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Keep at it Paulll

Don't listen to a word that devil is telling you. Sounds like you will have the money side dealt with fairly soon anyway and there is absolutely no connection with you gambling again and paying your credit card off. It just won't happen. All you will do is end up with a load more debt, guilt and disappointment.

Half way through Janaury and we will be celebrating the 100 day club together.


Posted : 30th November 2017 12:04 pm
Posts: 377
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61 days

Pleased to have got this far. I don't want to return to gambling but the temptation is still there. Sometimes thoughts just pop in to my head like "f**k it, just have a go on the roulette, you're due a bit of luck". And then I remember I'm self-excluded from all local bookmakers so the thought/urge is nipped in the bud. This is why I think it's important for people to put the blocks in place. In the past I've thought I don't need to self-exclude, I can beat this on willpower alone. But time and again I've been proved wrong. It's important the thought/urge is killed early on, as it can keep nagging away, and eventually I'd give in and gamble again.

Just putting some random thoughts down. I'm a bit bogged down with negativity at the moment and don't want to fill my diary up with moaning. Trying to look on the brightside, I'm 61 days GF, taking things a day at a time, and it's working. Brighter times will return, but not if I sart gambling again. Simple as that.

Posted : 4th December 2017 5:48 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Paul on 61 days gf. And hope you start feeling brighter soon x

Posted : 4th December 2017 6:41 pm
Posts: 0

Paul, well done on 61 days Gamble free mate, day 62 today, doing great fella


Posted : 5th December 2017 9:21 am
Posts: 377
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65 days.

Not been reading the forum as much this week, but I want to keep my focus up. No urge to gamble but can’t get complacent.

Posted : 8th December 2017 12:51 pm
Posts: 377
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70 days

10 weeks since my last blowout. Not that long in the scheme of things but it feels like years ago!

It’s great that I’ve broken the gambling cycle again, but I think unless I start showing myself a bit more self-love then it’s just a matter of time before I’m drawn back to gambling. I don’t want that to happen so it’s important I take better care of myself.

I’ve had a very long day today so I’m going to try and relax without resorting to eating c**P and drinking too much alcohol.

Posted : 13th December 2017 5:56 pm
Posts: 763

Hi Paul,, well done on reaching 70 days gf, good going ..... can totally relate to what you say about showing yourself more "self-love" think thats where i have been going wrong, maybe time to cut ourselves some slack ...... keep up the good work you are doing great.

Posted : 13th December 2017 6:07 pm
Posts: 377
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76 days

Still going strong on the not gambling, but I still feel vulnerable. The blocks I have in place provide a layer of security. Without them I might not have got this far. For various reasons I've ended up with a bit less money than I thought I would have this month. There's that horrible nagging in the back of my mind (I guess this is addiction calling) to gamble and try and boost my limited funds. I know full well that this would be futile. I would lose all my money and do a lot of psychological damage. I can't and won't do this to myself as with each gambling episode it gets that bit harder to pick yourself up of the floor again. I'm on 76 days now, a decent amount of time, and yet I don't feel as well as I thought I would at this stage.

Anyway, the good news id I'm still GF and just for today intend to keep things that way.

Best wishes to all.

Posted : 19th December 2017 10:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi Paul, congrats on the 76 days, I am in the same boat, about £300 less than I thought I would have, even without wasting hundreds I still find myself skint but if I had gambled, I would more likely be £600+ less money so we're better off abstaining. Keep up the good work, wilsy.

Posted : 19th December 2017 11:09 am
Posts: 377
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Day 77

Have come very close to giving in tonight. Only a couple of minutes ago I was researching a new casino to see if it looked legit. Don’t know where this great urge has come from. I’ve had a few frustrations today, at home and financially. I’ve also had a few drinks and am very tired. Looks like it’s whipped up the perfect storm. I want to go to bed but my mind is in overdrive.

Good to be able to come on the forum and let off some steam. I’ve stepped away from the cliff edge and won’t do anything stupid now.

Posted : 20th December 2017 9:10 pm
Posts: 377
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Day 78

Very relieved this morning that I didn't sign up to a new online casino last night. I think I need more blocks as it was worrying how close I came to giving in. I dread to think how I'd be feeling today if I had gambled.

Today is another day and I know I won't gamble today after the fright I gave myself.

Posted : 21st December 2017 8:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Paul, congrats on 78 Days mate, and for continuing to decide to not waste your time and money.


Posted : 21st December 2017 9:19 am
Posts: 377
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87 days

Not been on the forum much over Christmas, but will have a catch up over the next few days.

Posted : 30th December 2017 7:37 am
Posts: 377
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paulll wrote:

Day 78

Very relieved this morning that I didn't sign up to a new online casino last night. I think I need more blocks as it was worrying how close I came to giving in. I dread to think how I'd be feeling today if I had gambled.

Today is another day and I know I won't gamble today after the fright I gave myself.

Now on 90 days. A few days after the above post I contacted my bank and reduced my overdraft from £750 to £100. This is another block in place as it was quite tempting having such a large overdraft (I needed it to get by when I was between jobs a few months ago).

Anyway, I made a rare trip to town after work today and felt a bit vulnerable as there were bookies I'm not self-excluded from. I wasn't tempted, but didn't trust myself 100% if that makes sense. I did what I needed to do in town then came straight home.

Posted : 2nd January 2018 4:18 pm
Posts: 377
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168 days gamble-free.

I am now married with no personal debt (gambling or otherwise). My wife and I do have a bit of the wedding and honeymoon still to pay off, but this is budgeted for and manageable.

Gambling blocks remain in place, but I have no inclination to gamble 99% of the time.

Best wishes to all.

Posted : 21st March 2018 11:02 am
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