Day 4

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Day 15


Going well but had a tempting offer put in front of me that would be a fairly certain win, which threw me a bit. I know that even a certain win would be a loss for me long term and probably even short term as well. 

Onwards and upwards. 


Posted : 24th June 2020 1:01 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi gottobedone. Awesome for resisting that was a hell of a temptation. Be proud of the small steps best wishes

Posted : 24th June 2020 1:56 pm
Posts: 76
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Day 14. 


Had some really good news on my business I'm setting up, which will make my money situation a whole lot better!

I'm trying to see it as a blessing that I've lost the money I did (£40k) as I'd never have addressed the problem without reaching this point.

Before that, even when I lost £17k of the £40k, I still wasn't taking it seriously or felt it wasn't a problem I couldn't handle. Losing that money has woken me up and changed my entire mindset, so all I can do is work hard to get the debt into a manageable place.

Payday today but my mum has control of all my finances (I'm 31 years old!). She has logins to all my apps and cards so can see if I put any funds etc in to use straight away, which is really helping. Both banks are empty apart from what she transfers over and I don't even have the apps on my phone any more.

My weekly sheet now shows I've saved £150 by not gambling, so 0.38% of the way to saving £40,000.

Long process but I'm finding that a help not a hindrance.

Onwards and upwards.



Posted : 25th June 2020 7:34 am
Posts: 76
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Day 15. 


Not too much to report.


Onwards and upwards. 

Posted : 26th June 2020 7:06 am
Posts: 76
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Day 16. 


Was with the GF for a few days and so didn't find the time to post. 

All going well still so nothing major to report. Paid off some of the stupid credit cards and Payday loans I've had and want to start rebuilding my credit score so I can get out of this hole. I'm in 85k of debt so lots of work to do but hard work, not a big win, is the only way out.





Posted : 27th June 2020 4:26 pm
Posts: 414

You sound like your determined I can't believe your in so much debt but can see a way out I feel bad that I've got  £8000 to sort out. Gambling costs us problem if we're problem gamblers and the harm it can cause and the people who've took there life due TO how they feel after loosing so much money. Things have got to be looked into to many life's are lost and it can't all be put on the gambler as the companies can see with there state of the art equipment when a problem gambler is on there site as for sure they know when a winner is

Posted : 27th June 2020 4:58 pm
Posts: 76
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Posted by: Kevthekev40

You sound like your determined I can't believe your in so much debt but can see a way out I feel bad that I've got  £8000 to sort out. Gambling costs us problem if we're problem gamblers and the harm it can cause and the people who've took there life due TO how they feel after loosing so much money. Things have got to be looked into to many life's are lost and it can't all be put on the gambler as the companies can see with there state of the art equipment when a problem gambler is on there site as for sure they know when a winner is

It’s all I can do really tbh mate, as sickening as it is i’m trying to see it as a positive. 

8k in the long run is nothing mate, however grim it seems now. If you gambled £50 a week you’d save 8k by not gambling for 2 years, but if you keep gambling it gets better, not worse. 2.5 years ago my debt was 8k and i thought it was as bad as it could get ... how wrong i was. 

I’ve just won a new piece of business and my after tax earning for the next 6 months is likely to be around £36,000, so my aim is to have everything paid off or structured into a low monthly payment by Jan 2021. From there I can get on with my life and start saving for a house, car and the rest of the stuff i should’ve had a long time ago. 

Day 17. 


Posted : 28th June 2020 12:21 pm
Posts: 414

Yeah I see your point 8k is nothing to you as your away up there my friend but to me and my family it's a hell off alot of money, but I know you don't mean it like that you just mean stop gambling or there is alot further than I'm at.

Posted : 28th June 2020 12:53 pm
Posts: 76
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Posted by: Kevthekev40

Yeah I see your point 8k is nothing to you as your away up there my friend but to me and my family it's a hell off alot of money, but I know you don't mean it like that you just mean stop gambling or there is alot further than I'm at.

Yeah mate definitely didn’t mean it in terms of it being a small amount, £8,000 is a lot to anyone!

My point is more that if it’s that £8,000 loss that makes you stop for good and turn things around then maybe it’s the cost of changing your life. Thats the way i’m looking at it (my total debt is £85,000) otherwise i’d go crazed!

Best of luck with your recovery mate, i’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for you! 

Posted : 28th June 2020 3:35 pm
Posts: 414

Thanks my friend I knew what you meant 

And I really want to stop gambling with all I hold inside me as you know the amount of money you can lose in such a short period of time is more than any other addiction I know. I'm taking it one day at a time and I've put so many blocks in place as I can never say I won't relapse as I've said that so many times just to do it worse the next time but I'm not going to gamble again as I'll be left with nobody. You take care and keep up the good work 

Posted : 28th June 2020 3:51 pm
Posts: 76
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Day 18.


Manic with work today but did have a look at some stocks, which I know I shouldn't be doing. It's only out of interest but it's something I can do without.

Looking forward to Thursday so I can mark another week and another £75 saved. 

Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 29th June 2020 6:49 pm
Posts: 414

Well got tobedone

You've had a look at stocks the only person your tempting is yourself but you've managed not to take any chances and buy anything. But just be careful as you could be week one day and act on it, I just think sometimes the addiction will overtake your willpower. Be strong and don't tempt yourself as it's like putting a lollipop infront off a kid. Stay strong and away from gambling as you know what you've set out to do 

Posted : 29th June 2020 9:51 pm
Posts: 76
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Posted by: Kevthekev40

Well got tobedone

You've had a look at stocks the only person your tempting is yourself but you've managed not to take any chances and buy anything. But just be careful as you could be week one day and act on it, I just think sometimes the addiction will overtake your willpower. Be strong and don't tempt yourself as it's like putting a lollipop infront off a kid. Stay strong and away from gambling as you know what you've set out to do 

I know mate I need to pack it in. It's easy not to act as I have no access to money, but that won't always be the case. 

My aim is to spend the rest of the week not checking any stocks or odds and go from there.


This post was modified 5 years ago by got2bdone
Posted : 30th June 2020 8:58 am
Posts: 76
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Day 19. 


First counselling session supposed to be today but I've double booked with a really important new business call. 


Trying to get it back in but the call is too important to miss. 


Still feeling positive, onwards and upwards.

Posted : 30th June 2020 9:01 am
Posts: 76
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Day 20.

Definitely doesn’t hurt as much as it did any more, which makes me slightly em nervous. I’m abstaining from all forms of gambling for life, but the last couple of days my brain had briefly entertained the thought of gambling in the future, which genuinely scares me.

Found my old w**********l card in my draw yesterday and also made slight excuses why i should keep it before relenting and throwing it away.

Need to remain vigilant!


Onwards and upwards.

Posted : 1st July 2020 3:45 am
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