B*****k's to Gambling! JP.x

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Lol Dunc's... Hehe a Gamcare take me out now that sound's scary! lol

I remember taking it, when I was at my lowest man. Just sat in my room after blowing all my redundancy, looking through pics on my old phone. When I read back, I know who I was, and not anymore. Plus, when I post on diaries people will know who I am. Sorry Shiny, no more guseeing games, but you can still do that if you wish! lol

Well, last night I diod venture out even it it were for a couple of hours to one of my friends who I had not seen in over a year! And wow, that was sooo easy! I thought it may be a bit awkward, but was a good catchup! Couple of ales watching the England game, they are rubbish I swear! lol

Not sure what to do today, got some Wanton wrappers I forgot I bought still in the freezer, will make some prawn and pork dumplings with vermicelli some kind of spicy soup, really fancy that for some reason, can never make em as good as you get down Soho but they're not bad!

HAve a good day,


Posted : 15th November 2012 12:47 pm
Posts: 0


Shinypants here ,,,,,,, really chuckled at that .

Nice to put a face to the name , do not think I have ever seen anyone do that before . A gamcare first ..

Not as brave as you and my amoninity is important to me , but far play to you .

I will still find my own little ways to tease you , think this site needs a bit of mischief every now and again .

Particularly when there has been a rumble in the jungle .

You seem in a good place at the moment , long may it continue , enjoy your dumplings , so much better for you than a kebab lol

Shiny xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 15th November 2012 1:01 pm
Posts: 0

Nice going mate. You're definitely heading in the right direction.

Brave of you to put your pic up. Personally, anonymity hides a little bit of my shame.

Hope to get where you are in time.

Posted : 15th November 2012 2:27 pm
Posts: 0

lol so ya went out and played a little did ya last night. lol good for you and thats what them days off are for. hope ya aint got that head banger going on there this morning cause just feels like yesterday, well monday morning for me. lol yeah a couple of them advils work if thats whats going on along with a few more hours of sleep and you be ready to do it again. lol yeah a little hair of the dog can cure it on its own too, but takes a might strong gut to do it. lol lol lol have a great day.

Posted : 15th November 2012 4:01 pm
Posts: 0

Oi Oi Govnerrrr !

yeah defo some danny dyer look alike thing going on there..

Nice to meet you JP 🙂 Hmm i think you should join the gamcare take me out show we would fix you up no problem lol.

Thank you for the post I hope your right and my dad can see me,

So great to see you doing so well you sound like your in a real solid place at the moment all be it you cant sit still for 5 mins lol.

Keep going my friend your heading in the right direction.

Blondie x

Posted : 15th November 2012 5:36 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi jp

Gonna keep a close eye on ur posts now and see how much female attention is received lol , nice one though if it works for ur recovery then thats all that matters and ur doin great

Gonna trudge from some old photos from bout ten years ago just in case lol


Posted : 15th November 2012 5:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Buddy,

For a second there I thought I was watching Crimewatch! Lol!!! Only kidding mate actually I was thinking considering the stress of gambling you are pretty youthful at 35 must have been a tiny paper round you had lol!

Still got 5 years before I reach there but now I know what to aim for!

Like Blondie said although you never sit still, you actually seem pretty content and pretty sound in recovery right now. This is a state of mind that you earn through hard work and determination. Credit to you my friend.

Not sure about Take Me Out as it's a rubbish show ask Blondie about my show idea it's a million times better. You can be my first contestant!

Keep Smiling Buddy,


Posted : 15th November 2012 7:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pete,

Thanks 4 all ur support on my diary. It means alot 🙂

I happen 2 think take me out is a good programme, it normally makes me laugh neway 🙂

Ur posts make me smile and u support so many others, u r doing gr8 🙂

Have a gr8 nite xx

Posted : 15th November 2012 10:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hey JP

Did'nt i snog you once ....Xmas ...2010?....just messin"

Wit woo....Not sure who Danny Dyer is but your piccy sort of reminded me at first glance of James something ?? from Cold Feet..the Irish guy.

A cheeky chappy.

Often we build up a picture of who people are by the way they write or come accross...instead of "Take me Out" we could do..."Guess what we all look like"..although two folk on here already know that about me...and vice versa and they were nothing how i imagined at all.

