Day 1 - being honest with myself

119 Posts
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Morning S

17 days and going strong and determined

Very well done

Just think how you will feel when your husband comes through the door tonight and you can greet him honestly and openly without the insanity of having lost more money on gambling

You will feel soooo good and sooo positive

and it won't have cost you a penny to feel that good

Suzanne xx

Posted : 2nd September 2014 9:17 am
Posts: 0
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Well Diary, home alone til 9 but TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. So I'll fix my dinner, flick through the channels on the Tv and relax. Turn my ipad off after a few games of candy crush but thats it for tonight. feeling good.... 🙂

Posted : 2nd September 2014 7:36 pm
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Good morning Diary. day 18. TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. feeling down which has nothing to do with my gambling but can trigger a relapse but I know if I gamble Ill feel 10 times worse so again TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. x

Posted : 3rd September 2014 8:10 am
Posts: 0

Hi S

Well done on 18 days

Push through the lows because as you say you would feel 100 times lower if you relapsed

Stay strong and positive and keep going

Suzanne xx

Posted : 3rd September 2014 12:07 pm
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Goor morning Diary Day 19, TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. feeling positive today so any thought of relapse is far from my mind. Thanks again for yr support Suzanne. Yr my inspiration ! hope everyone here has a winning no gamble day xx

Posted : 4th September 2014 8:17 am
Posts: 0

Hi S

Thanks for your kind words

Well done on 19 days

Stay positive and strong and win again today

Suzanne xx

Posted : 4th September 2014 9:07 am
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Good morning Diary, Day 20 TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. i feel as though I may feel pushed back into a dark place in the next couple of weeks, if, as I suspect my ovarian cancer has returned. This is when I turn to gambling as a way to forget , even just for a few minutes. Another world where the spinning reels determine things. but not today TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE XX

Posted : 5th September 2014 8:22 am
Posts: 0

Hi S

Sending you positive thoughts

Have a good stress free day and stay strong

Suzanne xx

Posted : 5th September 2014 9:40 am
Posts: 0
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Good morning Diary. TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE Day 21 thats 3 weeks! im actually doing this! abstaining and feeling better for it. This weekend wont be easy as Im on my own for much of it cos hubbys working but theres housework to be done (deep joy) and the gardening to be sorted oh and maybe a little bit of retail therapy 🙂 TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE X

Posted : 6th September 2014 8:34 am
Posts: 4422

Good morning

A very wise fella told me it takes 21 days to change a habit and then a lifetime to face up to addiction.

I can feel the change in your posts,a huge well done for your commitment to recovery.

You have a list of things to do today,the last one that continued abstinence will continue to offer

Retail therapy!!

A fantastic way to celebrate

With each purchase smile to yourself,think you could foolishly gift that purchase to addiction

f**k in my gambling life I went to get milk far too many times which ended up costing 300!! the daily withdraw amount!!

Be kind to yourself,you are doing something amazing

You are a winner and through choice can remain one.

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 6th September 2014 8:47 am
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Thanks for yr kind words of support Dunc. You and Suzanne are my inspirations if Im honest. You sound like you are both so wise . I love your use of 'gifted', well today Im gifting myself another gamble free day 🙂

Posted : 6th September 2014 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Morning S

3 whole weeks of abstaining and maintaining how good does that feel very well done

Stay strong and positive and enjoy your day

Gambling free ofcourse

Retail therapy I wished, lol enjoy

Take care

Suzanne xx

Posted : 6th September 2014 9:57 am
Posts: 177

Well done S! seems we are ALL being positive today....a gamble free weekend for us all!! LETS ALL KEEP FIGHTING! Take care. Helen. X

Posted : 6th September 2014 11:35 am
Posts: 0
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Good morning diary, day 22 TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. well I spent yesterday not gambling again, did the garden, got bitten on the ear by something, still better than being bitten on the b*m by another casino site! today its ironing then a trip to the garden centre to restock the garden ready for winter. TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE. I wish you all a gamble free day xx

Posted : 7th September 2014 8:47 am
Posts: 0

Hi S

Very well done keep going

Have a good gambling free day and WIN

Suzanne x

Posted : 7th September 2014 9:30 am
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