I’ve had enough. More importantly my partner has had enough enough. Silly amount of transactions, up to 15-20, a day all over our joint account. Loses.
betting daily. Without any other reason than boredom. To fill a void. To take me away from the real world. The real work is a depressed, overweight indivdual. Once someone who loved going out, now I avoid social settings like the plague.
despite crippling anxiety, self loathing I’ve actually done ok career wise! It’s when I am home, time to think. Time to login! My job sees me having spells at home without much to do for a week or two. I’ve actually fallen out of love with life and gambling is the central part…my weekends revolve around betting. Mad when I’ve 3 children.
I’ve not a lovely house and family - but I often just sit on my phone gambling - just wasting away…
august 3rd 2023, I wake up, no bet and start a fresh. I want to come back to this thread in 12 months and say it’s been bloody hard but bloody worth it!
having gambled 25 years, this isn’t going to be a quick or easy fix. Anything but…but for the sake of myself and family, I have to try!
Thanks for reading.
I've had about 100 "day ones". Wish it was easy. I would suggest as many blocks as possible. Good luck. The fact you want to stop is big in itself x
@elzy92 I’m on 1000th day one. I really hope I can make it. It’s eating my sole, and destroying everything around me
@cvtp4bf92y me too Mary. I failed again. Its crazy how much I want to stop but can't. Good luck x
Evening all
very sad story the fact you are here is positive it means you WANT to stop right ? I’m new here I’ve gambled 50 years so have quite a few stories to tell some good most bad ! I’m here to stop ?
Affected by gambling?
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