I think this is a real turning point for you JP...brave man to put your piccy up...if you see a woman ina trenchcoat and dark specs thats Shiny..shes a secret agent you know..lol

R and D xx

Posted : 15th November 2012 11:33 pm
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Hey all,

Well, thank's for all the really good comment's, I mean, yeah... Maybe I'm a bit mad for doing that but I thought to myself. I have told anybody I really love about my addiction, so anybody else that stumbles across it and say's, yeah? I knew that guy. Well that's ok with me!

You all post sooo much amazing comments and I feel bad for not having the time at the moment to say hi. But I will have soon, so bare with me...

Feeling on top of the world, although I have had a really bad flu of somekind. Dont know what it is but feel dizzy as hell, cant focus. I slept through my alarm this morning and had to call in sick. d**n I hate that, hate taking time off, I alway's feel so guilty. After a good 12 hours or so sleep, I will return in the morning. I have a really good boss so all is good. (I hope!)...

Feeling much better, maybe it's the fact I have not had a holiday in over a year, when you are contract working it's hard. I mean you really are in a bad position as the full time members always get a say in everything, me.. I just sit by the post and take it. I guess that's the best way, I have built up a good reputation and hope I land a full time job, I think it will be ok. However you dont know what's round the corner!

SO, I have to say... I actually admire Danny Dyer, dont think I look anything like him however! lol.... One of my fav film's is "The Business" With all that great 80's mucic in it, that was awesome, and lot's of old Eastender actors! Met Danny at a club in Hull only 4 or 5 months back, didnt get the chance to speak to him directly but he was there with a DJ friend. He has a yob aura about him I tell ya, that guy is cool as they come, something I aint (used to be!), but I am working on it! lol

Well, I still feel like the doors caved down on me, however I must make it into work tomorrow no matter how I feel, I am sure after afew 500mg Para's I will be fine!

Have a great evening and an even better morning all.


ps...xMas 2010, I think that was you! lol

Thank you all, Blondie, Shiny, Flagg, Castle, Charlottex, Duncs, Dotty, tlmc and the main man theAssiam! and all who I may have missed. I love you all. Let's beat this demon. We are beating it and we are almost! Back to where we where!

Posted : 16th November 2012 7:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pete,

Just popping in 2 say I hope u r ok and staying strong xx

Posted : 18th November 2012 10:49 pm
Posts: 4422

Morning Jp

Fella I hope you had a great weekend, me I had a flyer,spent at the stove LOVE IT!!

Keep making the choice my friend,lets better our tomorrows!!!

Duncs stepping forward never back.

P.s you may want to ressurect your title,it got asterix out!! Change the o for a u go all bovine or actress LMAO!!!

Posted : 19th November 2012 11:41 am
Posts: 0

Hiya jp

Full circle eh I love that we are back to where we always should of been not in that black hole of an existence. Life is good no scratch that life is Great.

Hope your feeling better and wearing that leather coat with pride.

Take care

Blondie x wit woooo to Danny Dwyer lol

Posted : 19th November 2012 11:49 am
Posts: 0
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Hi all,

Well, what a busy week! No time again, I have no time do do anything and had the busiest day at work ever today! But it was fun too! So I recovered from a mid week bender, than started my week on Friday, have finished my 4 day's now on another two day's opff, and yes...I need a beer! lol

It is all good though and had a really busy, productive week. Still strong on the gambling front, none for me no thank you sir. You can stick it where it belongs. In the bin!

Thanks Charlotte, doing great thanks. LMAO at Duncs, will have to change that title and get it asterixed once more! lol Glad you had a great weekend doing what you do best! Definitely feeling better Blondie, but as mentioned just need a bit more time!

I have just got the Xmas rota in and yes I am working Xmas day 🙂 14:00 - 22:00. Oh well, so I decided to do others a favour, as I am working the main day, switched the rota around so those with kid's get more time off around the xmas week, now I am working solid for two weeks up until a day before new years Eve. But it has also worked in my favour as I have 4 days off over the new year. Have also booked a week off after that so a nice break well deserved.

Keep strong all and speak to ya later's...


BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 124

First Target - 01/01/2013 - t40 days

Posted : 19th November 2012 6:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pete,

Thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

It got me thinking and made me look at things a different way 🙂

U r doing brilliant, it was kind of u 2 swap ur shifts 🙂 U r a gr8 guy!

Thanks 4 ur continued support 🙂

Have a gr8 nite xx

Posted : 19th November 2012 10:55 pm
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