Aim for Peace of Mind

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Thanks Hanz,

Day 10 today and how good it feels not to gamble. Still the real challenge will come on the 28th when I get paid, but I feel I have all systems in place to stop me. Strangely enough I have not had a single urge or desire to gamble, maybe there is too much stuff going on with my mother-in-law being ill and worry over debts (which we are trying to sort out).

I just wish I could get rid of that horrible feeling I wake with each morning, half of me thinks I could face daily challenges so much easier if it wasn't there and the other half of me thinks I deserve to feel like this because of the misery I have caused myself and my husband through gambling.

Still onwards and upwards, time is a great healer as they say and I have never believed that saying more than I do now, the longer I stay away from gambling the more likely peace and tranquility will surface in my life.


Posted : 21st October 2013 11:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hey well done hope 10 days is a great start I find those days the hardest keep it up you will soon see things getting clearer gambling just clouds it, you may win a little if you gambled but within a few days your debts will be doubled gambling is never the answer as we cannot stop so there's no point and we know it keep up the strength I want us to continue this journey to sanity and a real life we can do this we won't go back.

Have a good day stay strong

The bear x

Posted : 22nd October 2013 5:32 am
Posts: 0

Ok firstly thanks for your kind words on my diary - i am currently sat in my office and have just taken a coffee and sat and read through your full diary over the last 10 days. Fantastic start well done. As you will say the big test will be on Monday when you receive your pay - can i suggest you give your husband and family a little treat. Doesnt have to cost much but that gesture will be worth millions. I love seeing my bank account stay the same - not going up but more importantly not going down due to betting. Keep going. This not gambling thing makes you feel so positive, so empowered. Makes you realize not only the money you wasted but more importantly the time. Please excuse me if this doesnt make too much sense but just typing as fast as am thinking. Good luck and keep in touch x

Posted : 22nd October 2013 12:11 pm
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Thank you all who have posted on my diary,

Today is day 11 and for the first time I have woken without that horrible feeling of dread. Lets hope this will be a positive day!!

I feel totally overwhelmed by the encouragement and support from this site and GA members who are all travelling the same journey albeit some are at different stages and who either have or are still experiencing the same emotions, feelings etc as myself.

Have alot to do today, still no desire to gamble and still hate receiving emails/text messages with false offers of funds. I have deleted all emails/texts and disabled cookies on my PC so hopefully they will filter out soon. I just imagine seedy, small minded individuals pressing buttons to send these messages out to the vulnerable, how utterly dangerous and despicable they are!

On a good note, JFT I will not gamble.


Posted : 22nd October 2013 12:40 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey hope,

Fantastic post full of determination. Very well done for 11 days g free. One day further to better future. I am pleased you kaaping strong and fighting back any urges ( if you get them).keep posting, this forum is the best place to be..surrounded by people who understands and never judge

Take care

Day at a time

Sandra x

Posted : 22nd October 2013 12:46 pm
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Cant believe my mobile has just gone and I am now getting telephone calls from on-line promotions depts?? How dare these people intrude my life and air space, obviously I have just given them what for.

Thought today was going to be positive, well it still is as I feel so much better for doing that, I am in control of this now not them, in the past I would have been ecstatic to get any sort of promotion but not now, yes I am truly honest with myself and I feel great for telling them to get stuffed (pardon the expression).

Hooray roll on day 12,13, 14, 90, 2005000 etc etc.


Posted : 22nd October 2013 12:47 pm
Posts: 0

Ah the old "free bet" the *** C*****e of the gambler. Well sounds like you are hitting them straight out the park. I am inundated with "inside info" from "connections" at stables. Every time you say no it empowers you, makes you stronger, makes you feel positive so keep on keeping on. So how are you spending all your valuable spare time that you now have? x

Posted : 22nd October 2013 4:39 pm
Posts: 0

The companies are now chasing there loses and begging you to come back! The irony! You are winning hope! That is there last chance "last spin" at getting you back and you won!

Well done on making the right choices.

Onwards and upward hope.


Posted : 22nd October 2013 10:49 pm
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Thanks Hanz/Sparky for posts, what a different way to look at things as the companies chasing their losses, never thought of it like that but absolutely right Hanz, well done for pointing that out to me

Day 12 today and still feeling good.

Woke again with good feeling, aiming to stay positive.

Unfortunately M-I-L still ill in hosp and that is where I am spending most of time at mo. Still waiting for real challenge next week, full of anticipation and hope....



Posted : 23rd October 2013 9:59 am
Posts: 0

Hi lass well done on the 12 days great stuff we are all no longer financing these gambling company's we are just financing ourselves well done again keep it up we don't need it no more.

Stay strong

The bear x

Posted : 23rd October 2013 10:17 am
Posts: 4422


Thanks for the very kind post upon my thread, in my experience you will take from recovery what you give to it.

And you my friend have made a superb start, long may you resolve grow and you maintain the control you have.

For it a huge well done from me.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 23rd October 2013 10:18 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for the reply as ever hope. What a great community of people this is. No one judges or knows anything about each other apart from the fact we share one common goal.

I hope the M-I-L is ok hope, but I bet you are 10000x more helpful to your husband At the moment than you would've been when gambling. He must be proud of you.

Guard up as ever...them marketing people will be licking there wounds at there latest lose by not winning you back with promotions and thinking up bigger and better promotions to try and win you back! They should start a recovery diary hahahah

We are the winners hope!

Onwards and upwards as always.

Have a positive day.


Posted : 23rd October 2013 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

I take the words "I Bet" out my previous post out and I replace this with "I know" my name is Hanz and I no longer use the word I bet!

Posted : 23rd October 2013 12:19 pm
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Just a quick post as off to hosp, day 13 today and what a result, no thoughts of gambling at all.

Looking forward to meeting tomorrow.

Hope all able to stay strong.


Posted : 24th October 2013 11:48 am
Posts: 0

Good on ya Hope. I went to my meeting last night and left feeling very positive indeed - my weekly medicine went down sweet

Posted : 24th October 2013 3:09 pm
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