Day 18 and still GF! Tough week being off work and Cheltenham being on, but haven't as yet had the urge to gamble.
Well done Dave day 22 for me, its not really gotten easier. We'll done for starting out the bookies during Cheltenham, never been a horses man it was always the slots that got me.
Well done Sam! I'm now 21 days Gf. It isn't easy, but I'm taking it one day at a time. Over the years the maximum I've stopped gambling for is 3 weeks. Every day I feel more positive, but the trigger is always there via adverts on the T.V, social media etc.
Well done Dave day 23 for me 2 days from 25 day badge your close behind! We can do it. Slots and online gambling are going to be a massive problem for alot of this generation. Reckon I've lost close to 100k in the 17 years started at 14 now 31. Keep strong mate
That's brilliant Sam well done. You're right pal, I dread to think how much I've lost over the years. I'm paying off my debts, and slowly but surely I'm beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel! Stay strong pal, and here's to the next 25 days 🙂
Day 25 and still feeling good, and more importantly GF. Family life is keeping me occupied. I'm doing more overtime at work, which also helps with paying off my debts.
Day 31 for me today, not logged on in 5 or 6 days. Hope your keeping GF Dave
Hi Sam, day 32 and still GF. Had a tough week. Walking past a bookie and so wanted to go inside. I happily managed to stay away, but realised a relapse is just around the corner. I've now abstained from gambling for the longest period since I started at 16 years of age. Just hope I can keep it going.....
Day 35. 5 weeks and no gambling. Seems surreal typing that, but super proud of myself. Still a long way to go though....
Well done.
Glad to hear that you are saying that there is a long way to go. We are all in this for the long haul.
Awesome work Dave it does get easier over time first time I've not Gambled for 40 days in many years! Keep up the good work
Keep it going mate, don’t ever get complacent, treat every day the same tell ya self you will not gamble today.
Good luck
So today I relapsed. Today was the day I couldn't walk past the bookies. I'm at a new low. No one to blame but myself. Tomorrow will now be day 1 🙁
I know the feeling,i just relapsed after 8 month's gf.
It's a learning curve Dave, don't be too hard on yourself what's done is done.
Have you contacted moses a national self exclusion centre where you can exclude from numerous shops.
I think my tally us up to about 30 shops,doubt I would be recognised in half of them but the thought of not getting paid out puts me off even contemplating placing a bet - hopefully most of the 30 will close soon!
Well done on 40 days,onwards and upwards you've proved you can beat this.
Remember all were chasing is the buzz- money is irrelevant.Keep strong and get high on life.
Thanks for the wise words. I'll deffo look into the self exclusion. You're right, deffo chasing the buzz. Fortunately, it wasn't a large amount of money, Just super annoyed with myself. Good luck on your journey, and thanks again.
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