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Thankyou San,what you say is of course true and your words bought a tear to my eye,of course your right lots of things have changed over the years. The recovery diaries were certainly lively back then 🙂 but at the same time is it not a good sign that they no longer post,maybe its not who knows,what i do know is that alot plus more of those wonderful people you listed got me through some real tough days which is why i came straight here this time.

I had a job interveiw for promotion at work (which i got 🙂 ) a few weeks ago and whilst talking in answer to a question i said i'm like a webble (ha ha showing my age now) you can knock me down over and over and i will get back up every time.I've had alot of knocks in my life some of my own making and some not,this is another knock but one i have to overcome and i will.

My mum always says i need to love myself and my brother talks about self care and now you have said it as well,i get the feeling this is something i need to learn to do,i feel the universe is trying to tell me something.Maybe thats something i can explore via my counselling.

Gamban is being downloaded on friday (payday) i have already registered for gamstop (bloody brillant idea that is)counselling sessions booked,son and brother have full access to my accounts so all money spent has to be accounted for.

I'm determined to beat this once and for all,like i have said this time next year i fully expect to be sitting on the beach with my youngest enjoying life

Thankyou San15 for popping on your post was just what i needed today.Please feel free to waffle anytime.

Staying Strong one day at a time


Posted : 18th July 2018 9:44 pm
Posts: 0

hi lib,

congrats on the promotion first of all. hope it gives you more motivation to make the best of your life.

I've also given full access of my finances to someone I trust. at first I felt like I was being babysat but looking at how much money is spare after being paid is scary, all that was being gambled but can now be put towards great stuff for the kids and family.

keep going,


Posted : 18th July 2018 10:57 pm
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Thanks A 🙂 still not earning alot its a very tiny increase from minimium wage but its a step in the right direction.

First payday today since my gambling pressure cooker burst around this very time last week but the bills are paid,food in the fridge,petrol in the car and a large chunk of my rent arrears paid,i'm skint again already but at least i'm skint with everything paid rather than skint with nothing paid.I've got through months with alot less so really this month should be a breeze.I'm working all the hrs i can get including double shifts and split shifts whilst the youngest is off school,trying to earn as much as i can over the next couple of months mainly to get my rent arrears paid off asap.

Its been a gf week and for that i am truly grateful,i'v even started sleeping again over the last couple of nights talking of which i must go to bed as i have work in the morning.

Staying Strong one day at a time

Lib x

Posted : 20th July 2018 11:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lib

I hope you have had a good first weekend. I was jus thinking about your rent arrears. The worse thing you can do is skint yourself paying off bills. I have never had money, always been in debt and always got by. However never having money means that money is not easy to come by. I,probably like everyone else on here gambled in hope of that life changing win, which was never going to happen.

My house was under respossesion last year. I told my mortgage company out of pure desperation that i had been gambling. I cant say it helped to be honest. It went to court (for the second time in 2 years) and I managed to get a suspended possession order with a very affordable monthly sum to pay towards the arrears. These days no one wants to make you homeless, believe me. If you can ony pay a fiver towards your arrears this shows willing. The best thing is to keep talking to them, they will appreciate it and should take all your circumstances into account. You know that a mental health problem could have caused you to gamble? Think about why you started and use that as the reason why you are having financial difficulties. Mine was definitely out of depression, I am not ashamed to say it.

I remember years ago, a loan company, catalogue or some other kind of debt I had called me on my way to work. He told me he was coming to work, he was such a bully. I went to work in tears, so scared and told my boss who in turn said she'd get her boyfriend to sort him out! Quite funny but this isnt how it works anymore. ( he didnt even end up coming it was all false threats!)

If you dont own your own property and have a lot of debt then maybe consider bankruptcy? I know if sounds drastic but it really is a fantastic way of wiping the slate clean. You have handed over your finances anyway so what difference would it make. Regarding the car they may take it but I remember when my sister went bankrupt she just signed hers over to my dad. It was all done legally, it wasnt worth much and that was the option she had.

I entered into an IVA last year, they told me initially to say my son was giving me more board than he was, i in turn couldnt afford to pay the IVA (yes i was gambling at the time, trying to make more money to pay the bloody IVA) so in the end made a complaint and it failed. No biggy tho, just some of my creditors have since been in touch and i have made affordable repayment plans with them. The plus side of the IVA was it gave me some breathing space, I had bailiffs at my door, attachment of earnings and once I took out the IVA they couldnt do anything.

Whatever happens, with debt, there is always a solution. I would hate for you to have no money to enjoy your life then think, well i could make an extra bit this month to get by and go start gambing again.

With regards to making extra dosh, ebay, car boot etc, its not going to make thousands, but an extra £30 would pay for a trip for you and the kids to start enjoying life again.

As for me, payday came and went, like i said i paid all my bills except my gas and electric as i couldnt find where I had written down my payment today i have been shoppingon ebay. ooopsie. Told you i was S***e with money too! I still have enough to pay the utilities but i will be a bit short. They are usually quite fair with me, so i reckon i will be ok. I just wanted to treat my self for doing so well not gambling and working all the hours God sends!!! Funny sort arent i. Just cant have money!!!! The plus side is i have s**t loads of things to sell on ebay! As long as i withdraw the cash i earn....eeek!

Not even had a temptation to try and find any sites to join, i have had such a relaxing weekend, tomorrow when i go to work and people say 'nice weekend?' i can hand on my heart honestly say 'yes, it was lovely'.

Have a good week


Posted : 22nd July 2018 8:05 pm
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