Bear Recovery Episode 312

33 Posts
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Posts: 39
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Good morning all on to day 3 on my new recovery managed to quit latest episode with putting money in to a no access account, barring myself from all online bookies and shops within 40 miles from my house, yes I was driving 30 miles to bet so had to change the boundaries again I keep getting further away trying to place a bet, wife has put lock on phone for gambling websites, literally have no access which is key i believe anyway, day in sun today temptation there yes but not as bad as day 1 have good day all.

Posted : 11th August 2024 9:47 am
Posts: 156

Good stuff the battle rages on look after yourself exercise, helping others, breathing techniques and good nutrition 👍

Posted : 11th August 2024 11:32 am
Posts: 39
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Day 4 Legoland today with my son sweating hot but great day yes not the feeling of gambling where we get the whoosh feeling but a feeling of hey I’m turning the corner and my son is benefitting I’m honest Rome isn’t built in a day but I am building brick at a time 🙏🏻

Posted : 12th August 2024 3:49 pm
Posts: 17

Absolutely! Well done. A day at a time, it feels so good, i  am on day3 of my journey. We’ve got this! 🙏🏼

Posted : 12th August 2024 6:48 pm
Posts: 23

Well done, Bear! Stay strong. Keep goin.

Posted : 12th August 2024 10:33 pm
Posts: 257

@bear55 nice one Bear.

Keep at it and keep us posted on your progress 👍🏼 

Like you say, Rome wasn't built in a day.  Every day that you are gambling free is a small victory and part of the bigger journey.

Make sure your reward yourself for your hard work.

Posted : 12th August 2024 11:49 pm
Posts: 39
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Day 5 today guys and thank your for the posts it’s really appreciated and I mean that 😊 back to work today well working from home, but just made appointment with doctors with a couple of worry’s that I’d put off for while because my gambling took the worry away,anxiety is big downfall for me wake up heart racing etc on anti depressants but need some more help I think as I say when gambling makes me feel better for couple of hours then twice as bad so know this is way forward 😊 keep strong all know it’s tough but we’re tougher if we want to be 🙏🏻

Posted : 13th August 2024 8:54 am
Posts: 39
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Day 6 anxiety looming once again always does just in me I guess,  would gambling help god no would distract me for couple of hours then bang hit me with all barrels keep smiling keep active out for run this morning after 2 team calls for work , cycling yesterday fitness definitely distracts would be lost without it have good day all ❤️ 

Posted : 14th August 2024 8:50 am
Posts: 39
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One week 7 days !!! wow pleased with that always tough at start slept 10 hours last night and didn’t wake up with racing  heart did anticipate it but it didn’t appear,  feeling lots better in short time yes anxiety all around but 2 doctors appointments sorted anxiety therapist today I’m moving right way at least, still don’t have access to any sites on my phone which was a big step to help and no access to any substantial amount of money which is also so important 🙏🏻 have good day all ❤️

Posted : 15th August 2024 9:18 am
Posts: 39
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Day 8 bad anxiety night why is it there trying to work it out last night don’t know I’m ok for money family’s ok works ok why am I not ok 😢 oh well we go again ❤️

Posted : 16th August 2024 9:46 am
Posts: 39
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Right back from 5k run always struggle after bouts of anxiety but done haircut next 😂 not that I have much think they call it general tidy up 😂😂

Posted : 16th August 2024 10:58 am
Posts: 39
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day 9 just in gym tough day ahead having beer with friends already thinking about gambling these are the tests aren’t they ❤️

Posted : 17th August 2024 11:25 am
Posts: 397

Loving the diary mate. Sounds like you are in a good place and have a plan to get through this with support. Keeping busy is key, as is having no access to gambling. Having access to money is always a temptation, but coming in here and putting your thoughts down or reading someone else's journey can be a big help in reducing urges.

Stay strong 👍 

Posted : 17th August 2024 12:47 pm
Posts: 39
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Thanks weirdfish disappointed in myself yesterday drank too much placed a bet and 9 days done but hey it’s still 9/10 gamble free so I go again off to theatre today and cinema with son tomorrow also meeting anxiety specialist in afternoon so will keep moving forward even if there’s a sideways step along the way have good day  all ❤️

Posted : 18th August 2024 11:17 am
Posts: 397

Drink can be a dangerous thing in the early days. Maybe next time a sesh is planned, have the phone with someone else just to avoid the temptation. Its all about finding those weak points and blocking them off. The urges soon fade and normal life can resume, albeit with strong blocks and procedures in place.

Good luck with the specialist and enjoy the theatre.

Stay strong 👍 

Posted : 18th August 2024 11:38 am
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