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Many happy returns Paul hope all is well with you be nice to catch up soon.


Posted : 16th March 2017 7:12 am
Posts: 1345

Happy belated birthday Paul. 50 not to far the distance for me (shudder)

Posted : 16th March 2017 2:19 pm
Posts: 534

Hi Volcano, your apology was unnecessary...I didn't feel that you were accusing people who live alone of being failures. . Your comment triggered a feeling in me, maybe I feel a failure, but when I sit and reflect, I pretty much like my life, despite the ups and downs. My conditioning equates not being married, solid nuclear family, with failure....but that is wrong thinking which I need to undo. But thanks for caring. Best wishes.

Posted : 16th March 2017 5:31 pm
Posts: 0

Happy Birthday V 🙂

Posted : 16th March 2017 10:35 pm
Posts: 2165

Hi Paul,

Looks like I missed your birthday. Shucks! Well, Happy Birthday albeit late. I will toss in a hug too. -joanxx

Posted : 17th March 2017 8:25 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


' Everybody in life IS responsible for his own behaviour and im responsible for my own behaviour. I don't judge other I give my best ! '

Arsene Wenger...... And so very true!

Tis only my humble but when you have people ranting/ shouting and arguing in the work place it 9/10 means that there is incompetence and it's usually from the person who's shouting the loudest. It really gets you No where, just wastes a lot of energy. This to me is a little akin to people ranting about the gambling industry or blaming others for there particular woes.

I have no foundations for serenity, hence trying to down load the Bo. llox im experiencing in my work place and to keep me away from running to a fbot...

Posted : 20th March 2017 8:54 am
Posts: 1791

If you was going to run Paul you'd have run to the fobt already and as you say you would be responsible for that action.

Keep you head down and take shelter from the s***t bricks.


Posted : 20th March 2017 10:17 am
Posts: 7075

Hi V,

Thanks for the post yesterday.
Man, don't let anything trigger you off as the only one ending in the gutter is gonna be you! Very true!

It's dark world out there. We are addicts and cannot stop. Feeling S***e will only make you feel more S***e if you make the wrong choice!

Life is difficult as it is...but we are here!!!! (Minus one arm but we are here!) 😉 ....

I respect you. You sound very kind hearted person. No worries about me attaching to you so you're safe! Lol...& very lucky i should say 😉

Take it easy ok..don't give up the're worth all the best in life...take it - make the right choice.

Hugs......I'm huggy today lol


Posted : 20th March 2017 1:14 pm
Posts: 2165

Hi Paul,

I used to blame everybody for my gambling. I used to scream about the casino bosses and even imagined them laughing at me when I lost. I used to shake my fist at the surveillance cameras. If they were laughing I surely deserved it. Lol. Of course it's choice. If I can be out of my pain or in pain I might choose to run. I'm just learning how to sit with it. To sit with myself. I am learning to really appreciate the clarity that comes from not bathing my brain in dopamine. Not sure if I'm making any sense here. Pop the earbuds in and listen to some music. Take Care Paul. xx

Posted : 20th March 2017 2:42 pm
Posts: 7075

Good morning V ☺

Hope sun is shining on you today!
Thak you for the post. Not really sure what Prince you're on about lol...but "......." has a meaning of a thought (which i do too much of it still).
Rescue dog!!! Oh man..i would love it ☺ the issue is my working hours and living by myself & as far as i heard, to adopt a dog is harder than a baby :-/
I would have help with walks and so on but it is very complicated process...again, i don't know for sure so maybe few rescue centres for a visit are on the cards for this weekend ☺...(you watch..i will get 20 of them back with me :-D)

Have a good day Paul and let the power of freedom stay with you.


S x

Posted : 21st March 2017 10:09 am
Posts: 7075 was P R I N C E & not sure why it was starred out :-/

I'm robot :-))))))))))))))

Posted : 21st March 2017 10:11 am
Posts: 0

Just dropping in to say hi. A pheasant has taken up residence in our garden, and he made me think of you 🙂 I'm not going to feed him though. Partly because I've no idea what they eat and don't want to be responsible for any untimely deaths (although it would solve the dilema of what's for dinner tonight) but mostly because he makes a right bleeding racket and I'd much rather he finds a home somewhere else!

How's thing's?

Posted : 31st March 2017 1:53 pm
Posts: 7075

Heh heh V...yoir post made me smile! Lil blue line is right up my street & it's like looking in a mirror lol

Glad the four legged friend is being looked after as well as looking after the lil one ☺

Are you on FB? You could see many pics of my "lil" one...ohhhh..hang on..i have your details lol so will deffo be looking you up.

Thank you for your ongoing support and look after yourself too ☺

S x

Posted : 8th April 2017 12:16 am
Posts: 0

Thank you for your post volcano, I always appreciate it.

Things are not going well unfortunately. Been having a few little threats to my fragile security as I continue to live on the edge.

Mind has been stressed, confused and negative. Not a good sign. Today things are okay, need to help myself more to secure tomorrow, next week, next I can worry less.

Always good to see you posting around the forum. Think your range of posts is always very impressive. Random, personal experience, funny, topical. Real good mix of stuff.

Pleased to see things are calm for you and settled in Surrey. Try not to get too comfy volcano, keep looking to progress and improve your life.

Posted : 9th April 2017 7:06 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Likewise Glint, good to hear from you,

My Surrey life ended on Friday, i enjoyed where i lived and predomitely enjoyed the job i was on. Learnt (sp) a little more about myself. I became a local and made friends and was made welcome whether i was chatty or a quiet grey man.

Now, i'm back to my kent hole, will take a few weeks off as a reward for the past 4 months of 6/7 days work. But, now very wary, as i know how my head can drop.

The environment we live in can have a big bearing in our moods and our susestability (sp) to our demons. Boredoms mentioned a lot in relapses, but in my humble, environment a bigger factor. So, will need to find a life whilst i remain in this area.

And for you Glint, i always wonder what part of the country you live. I'm a littel biest with Saxons/ Normans, i think the former have the humour and the latter have the stile, but sometimes Saxons end up in Norman country and vice versa...A little off beat ramble there, but do i have a point, but lost it ;-).

An happy irish dumper driver who always smiled told me his grand pa, use to always say ' stress is either to early or to late ', a bit of truth there, but getting the mind set right is the hard part. The stress needs to be released, sometimes its genuine and part of our personal evolution and sometimes its stressing over spilt milk, ie pointless. I'm not being flippant, but Glint find an out let.

I've got some books that i've enjoyed over the last couple of years, they now gather dust. If you let me, i'm happy to send to you via gamcare. I've seen this done before, so i know its something Gamcare can do.

I wish you well and a good day.

Posted : 9th April 2017 7:34 am
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