Hey Stephen
Enjoy Belfast and glad to know you're on the right path and everything going well. Sounds like talking and sharing your problems have lightened the load a little.
Well done and keep up the hard work.
Clare x
Hey Stephen you crazy man wanting to go to work 😉
I get it though, as will many on here & it's great to see how quickly you have grasped recovery.
HAPPY NEW YEAR & I hope that this site will give you the strength to walk this path forever - ODAAT
Day 10 - No bets in 10 days WOW! First milestone achieved..
Today also marked my first GA meeting which I have to admit was the most daunting thing I have done in quite some time, the last place I wanted to ob a Wednesday night was there. I can honestly say I was welcomed with open arms and was made feel very welcome and extremely at ease. The group shared their experiences and I was astounded how similar everyone's experiences were. We all had one purpose of being their STOPPING our gambling addiction.... I will be back next week less apprehensive than today. I highly recommend the meetings folks. My journey continues #STILLBETFREE
Day 13 - Still bet free is certainly the great news with almost two weeks down. GA mantra is one day at a time which Is exactly what I am doing, my guard will not drop..... I have been feeling slightly irked however for no apparent reason the last day or so.... I am not sure if this is normal or not however I am trying to focus on the positives in front of me!
Pleased I checked in on you and I see you're nicely sitting on day 13.
Well done on actually carrying out what you said you would and going to the GA meeting. Sounds like it helped you and all support is another push along in the right direction.
Clare x
Way to go on your 2 weeks 🙂
The bizarre moods (I say bizarre because I am a woman & I am therefore used to mood swings, but these early days recovery ones really were something else & I never made sense of them so just blamed the gambling) will subside!
Keep that guard up - ODAAT
Day 72... Still bet free and what a journey it has been so far! A challenge that has had its ups and downs! I joined GA meetings at the beginning of this and honestly they have been very helpful... In the time ive been there I have seen that this illness addiction or whatever you prefare to call its doesnt spare anybody no matter what age/s*x or background someone has. Apologies I havent posted In weeks but I have been focusing 1 day at a time on my recovery! It can be done folks.... We can beat this it just takes determination and perseverance!
Day 75...... No real urges to bet today which is great! I still find myself fighting my arrogance as I see myself drawn towards scores! Im conscious of this however! And utilise the removal of people places and things! Other than that im feeling great at the minute! 90 DAYS ALMOST AT MY NEXT MILESTONE
Day 160 - I am still doing well folks! I have stopped my GA meetings due to.other commitments, but thats not to say I wont be back once the other stuff subsides. I have to admit the urges to gamble have become so infrequent I can't remember the last. This from a man that couldnt go 30secs without thinking about it! Lifes better I have time for my kids and family again, and I am back doing the things I can enjoy! If I can do it folks anyone can but it's tough!Ð’Â Until the next time every one... Stay strong and away from making the bookies rich
Day 202.... Gamble free! I'll keep this short and sweet! A life gamble free is a better life!
Still going strong folks... The notions for a bet are still there however i know the concequences and thats what keeps me strong! Everyone that are at rock bottom today there are plenty of people that are proof beating this progressive illness can be done! Believe me if i can do it anybody can.....
Affected by gambling?
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