Day one.

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Posted in the new members forum but not sure how to move that post to here, anyway after a big relapse last night and doubling my debt I now start on day one again, hopefully I can beat this horrible disease.

Posted : 30th July 2015 9:29 am
Posts: 0

worriedmummy wrote:

Posted in the new members forum but not sure how to move that post to here, anyway after a big relapse last night and doubling my debt I now start on day one again, hopefully I can beat this horrible disease.


i started my journey just 2 days ago.

there is no reason why you cant kick this awful habit and move on with your life. Im looking forward to seeing my calendar go from 2 days to 10, 10 to 20, 20 to 50 and even think about hitting 100 days and having money in my pocket.

the first steps are self excluding and handing finances over, that will help.

stay strong!

Posted : 30th July 2015 9:33 am
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Thanks underdog, I won't be getting no money in my bank for a long time so that should help, sorted for my wages to be paid directly into partners bank, we are going to have a rubbish few months money wise but can afford to pay all bills so that's all that matters, should have payed one loan off just in time for Christmas but the other won't be paid off until May 2017 and that's if I don't gambled so could make things far far worse if I relapse again, I hate the thought of debt and I think that's why I keep going back to clear it off, I don't get a massive wage though so if I carry on to gamble it will get to the point where it will affect our whole life debt wise! Even if somebody gave me free money to gamble with I wouldn't, I don't want to gamble again I hate it and the feeling it gives you the day after 🙁

Posted : 30th July 2015 10:44 am
Lost my life
Posts: 618

i'm with you on this journey 'worried', your name is what i am to a tee. Stay with this site, i drifted back and forth over three years, cost me a lot. I can only not gamble now, i have finally got all the barriers in place. If i hadn't put them in place maybe i would still be gambling. Be strong its really tough but staying on here helps, some great people and posts.

Posted : 30th July 2015 11:16 am
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Thank you lostmylife, can I ask what restrictions you have in place please, just I feel I need everything I possibly can, good luck with your journey, strange we do this to our selfs when we know it's only going to cause misery in the long run 🙁

Posted : 30th July 2015 11:28 am
Lost my life
Posts: 618

Hi self-exclusions - self excluded from a five mile radius of some 20 bookies. I had over the years opened and now closed some 25/30 on-line casino accounts, i would only ever play reliable ones ie 32..., w....h....s etc.My computer is so old at home you cannot see the spinning ball on the roulette table !! Uk ban on all g........r casinos. To be blunt i have come to my rock bottom - i cannot afford to lose any more money - i dont want to bankrupt my self. I intend to use this site as my road to recovery/therapy - great support here. I have had counselling but i lapsed even after 13 weeks, so I have to do it myself for my sanity and my future. Age is also a factor, if you are young you can recover from this, i am in my later years of working life, recovery time for finances is short. Personal question are you bored with your life?, thats what attracted me to gambling.

Posted : 30th July 2015 11:48 am
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I have always played online that's where my problems lie, never stepped foot in a bookies and I wouldn't so safe from there, have self excluded from the sites I can think of but still getting constant emails from said sites, offering bonuses etc, I just turned 24 last week so still plenty of time to sort things out, just need to stick to it, I do gamble mostly when bored your right but if I have a win im quite good at withdrawing, but when I lose even £5 I don't stop and will go on to lose £100's; I will never be able to not chase my loses so I need to refrain for good, day one completed 🙂

Posted : 30th July 2015 9:57 pm
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Logged on to my online banking (habit) and see I've been payed £106 owed holiday pay from my old work, not really a lot but money I would have used to gamble so have payed it straight off the debts I owe! so a little step forward for me, paying this little bit gave me a little buzz like I'd get from gambling, only this time il still feel happy the next morning and not gutted, onwards and upwards for day 2 🙂

Posted : 31st July 2015 12:11 am
Posts: 0

Great work yesterday 🙂 Hope you have woken up with a smile on your face today & are well on your way to winning today's battle?

Have you looked into that blocking software? It's another barrier to protect you for when Mr Gamble starts spinning you his ugly lies again because he will.

Sandra12 has a 90 day challenge in progress that you may like to join for a focus & maybe consider the rest of the year on the 2015 Challenge if you're planning on sticking with this site!

OAU indeed - ODAAT

Posted : 31st July 2015 4:39 pm
Posts: 0

"paying this little bit gave me a little buzz like I'd get from gambling, only this time il still feel happy the next morning and not gutted, onwards and upwards for day 2"

Nailed it.

Exactly. You can have a life back Sir. We can get other kicks, it's just we have drummed into our mind's the only kicks are throwing our money away? It really does not make sense.

What make's sense is today, tomorrow, our "family", "Friends", future, Health.

All the afore mentioned is obliterated with a little spin.

You are doing awesome. Keep on it Sir! Your Missus and family will be so proud!



Posted : 31st July 2015 8:49 pm

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