Aim for Peace of Mind

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Not been on this site since July but wanted to post a quick update.

Just flew back from France after staying with some friends for the past 6 weeks, had a lovely, happy and peaceful time and so pleased as I didnt think about gambling at all. Then after arriving in the airport whilst waiting for my husband to collect the car I found myself walking over to the one arm bandits and within 10 mins had played 50!! In comparison to my previoous gambling history not much financial damage done but I am devastated that I have broken my period of abstinence and consider this a serious relapse.

I havent told my husband but the feeling of anger and repulsion with myself is beyond belief. I should be at least 3 months without a gamble but for this stupid, pathetic attempt to win, I am now starting back at day 1 again.

I know we will never win whilst we are gambling, I have to keep telling myself that, sadly it is almost like I am back in the UK so I resort to my old habits again.

I will continue to fight this addiction again and if I have to start at Day 1 again so be it....

Just a word of caution that we have to remain on our guard always as one bet will lead to another and then disaster follows, I was fortunate this time that the financial damage was not too bad but perhaps a warning to me of the painful and desperate feeling that gambling leaves us with.

Hope every body staying strong, I am off to bed now will unpack later today and start again on this nightmare of a recovery journey.

Best wishes to all.


Posted : 15th September 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 0

Hi Hope

Put that blip right behind you

Today is a new day

Well done for not giving in,

Keep going and stay strong

Suzanne xx

Posted : 15th September 2014 8:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Hope,

Occasional relapse is all part of the recovery...see the Advice section x self-help here.

Remember the 6 happy weeks you had on holiday and not the moment at the airport.

Coming off holidays is a trigger for us all. You will know the next time. Read that section, then look ahead.

They should be banned at airports.....they know our triggers and exploit them!!

Have a lovely evening,


Posted : 15th September 2014 7:49 pm
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Thank you Suzanne and Suzy for your encouraging words and kind thoughts.

I am consoling myself that the one arm bandits in airport lounges are not my ususal gambling habit but if I had won who knows... I may have experienced that euphoric feeling again which would have led me straight to a casino or a night of action on the internet losing at on-line slots???? It may have been a blessing in disguise (I can only hope and wish for that). I can honestly say without gambling in my life, things are so much easier these days and I know I have been away from temptation but the urges have become less and less.

Hope everybody keeping well.

Best wishes to all


Posted : 18th September 2014 12:33 am
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Day 32 today, doing well and staying distracted. Now planning another holiday to New York before Christmas only because my money has stayed in my bank and not been deposited in the the bank account of Mr and Mrs...... and co. in Gibralter and other places that.....

Hope everybody staying safe and peaceful.


Posted : 17th October 2014 5:13 pm
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Day 34 today and feeling proud. Desperately want to get to at least day 90 again without a gamble. Feel life is alot better lately and this has impacted on my gambing behaviour i.e. haven't done any gambling.

Have been shopping yesterday and today for hols in a few weeks to the big Apple, unthinkable this time last year that I would even have enough money to buy an apple let alone visit the big one, well here's to proserity and many more hols etc as long as I stay gamble free.

Hope everybody staying safe.

Best wishes as always


Posted : 19th October 2014 8:10 pm
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