B*****k's to Gambling! JP.x

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well hey your the man ya talking 100 days and way to go. love to see ya double and triple that score. you keep doing what your doing cause yeah, its working.

Posted : 19th October 2012 5:10 pm
Posts: 0
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Evening Diary,

Almost forgot about mine today, so engrossed with reading other's but I have to say that works more for me, and really try to put things that bother me behind me and dont express myself as much as other posters I have noticed. So today I will regress.

I admit, honestly not much has bothered me the lst couple of months, I have been very upbeat as you may have noticed, but really deep down there is still major issues. Again time may heal and I may feel comfortable in getting these out, however. I dont know what they are!!!!!!

It is scaring me a little that things are going tooo easy. But today, I read Flagg's diary and it spawned something. I actually did think about gambling today. When I got home I grabbed a beer from the fridge (it is not common btw..honest)... I did pause for a sec and thought, hang on a minute, I was paid yesterday, and I have not even thought about it? Normally I would have been up all night Thursday, awaiting 12:15am to deposit into one of my favourite casinos, but no, I got 7 hours sleep, payday came and went, and not a thought? Wow I say. That's what went through my head when I got home today so something muct be working.

I know deep down there is something waiting and ready to burst out, but I will be sure when it does it find's way to that daily post.

Until then, it's all in my stride. Have a great weekend to whoever falls and stumbles upon this post (sorry for sending you to sleep!) lol


BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 92

First Target - 01/01/2013 -72 days

Posted : 20th October 2012 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Pete,

Thank u 4 ur post on my diary, it means alot 🙂

I enjoy reading ur posts they do not send me 2 sleep lol... Ur determination shines thru 🙂

U r doing brilliant!

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 20th October 2012 8:08 pm
Posts: 0
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I am a country man now... Sorry was a rave dancer, but this new life will not take me from that... But! There's a big b**t, Johnny Cash.. Yankee man and that is sooo cool.. sorry I'm drunk

Not gambling, judt making a fool out of meself...lol xd


Posted : 20th October 2012 10:59 pm
Posts: 4422

Morning jp

Guess you may awake with a sore head!!! But no haze of shame from being at it !!!

I think the penny drops at one stage in recovery and the fog clears giving the addict a chance to really see that there is another way.

I don't take it lightly and still fully understand a compulsive gambler is one bet from destruction.

You my friend I can see your moment of clarity has come, my advice fella enjoy it, respect it and in smilers wonderful words "abstain and maintain" you have taken the reins cowboy don't let go !!!!!!

Well done my friend well done.

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 21st October 2012 7:39 am
Posts: 0

well way to go and your just a humming along there in them days.

me i love rock and roll and eminem. cant wait for a new cd from the dude. the guy so real he's unreal. lol

Posted : 21st October 2012 9:09 pm
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Thanks Duncan, Assiam...All....

theAssiam, I also dont mind a bit of the Eminem, I remember when I was about 18 when Eminem first made an appearance so I got hooked for a little while, not really heard much of the latest stuff but may check it out a bit later!

Yes, indeed I woke up with a very sore head yesterday (still hurts today to be honest!)... But I had a great night and one which was relatively cheap, normally when I have a beer it also used to include, well you know...Gambling too. When I normally had a hangover, no matter how much I had in the bank I could guarantee when I logged onto online banking that hangover became much, much worse when I see that I hod 0 pence left (yes, sometimes a full months wages).

But this time, it looks health, and I feel much healthier because of it. I so hope this carries on as I feel good about this.

Well, troday is the first check in on Flagg's diary so I am gonna locate the thread and check in, then gonna make some brekkie and come back a bit later to read a few diary's.

Till then.. Have a good day!


BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 94

First Target - 01/01/2013 -70 days

Posted : 22nd October 2012 8:22 am
Posts: 4422


Enjoyed your post fella, on my rant for today thread!!

You cannot watch the panorama programme on catch up fella as it was scheduled for 8.30 tonight, cancelled for a panorama on mr saville, something 30 years too late!!!!

For me my friend I get the impression that for the most the opinion of us compulsive gamblers is we are the great unwashed, uneducated, losers.

How wrong could folk be!! More than half my Ga regulars have a degree!!! keep making the right choice fella, help yourself, I hope it helps others too!!!!

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 22nd October 2012 10:14 am
Posts: 0

well hope monday is good to ya and keep pushing out them days. dont think you'll have a problem getting to that jan. 1st mark.

Posted : 22nd October 2012 1:31 pm
Posts: 0


The on line meetings are pretty straightforward really, thursday at 9pm, register and give yourself a user name log into the chat and go into the meeting room, It works a bit like a face to face G.A meeting.

Great to see you have joined Flaggs thread, keep crossing off those days one day at a time.

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 23rd October 2012 9:50 am
Posts: 4422


Fella take a bow!!!! If only that new jacket had have been here yesterday!!!

I was reading back and fella am I not wrong in saying that yesterday marked 3 months of your life back??

For that be proud my friend,a turn around in your life for sure, Well done my friend well done!!

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 23rd October 2012 10:53 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks all,

Yep three months! That surely feels good, a long way to go yet though, I think a saw a new diary today where somebody had been quit around the same time and started a new diary cause of a slip. I really hope that does not happen, I dont think it will but those blocks I have will stay a long time yet for sure...

I will try make it this Thursday Blondie, I am sure that will help and see if I like it or not. I have to try right?

Well, it's off to work for another week for me, party time over and back to reality! Pay those bills off, save money and no more depositing into those casinos...

Have a good day all....


BetFree since : July 22nd 2012

Day 96

First Target - 01/01/2013 - 68 days

Posted : 23rd October 2012 11:51 am
Posts: 1172

3 months get in. Well done mate thats a massive milestone, one that shows some big determination. Yep keep those blocks in place, no complacency. Got the Flagg end of year challenge to see ya through to the new year. All looking very good.

Posted : 23rd October 2012 12:13 pm
Posts: 0

3 months JP well done you.

GA see 90 days as the first big milestone which you have passed. Keep posting JP, keep sharing your story it helped me cement into my think head why I cant gamble.

Onwards to 2013 jacket slung over shoulder looking good. 🙂

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 23rd October 2012 12:37 pm
Posts: 0

well way to go dude with the 3 months, and your nailing it no doubt. got that little rascal wrestled down and pinned to the ground ya do. keep up the fight cause your winning.

Posted : 23rd October 2012 3:06 pm
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