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Thank you for reading and posting on my diary.

God Bless

Sabine xx

Today's thoughts from Hazelden are:

Bring the body, and the mind will follow.

--Saying heard in meetings


What do people in recovery mean when they say they have "smart feet"?


In recovery, we develop daily habits that we don't question: the habit of attending meetings, the habit of picking up the telephone to call a sponsor or to share with another recovering person, the habit of starting and ending the day with our preferred combination of prayer, literature, and meditation. We do these things whether we feel like doing them or not, and in time they become second nature to us, automatic as our addictive behavior was in the past. If we don't have to discuss these habits with ourselves, argue about whether or not they'll make us feel better, or question whether we've outgrown them, our burden is lighter.

Once we're at a meeting or sharing with another recovering person or with our Higher Power, the unexpected happens. We're lifted out of the tyranny of addictive thinking, "Smart feet" are feet that carry us to a place we need to be, whether we know it ahead of time or not.

Today, I'm grateful for simple habits that open my heart and mind to recovery.

You are reading from the book:

If You Want What We Have by Joan Larkin

Posted : 2nd February 2011 1:38 pm
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A gamble free day to all who read this.

God Bless


Today's gift from Hazelden

Fear is the absence of faith.

—Paul Tillich

We all experience fear. Sometimes we fear small things that only seem large at the time, like a test in school, or meeting a new boss, or going to the dentist. Sometimes we fear big things like serious illness or death, or that someone we love will come to harm. Fear is healthy, and we all feel it. It keeps us from doing foolish things sometimes, but too much fear can also keep us from doing what we need for our growth.

If we have faith in God and in ourselves, we can turn and face whatever frightens us, believing we can, with help, do what seems impossible. And we will, and the fear will vanish. The important first step in dealing with fear is to take action--either by tackling what we fear ourselves, or by asking for help. Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.

What am I most afraid of?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©1985, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation.

Posted : 3rd February 2011 11:21 am
Posts: 0

Sorry to read about your accident--my wife managed to trap the same thumb in the same car door twice in the space of a few months. We had two trips to casualty!!!

Life does seem to throw things at you on a regular basis but despite that I am glad to read that gambling is not currently one of those troubles.

All the best

Stumper x

Posted : 3rd February 2011 12:08 pm
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Thanks Stumper. I'm glad too. To be honest, I don't think I could fit gambling in anyhow. Far too busy with appointments and other stuff. 🙂

This morning I had my line flushed. Monday(7th) it's off to the fracture clinic with my finger. This coming Friday(11th) is my ct-scan. Monday(14th) after is bloodtests, Wednesday(16th) dentist and that week's Frida(18th)y is crunchtime with the consultant. Then there will be more dates for treatments etc....

In between I am keeping my part time job going, do a bit of housework when I get the chance, go to my G.A. meetings and do the "behind the scene" stuff for G.A.

I really really haven't the time to gamble, which is great.

Have a good, gamble free weekend boys and girls.

God Bless

Sabine xx

Today's thought from Hazelden is:

Attitudes and Limitations

"My greatest limitations," a member said, "are in my mind. Until I came to this group, I wasn't even aware that many of the negative circumstances in my life were the direct result of my distorted attitudes.

"I brought myself a lot of unnecessary misery by thinking it was my responsibility to manage and direct other people's lives. I believed it was solely up to me to make everyone else happy and secure. So I continually placed everyone else's needs first until I didn't know who I was or what I needed for my own happiness and comfort. It's exhausting and insane to try to second-guess everyone. Not only that, it doesn't give me or anyone else credit for being able to think, feel, or act for himself."

Today I will not manage or direct other people's lives, nor will I expect any other human being to fill my inner emptiness. I have the dignity, resources, and responsibility to fulfill my own life just as others have theirs. I will find my own sources of comfort, joy, and peace no matter what others do with their lives and free choices.

You are reading from the book:

The Reflecting Pond by Liane Cordes

Posted : 4th February 2011 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sabine.

Thanks so much for your post and support.

You really have had the run of the mill.Hope your finger heals up soon.Talk about unlucky!

Missing out on pizza aswell.

I will send some major positive thoughts your way as and from today for all your upcoming apointments next week.

