i think most who come to this site are very competitive and gambling brings out the worst in us as we just refuse to be beaten (even tho the odds and reasonable judgement would tell us to stop)........


I've had many many different diaries on here thru the years......starting in 2015....... Now the vices were doing me no favours...... visits to pubs......smoking......doing drugs......gambling......eating lots.....not exercising it took its toll.......and with my mental health (suffering from skitsophrenia) at an all time low in 2018 i managed to turn a corner and do the literal oposite of all these vices.


Ive just hit the 250 weeks gamble free, ive not drunk alcohol for longer than that now......ive not smoked weed or taken drugs for 14 years now.....


Ive started to obsess now about my eating and physical fittness..... now after all of that misuse with a lot of hard work over the past 9 months ive managed to get my metabolic age down to 46 years (and at 43 years old with all of that neglect im pretty proud of this).


This diary is going to focus on my new obsessions (which there are three) my Physical fitness and eating habbits, Computers (sim racing, ps5, xbox, ) and Football (of which im not sure whether we can talk about on here..... but ill c how it goes)......


so today marked the end of another training week...... and i done a total of 105,000 steps, last week 99,500, so happy with those figures.......  Ive eaten well ........ and am happy im ont going overboard with training....


On to a new week tomo...... ill go to gym....visit my folks for dinner.....and try to do some gaming after.....


No recent thoughts towards gambling and other vices as ive been super busy.


All the best adam....


Please post ur story if youd like to join this thread and discuss ur porgress 😉 

Posted : 12th October 2024 8:42 pm
Posts: 81

Looking forward to following this journey mate! Keep it up! 💪🏾 

Posted : 14th October 2024 6:19 am
Posts: 2938
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Well today Katie at work who is the freedom to speak person at our hospital has done a compettion to find a poem about listening and speaking and being heard...... Now ive never done a poem before but thought id give it a go...... heads up theres a model skeleton in physio and i thought it be funny joke to add to poem ? not sure it works but i like a laugh.... anyway what u think?

here it is:

Adam here “ ohhhh dear ohhhh dear ohhhh dear”..............


I am however just the porter Extraordinaire!!!!!!


I love to be listened to……. it makes me feel important.......... 


Just takes a little time and an ear u don’t need to document.  


Everyone has their story to tell…..i feel it's important to be heard........


No one’s less in value inside the lines need to be coloured.


Life these days is full of hustle and bustle…… no time to waste.


When speaking to each other remember don’t just cut and paste…..


I like to speak to everyone here in Nuffield Haywards Heath….. We are full of characters…..


Lets appreciate everyone’s opinions……. we are all the hospital passengers.


“Ur an 8 on a scale of 10 at listening!!!!!!!!”………. Chris my manager  said to meeeeeeeeeeee……


I can’t help but wonder why he wanted that skeleton in Physio to be covered in peeeeeeeeeee?????


We have freedom to speak here in our lovely Hospital......... 


Listen and be heard, Katie and Jo will make us feel magical.....


Lots of love Adam xxxx



hahah im really proud of it....what u think?

Posted : 14th October 2024 9:11 pm
Posts: 81

Great poem mate. Definitely a winner there.

Posted : 14th October 2024 9:43 pm
Posts: 2938
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cheers yeah im chuffed with it ....cant stop reading it lol

Posted : 14th October 2024 9:44 pm
Posts: 2938
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they really loved the poem... its going in the news bulletin next week....ive decided tonight ill take out the ur an 8 scale of ten and peeeing on  skeleten bit as some might not get it


but really pleased

Posted : 15th October 2024 8:00 pm
Posts: 208

The poem subject is quite important, you never know if the person you just passed the time of day with has talked with anyone else that day, or maybe even that week, speaking is easy but listening is really quite difficult and a great skill to have. Your poem incorporates the importance of listening, as well as the social side of conversation and also the loneliness others sometimes feel. Keep being you Adam.


Posted : 15th October 2024 8:06 pm
Posts: 2938
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Thank you lids 😌 

Posted : 15th October 2024 8:32 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another week has passed...... This week i done well at work with the poem that i made going into the newsletter tomo...... really chuffed with it.

I have done 3 very good exercise weeks recently....... atleast 100 k steps each week..... making the most of my gym membership.

I invited two friends over this weekend and bought them 12 beers to share...... we played gran turismo with my vr and it rekindled my love for games...... we played 4 hours yesturday...... and as im all or notihng type person i woke at 6 am this morning and played a further 9 hours today lol along with watching the football and going to the gym doing 10k steps and going to the health suite.....

Ive now played 39 hours of gran turismo since i bought it in june... not as much as id like so will hopefully spend more time playing it over the winter whilst keeping up with my exercise.

Spurs won....arsenal lost.......this weekend and week has been good.


All the best adam xxx


Posted : 20th October 2024 7:16 pm
Posts: 2938
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New week new challenge.

A friend of mine wanted a challenge... and asked if i wanted to do a step challenge this week...... at first i thought no as i done one two weeks ago.... but i thought why not give it a try...... We are doing see who can do the most over monday to friday this week....


So i walked a bit at work then came home ate some pasta (good for energy), then went to gym....  walked on  treadmil forty five mins....walked back....then sat down a bit ...then went to gym again.... walked 1 kilometre more.... the walked back.... done 23,700 steps today... more than happy with that


Posted : 21st October 2024 7:16 pm
Posts: 2938
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Great news my steering wheel, pedals and chair have arrived at my folks....ill pick up tomo

Posted : 22nd October 2024 7:59 pm
Posts: 2938
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just set up my steering wheel, pedals and gaming chair...... very easy to set up, very comfy, looks craking, and its amazing to drive.....really impressed.

Posted : 23rd October 2024 7:08 pm
Posts: 2938
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well three weeks have passed since i was run down thru too much exercise and too little resting and chilling at home..... also i spent too much time thinking about work and my finances.  I proposed that id spend a little time on each hobby and interest and focus on work at work but not at home.


well three weeks later and ive gone as usual completely the other way..... Ive not been to the gym once in three weeks...... ive spent a lot of time watching box sets (which is great)..... ive not spent any time on my ps5 or xbox (as usual all or nothing) i feel well rested now but i dont feel im getting the most out of my gym membership obvs.


I've however focused my energy in a huge way at work....... ive stayed at work each day over my work hours for free for them...... i have done lots of steps..... ive trained a member of staff.....i wrote a poem about listening for the poetry competition and won it and it was published in the weekly news...... i spent four hours last night building a christmas survey a funny one with jokes and banter about people at work and emailed it out today which had great feedback....... ive done lots of steps and the site is looking a lot sharper and its going down well with my manager.


ive watched all of the footbal and im either 2nd or 1st in all my leagues and 300k out of the 10million who have entered.  Really happy with this......


I went to the bonfire night last tuesday and it was great weather and really good to get out...... the fireworks were great and i really enjoyed it.


Had my covid an flu jab on monday and although i felt unwell tuesday i still went to work and got thru the day. and feel better today.


All the best Adam xxx

Posted : 13th November 2024 7:34 pm
Posts: 81

Good read Adam. Mixed few weeks for you. Hoping you'll find the motivation to get back to the gym soon.

It's great you're staying over extra at work but be careful you don't give them too much of your spare time, especially for free.

Good to see you doing well. Keep it up mate.

Posted : 14th November 2024 3:00 pm

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