It is great you don't have time to think about gambling and that you have quit smoking.I smoke myself and haven't really thought about quitting but i'm sure i could if i tried.

You take care my friend and wish you all the best. for you and your family.

Have a great weekend.

As ever cyber hug sent your way.


Posted : 4th February 2011 2:56 pm
Posts: 0

Just a quick line to say many thanks for your post on my diary. It is really humbling to me that with all your trials and tribulations, you still made time to congratulate me on my new job.

You really are a special person.

All the best

Stumper x

Posted : 4th February 2011 2:58 pm
Posts: 1057

I noticed you posted on getting theres diary about gaining strength from posts...sabine YOUR own strength and couragement on YOUR diary tells us ALL the type of person you are...Youve got so much on these next few weeks yet you still find time for others...amazing in itself.,will be thinking of you x

Posted : 4th February 2011 4:43 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Sabine... yours thoughts to me make alot of sense as they always do.. just wanted to thank you and to admire your continued strength in your own recovery. Thoughts are with you with all that you have going on.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 4th February 2011 6:28 pm
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As always; thank you for reading and/or posting.

Finger is healing nicely, went to physio yesterday and was told to start doing gentle exercises but not to overdo it(whose been talking???)

I can feel myself being more and more apprehensive about the scan and it's results. I can see it in my changed behaviour towards others. I've been a bit uptight with people and they don't deserve that. I am glad I have learned to be able to see that now, it gives me the chance to tell people, a) that I am a bit uptight and b) why I feel that way...

I will be forever grateful for that ability to my recovery and all the tools I have been given so far...I can be self critical now without putting myself down, healthy critisism is good and helps me grow as a person.

Because of the way I am feeling at the moment, I can see that this whole lot is beginning to get to me, which in turn means, I haven't been sharing how I feel with those around me who need to know.

I shall amend that starting tonight whenI will talk to my angel. Well actually, I will call my little brother in a minute and see if he has time for a chat. He has a knack of always putting things in percpective for me... I know that no-one can really help with the actual cause and I'm not sure if my brother can help but if I don't try and will never know...

It's important to make that leap of faith, trust in myself and open up. I think often it is the fear of ridicule or rejection that has stopped me in the past. Or the fear of trying something new... trusting in something that is not tangeable is very hard, I think that is why it is os hard to believe in a Hgher Power and in having faith...

Today I will let someone else take over on my bike ride and let them take the handle bar and steer, I just peddle....

Have a gamlbe free day

God Bless

Sabine xx

Today's thought from Hazelden is:

In music, in the sea, in a flower, in a leaf, in an act of kindness... I see what people call God in all these things.

--Pablo Casals

The Third Step refers to "God as we understood Him." The pathways to meeting our Higher Power and to our spiritual awakening are all around. Every tree and every leaf on every tree, as it rustles in the wind, expresses God in our lives. When the little bird flies overhead or when it comes to visit the feeder, we are being visited by a spirit. When the sky boils with a storm, when lightning and thunder crash, we are witness to power greater than ourselves with a history beyond the centuries. The beautiful works of art created by our fellow human travelers on this journey through life are expressions of their courage to reach out and create something. A line of music moves us and we feel the spirit.

A child makes a drawing and gives it away. A neighbor helps you start your car. You treat the clerk at the checkout counter like a real person. Whatever word we use for God, if we decide to be open and receptive, we find God in the little details of our lives. Spiritual awakening is a wonderful daily occurrence.

God, open my senses to take in your presence more fully.

You are reading from the book:

Touchstones by Anonymous

Posted : 8th February 2011 11:59 am
Posts: 0

No wonder you are apprehensive and a little worrried about the scan results. Anybody would have worries in this situation and I am sure I and many others would also act differently to those around us as well.

Your strength shines through in all your posts and I am confident that you will remain strong whatever the scan results are. There are many folks out there who do not no you who are also thinking about your results and many fingers are tightly crossed as well as many prayers being said throughout you cg 'family'.

I will certainly have a gamble free day and may God bless you daily.

Stumper x

Posted : 8th February 2011 3:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sabine.

Agree with Stumper there.

Can't imagine anyone being themselves in your situation Sabine.

Wishing you all the best this week and you will be in my thoughts.

Stay strong Sabine.

Big cyber hug sent your way!


Posted : 8th February 2011 6:49 pm
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Bless you all for your continued support and online friendship. I am humbled by it all.

Spoke with my sponsor(my little brother) yesterday and feel a bit better today. I guess even I am allowed to have down days; it's all about learning when to listen to the inner voice and when to tell it to shut up, when to be courageous and when to be cautious... and when to just sit back and feel....

Have a gamble free day my precious gamcarian friends.

God Bless

Sabine xx

Today's thought from Hazelden is:

"Come to the edge," he said. "No, we will fall," they replied. They came to the edge. He pushed them . . . and they flew.


Without courage it is virtually impossible to progress along the spiritual path. Courage enables us to face the fears that arise when we go for what we want.

Courage often involves going against conventional wisdom and walking the path alone. It takes courage to give up the high paying job and work part-time while you start your own business on the side. It takes courage to leave an unworkable relationship. It takes courage to face the pain of one's childhood and seek to heal it. In short, it takes courage to be oneself.

People ask, "How can I have courage when I'm afraid?" The answer is clear. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to move forward in spite of it. When fear comes up in your life, fully feel and experience it. If you try to push it away, it will only expand.

Say to your fear, "I acknowledge you. But as I connect with my higher knowing, I see that you are not in alignment with my true calling. Because I have the courage and the faith to follow my heart, I am moving ahead with my plans in spite of you." Then proceed. Like the actor whose stage fright leaves in the first moments of the play, yours will fade as you actively embrace your own unique destiny - with courage.

You are reading from the book:

Listening to Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch

Posted : 9th February 2011 10:49 am
Posts: 0

You are in my thoughts this week Sabine,keep your faith:).


Posted : 9th February 2011 10:58 am
Posts: 314

Sabine. You are in my thoughts. You are angel my friend. I hold you in very high esteem. We will get that coffee in one day.

Love Graham x

Posted : 9th February 2011 7:00 pm
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I hope so Graham and Thank you.

Scan tomorrow! Waiting is still an issue for me. The little devil in my head has a field day. Thoughts like, if it is bad then I don't want to waste precious time waiting...

Which gave me these thoughts.....

Should we not live our lives as if they were our last moments? Life is precious and I for one have treated my life and that of others appallingly in the past and still do sometimes. I should have stopped and listen when my son or my daughter wanted to talk instead of saying, uhh, I haven't got time now, I need to do this or I need to do that! Before I knew it, years had passed and they are now grown up and doing their own stuff, and still...sometimes when they call or come round I say, uhh, I haven't got time now, I've got to do this or that....

This is important to them, so I need to make it important to me.... Life is short and very precious and just maybe I'll run out of time sooner then I think and then what...???

Note to myself... MAKE TIME.. for all the little things in life, like having the chat the children(or any other) want to have, go and see that special person, whom you promised you would go and visit but never seem to find the time for... de-clutter your daily time table and keep some free time for all those little precious things...

Have a gamble free day

God Bless

Sabine xx

Today's thought from Hazelden is:

Coping with Families

There are many paths to self-care with families. Some people choose to sever connections with family members for a period of time. Some people choose to stay connected with family members and learn different behaviors. Some disconnect for a time, and then return slowly on a different basis.

There is no one or perfect way to deal with members of our family in recovery. It is up to each of us to choose a path that suits us and our needs at each point in time.

The idea that is new to us in recovery is that we can choose. We can set the boundaries we need to set with family members. We can choose a path that works for us, without guilt and obligation or undue influence from any source, including recovery professionals.

Our goal is to detach in love with family members. Our goal is to be able to take care of ourselves, love ourselves, and live healthy lives despite what family members do or don't do. We decide what boundaries or decisions are necessary to do this.

It's okay to say no to our families when that is what we want. It's okay to say yes to our families if that feels right. It's okay to call time out and it's okay to go back as a different person.

God, help me choose the path that is right for me with family. Help me understand there is no right or wrong in this process. Help me strive for forgiveness and learn to detach with love, whenever possible. I understand that this never implies that I have to forfeit self-care and health for the good of the system.

You are reading from the book:

The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie

Posted : 10th February 2011 10:25 am
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